the trip

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"I really hope hes not lying. I will kill him myself if he is" Glenn says. We get into the cars and start to drive. I'm with glenn in the front seat. I open the glove compartment and see a whole bunch of license plates. I grab them and look at them. There all different states. "I'm trying to get all 50 states" aaron says. " oh cool. My dad used to that. Had a whole garage wall of them" I say. Maybe this aaron guy isn't so bad after all.

"You have your own house?" Michonne asks "Mhm". Aaron hands her the pictures "here. See for yourself". She goes through them, slowly getting quicker and quicker. Oh no. "Why don't you have any pictures of your people?" Michonne asks "I took a picture of the whole group but I didnt get the exposure right. It didn't - " "did you ask him the questions?" Michonne interrupted. "No". "How many walkers have you killed?" Michonne asks. "I dont know. Alot" "how many people" "two." "Why?" "Because they tried to kill me". I found a listening device and showed it to Glenn "you were listening to us?" He yells. "Well I said I was watching you so yes I was listening" he says. "This isnt safe!". Then glenn hit some walkers. "Glenn!" I yell. "They were right behind us! Now they can get out" he says, still hitting walkers.

Blood covers the whole windshield. We cant see a thing. "Glenn be careful!" Michonne warns. We slide into a stop, all of us breathing heavily. We get out and start to look around. "I dont see them" I say. Please be here. Noah please be here. "No they're gone. They got away" glenn says from the top of the car. Good. I cant lose all those people in that car. None of us can. "We'll circle back and find them" rick demands. I help Glenn wipe some blood of the windshield wiper. "Geez this stuff is nasty" I say while gagging. I've killed plenty of zombies and the last time I actually touched its guts was back in the clothing store.

Me and glenn hop in "we can take a left a little ways up 23. Jefferson Avenue" rick says with obvious worry filling his voice. The engine wont start. I get out with michonne and start pulling guts out. Still just as gross as 3 minutes ago. A flare gun goes off. "I need to go. This is over" aaron says. What is he talking about? What happened at his place? We all start walking around. I go with glenn and we start looking for the other car. We run into the woods. Uh oh. That's a lot of walkers.

I turn around and I cant find Glenn. "Wheres glenn?" I yell. We continue killing the walkers. Where is glenn. Theresa whole heard of zombies next to us. Our guns run out and then one of the zombies gets shot in the head with a flare? The zombies start getting shot down. The fire stops and I turn around to see glenn "GLENN" I yell and run up and hug him. "Oh my gosh I thought you were dead". We got into the car and started to drive again. We found the others car a couple miles up.

"Y/n!" He yelled. I ran over to him and kissed him. "I thought for sure you were a goner" he says. We get back in the car and drive a little ways more. And there they are. The gates to Alexanderia.

Authors note - ALEXANDERIA YAY

600 words

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