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We are walking up towards the gate. My fingers are laced in with Noah's. Aaron bangs on the door. A possum rattles a garbage can and we all aim at it. Daryl shot it and held it up. "I brought dinner" . "Come on in guys" aaron says, signaling for us to follow. My grip on Noah's hand gets tighter. "Before we go any further we need you to return your weapons." The man says. "We don't know if we are gonna stay." Rick states, stepping forward. "Its fine nicholas" Aaron says.

So the guys name is nicholas. "Let them talk to Deanna" Aaron says. "Who's deanna?" Abraham asks. "Shes knows everything about this place. Rick why dont you start?". Rick nods and follows him. Everyone is gone for about 10 minutes each. Then it's my turn. I let go of Noah's hand and follow aaron. He brings me to a house on the corner of the road. We walk in and I see a middle aged lady with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hello I'm Deanna monroe" she says. "Hi I'm y/n". "Do you mind if I film this?" "Go ahead" I dont know why but whatever. "Here come sit" she signals to a chair. I sit down and she sits across from me.

"How long have you been out there?" "Since the beginning". "How did you find eachother?" "Glenn was delivering pizzas to me when it happened. We stuck together and found the group. A lot of our original people are dead. The rest we found on the way". "I was a congressperson. 15th district. You?" "I didnt have a real job. I just babysat a lot.". "Ok that's all I need to hear" "ok"

I walked back out. They took noah next so I went over to glenn. "She seems nice" I say. "Yeah. Yeah she does". We wait through everyone elses auditions. "Ok everyone line up" aaron says, walking with a cart. "Turn in your weapons". We all get in a line and put our weapons on the cart. "This place looks nice" I say to noah. "Yeah. I'm glad we gave it a chance". We decide to all move into the same house. Just for now. "Hey guys theres hot water" rick said. We get actual showers?!

When it was my turn to take a shower I couldn't believe how I looked. I had gotten a lot skinnier than when I was when this first started. My hair was probably 6 inches longer. I had bruises and cuts all along my face. Wow. I went in the shower. It felt so nice to feel warm water on my skin for the first time in about 2 years.

I went out and hugged Noah. "It feels so nice to be clean" I say. "That was the only good thing about Grady. There was showers" he says. "There was? How did I not know?" "You were too busy escaping" he says. Rick comes out with a shaven face. "Wow Grimes. Been a while since I've seen you like that" I laugh. By the time we're all done its night. Me and noah are sitting and watching a dvd on the player. "Wow we actually get movies" I say.

We are watching that 70s show. "Man I never thought I would watch this show again" I say. "I never watched it" he says. "Really! Wow noah". Then theres a knock on the door. Its deanna. "Hey you guys. Just wanted to see how you were settling in. I see you found the dvd player." She smiles. Me and noah both smile and nod. "Y/n, glenn and Noah tell me you gave them jobs. "Yep they are gonna help with some runs. I'll give all of you jobs later" she says.

She leaves and me and noah go back to that 70s show. The next day me, noah, tara and glenn meet with aiden and nicholas, the people we are gonna do runs with. "Nice to meet you. I'm aiden. This is nicholas." "I hear you guys have experience with supply runs?" He asks. "You guys have a nice pantry. Must do well" glenn says. "I have some background. Did some ROTC." "My dad did ROTC" Noah says. "He didnt make it?" Noah shakes his head "nah". Oh no. He dosent like talking about his dad.

"Come on. I'll show you the ropes" he starts walking. "Are we doing a run today?" Tara asks. "Just a dry run. Show you outside the walls. See how you do" he says. They handed us the weapons. Pistols. Really. What happened to my gun? We start walking out into the woods. "When we get out of the vehicle we divide into groups. Things go bad, you fire a flare gun" nicholas says. "Good system" Noah says. "You're standing here because we lost people last month"

"What happened?" I ask. "We were on a run and roamers came out. They didnt follow the system" he says. "If you're on this crew, you do exactly as I say" aiden says as he turns around. "Managed to string one of em up" nicholas said. They're keeping them? "Pregame ritual. Just beat it up" nicholas says. This guy is seriously messed up. "Help me find it!" Aiden yells. "What is wrong with them" glenn said. "I dont know. But they shouldn't be in control"

I looked around. "There it is" I aim my gun to it and kill it. "Why would you do that!?" Nicholas yelled. "Even if it killed your friend you don't tie it up! You kill it!" "I TOLD YOU TO LISTEN TO EVERYTHING I SAID" we all walked away from them. "Geez they are so stupid" I say. As we are walking in aiden is still yelling at us. "You guys need new jigs. Yiure not ready for runs." "Yeah pretty sure you got that backwards" glenn says. "Hey. Hey" aiden says, slowly getting closer. "We got a way of doing this around here. You dont" he says. "Last I checked we were the ones out there for two years."

"You obey my orders out there" aiden says. "Well then we are just as screwed as your last crew". Ooo glenn. That was a little too far. Aiden try's punching glenn but he ducks and punches him in the face. GO GLENN!! Deanna comes back "aiden! What is going on?" "Guys got a problem with the way we do things" "you listen to them when you are out there." Deanna says. Nicholas looks at me Noah and tara. "Geez hes got a problem" I say to them. "I'm sleeping with one eye open" tara says. We go back to the house and hang out for the rest of the day.

Authors note- so excited to write ab y/ns, Noah's and Tara's friendship!!! This story is going to go to the end of season 5. Then the sequel will start on season six.

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