Vegas Astute Demon

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Please read previous chapters to avoid any confusions.

Also Javi n Haan's present conversation will all we in normal font . The kingdom story line and conversation will all be in italics.

"So this is your family. A father , two brothers.." Javi says
"Three brothers" Haan protests
"But Macau is adopted"
"Three brothers"
"Ok sensitive oldie. Three brothers. But where is your mother."

"She was the lucky one to leave before witnessing the cruel truth of her family "

Kim Haan wakes up , it's very early in the morning, the sun is still not completely out in the sky but red colour has started to scatter. He doesn't remember when this happened that he started waking up so early. But he loved that time of the day. It was only him, his thoughts, birds, trees and the open sky. He wears his clothes , takes his sword which is always an essential as he doesn't trust anyone around not even his own people. He runs to a place that's a bit hilly , that is to warms his body with heat and sweat so he could further put himself to train. He never skips his training. Something that he does by self, in his own ways and methods. He strips from upper body while his harem pants are still on. A heavy rope is tied on his arms which carries bundle of bricks on both the sides, and stones tied up on his ankles, his hairs are tied up in a bun to keep his vision free from any hindrance. And he squats , jumps , sit ups are lunges with these weights on him. He is sweating already and it's only adding up. The tree infront of him has a carved picture of a person that's incomplete and a scabbard, the one which his father holds for now. These are his sources of motivation to push himself everyday to better. Better than everyone, at fighting, at strategizing, at planning and everything that a ruler of Alcazar should have. By the time he finishes, sun has appeared and his very first human voice of the day lands on his ears.

"Don't live in any delusions. I am not here for you." Zara says while plucking some fruits from the tree.

"I didn't say a word. You may continue to do what you are here for. I will take my leave"

Zara keeps standing infront of the tree, her back facing Kim Haan. She is almost confused as she hears his foot steps becoming distant. She turns around, and he was nowhere to be seen due to which she becomes a little sad , she stands there , with a pale face , thinking something and scratching the trunk of the tall tree standing infront of her.

"Why are you so cruel to this old tree, why don't you scratch me either ."

She smiles as Haan whispers in her ears from behind. He then brings both his hands to the front and takes Zara's wrists one by one and putting pearl beads bangles on them.

"I can't take this."
" I brought a gift for my best friend and she is refusing. Am i that bad?"
"Kim, i don't want to exploit you in the name of friendship. I don't want our friendship to be measured in these material valuables. I am already grateful that despite being a housemaid you have given me a chance to be called your friend ."

Kim Haan who was standing behind Zara with his hands on both her shoulders pulls back. His face show disturbance and hurt. And this time he literally starts walking away.

"Kim, please wait"
"I don't want to talk to you. Not now , not ever"
"Kim" Zara hold his hands.
"I am sorry. Don't go" she pauses to look into Kim's eyes. "Don't go please"

And Kim always stops when Zara requests him.


"All these time that i have always been with you and held our friendship close you think i will narrow it down with material? And I was so wrong , because what i considered as friendship, you have been taking it as a favour. I am disappointed Zara. I am hurt. You have hurt me with your cruel words "

"Did you even once asked me where did I get those bangles from. If you would have , then i would have told you that I made them myself, for you. Such a long time away from you, I wanted to give something as my promise to never leave you again. I collected those besides ocean, and made them with my own hands. Not a single penny was spent on it. I could have bought the most luxurious things to you, but i know how to honour you. But you don't trust me. Then what's the use of this friendship"

"Don't say that Kim . Forgive me. I should have listened to you. And i don't take our friendship as a favour."

"Then why are you grateful? Why calling you a friend is an unaffordable chance for you? Why is it not a right , like i have a right on you."

"I am sorry that I said that, please forgive me. See I am still wearing your gift. And i like it so much. And next time I want anklets. I am telling you with my right on you "

A smile appears on Kim's face which tries to hide but fails miserably due to Zara's tickling.

"Next time anklets. Promise. Now who will bring me water?"

"Oh yes, see i forgot in all this." Zara brings water from the nearby flowing river in a earthen container. And sponges away all the sweat and mud from Kim's bare body without any hesitation.

"I must be so bad looking, you don't even spare a glance at my body. Don't I make you nervous with no clothes on."

Zara thinks for few seconds and then throws him the upper jacket.

"You don't. I have seen a lot. And now I am not allowed to see. Reserve it for your partner, the one you will stamp "

"Even if i stamp someone, you will have to sponge my body everyday."

"In your dreams"
"Listen Zara"
"Listen Kim, it's time. Sun is shining bright. You should go home now. Mother would have prepared breakfast by now. And atleast today you will have to eat with everyone. "

"I want to eat with you. I loose my appetite on that royal arrangements"

"No, start eating with your family. And be a good son and a good brother. Just exercising and calculating is not a trait of a good leader." She combs his hair with her fingers and takes him with her. "You have to be loving and compassionate too"

"I love them"
"But you don't show it"
"Feelings should be hidden otherwise people take advantage of them"
"But you never hide your feelings infront of me"
"Because i know you will not take advantage of it"
"And do you promise that you will never take me for granted"
"Never, even if world is in my feet, i will never forget my best friend. I promise"

"Thank you. Now be this good to your majesty and your brothers too"

"She is a nice girl. I wish I could talk to her"

"You already are" Haan says almost inside his mouth which Javi is unable to hear.

"By the way, will I get to eat something or not" Javi asks

"Yes, you can eat everything. Even the royal breakfast. And yes don't worry you can eat even infront of them"

"But you said yesterday they will get scared to see things happening without no one around."

"I lied. Because i didn't want you to go behind her."

"Can I kill you "
"We will see that later." Haan says and walk towards the palace.

As Haan enters the royal gallery of the palace the first person that came running to him was Macau and behind him Saksit , Haan immediately smiles , the only person after Zara who could make him smile like that is Macau.

"What have you done this time Macau. Why is Phi Saksit running behind you."

"He wants to teach me something early morning ."

"Early morning studies are really good. When you learn something in the morning, you remember them for life. Why do you think Kim wakes up so early in the morning." Saksit says

"What are you teaching him phi" Kim asks

"I am trying to teach him languages but he is running away from me."

"Why are you not listening to him Macau. You are grown up now. Just imagine, if a girl comes from outside our country and she tries to talk to you , how impressed she would be if you will speak her language." Kim says to Macau

"Then phi Saksit, why don't you take me to your school. I promise if you take me out then i will learn everything any time you say."

"You know Macau, i can't do that" Saksit looks sad, "father will not allow it."

"Why" Macau pouts
"Because he worries about you." Haan says. "And we all worry about you. We don't want you to get hurt. And we can't trust anyone outside the family. You are really precious to father , and to all of us. You have to learn here only Macau. You are safe with phi Saksit. He will protect you even with his life "

"It's all a fallacy" a deep cold voice landed on their ears and Macau's eyes were wide in shock and fear when he saw in the direction of the voice.

There he was standing, Vegas Theerapanakul. His blue eyes were empty and they screamed coldness. His tall figure stood heaving as a raging bull waiting silently for his attack. His sack fabric clothes were dripping blood , and his fair skin looked more beautiful with red blood painted on it. His one hand held an axe and other hand had clutched the hairs of a man bend down.

"In attendance" Vegas roars, his eyes were fixated on Macau. Sharp , pointed . They were mysterious yet they said a lot to Macau .

Guards came after hearing his command.

"Take him to the basement" he orders and guards take the man away.

Vegas walks straight towards his brothers , his ragged shoes made a rustling sound. Both Haan and Saksit looked confused but Macau only looked terrified as Vegas kept his eyes on him .

"Want to see what love and protection does to you?" Vegas's steel like voice pierced sharp in Macau's ears. And just infront of his two other brother's eyes Vegas holds him by the back of his neck and drags him along .

Macau feels as if he has lost a voice , his eyes are teary, and they look in anticipation towards his brothers who are following behind, shouting Vegas's name. His name from their mouths echoes in the passage all the way to the basement but Vegas doesn't respond to them even once.

"Phi Vegas, let me go. I beg you Phi" Macau's cries were heart wrenching. But Vegas was indifferent to them.

They reached the basement and Vegas threw Macau inside a cell. But he was not there alone. The man Vegas brought with him earlier was sharing the space with him. He was a mid age guy , a lot taller and well built than Macau. Anger was heard in his every breath.

"Macau, this man was trying to enter to your Phi Saksit's room. He had a knife with him. And also some poisonous liquid. Now you have to decide what we have to do with this prisoner. I am going to take shower. When I come back, by then I want your final verdict for him. And if there is no final verdict then i will make him free to do whatever he wants with phi."

Vegas moves out , closing the cell. And he feels a weight on his shoulder. It was a sword and the owner was Haan.

"You dared to raise your sword on your elder brother ?" Vegas shouts and even Saksit stopped breathing for a second.

Haan clenches his jaw. He gulps down the anger filling up his throat. Vegas is elder and he has disrespected him by raising a weapon against him. He has to apologise.

"I beg to be forgiven" he says with the most involuntary tone.

"Granted. If anyone opens this door before my arrival. They shall witness Macau in blood." Vegas says and leaves. Haan and Saksit were not allowed in the basement. And it was well guarded under Vegas's order.

Both Haan and Saksit are pacing around. Their father is in his morning prayer and he cannot be disturbed at any cost.

Vegas enters his room. Large windows are open making the way for the sunlight. His bed his so made up that anyone would doubt if he even slept on it. His entire room looks like it has been newly organised. He goes to washroom straight away. Taking off his clothes, he stands naked infront of his mirror and looks at himself. He unties his hairs and blood drops splash on the mirror. He smirks at himself and then gets inside the tub filled with water. He lies down and goes deep down in it . The blue water is slowly turning red as the blood leaves his skin, displaying is face completely which still looks empty and cold. He massages away the blood from his hairs and leans his head backwards resting on it, trying to wash away the morning stress from his body.

On the other side Macau in that cell is sitting like a statue infront of that man. His breath is heavy, almost panting. He has tears and sweat mixing up on his cheeks. The man is observing him from head to toe with a wicked smile on his face.

"Your brother has left you to decide about me? Was he in his right mind? I will crush you with one move. I don't even need a weapon for you. He gets up and starts moving towards Macau.

There is a pin drop silence and only Macau's breath are making a sound.

Vegas is in the washroom and Saksit is shouting his name from the outside. Vegas has been gone for too long and they don't even know what is happening to Macau down there.

"Vegas, please come out. Please, you know my Macau, my child, he still so innocent. How will he tackle with that giant man. Please come out." Saksit was crying out loud.

"If something happens to Macau today , you will see my dead body Vegas" and Saksit goes running towards one of the rooftops in order to jump when the door opens and he stops in his steps .

Vegas, came out. His wet hairs open and down to his shoulders. Face relaxed and calm as if there is no chaos in his surrounding. Dressed in all black on his fair skin , he is beautiful than anyone in the near radius. And he walks like he has the power and everything is in control.

The man is standing infront of Macau cornering him .

"You bloody bastard. You are not even the son of this family. It won't be a sin to leave you life less here . I would have loved to ooze out your blood but since I have been robbed off my knife , i must strangle you to death."

"Please no. Phi, phi save me. Please phi Kim, phi Saksit " Macau's cries are heard till the upper floor. Haan is standing there helplessly because he remembers what Vegas said and he trust Vegas enough to do that if his order is not followed.

Macau closes his eyes in wait of the suffocation he will feel when those strong rough hands will strangle him and he will take his last breath. But as the man's fingers touched his little skin on the neck , a splash of blood coloured Macau. His eyes were opened even though the blood droplets have made their way in it.

"How dare you lay your fingers on him." It was Vegas who has just severed off the man's hand from his body. And the man's screams and Vegas laugh echoed in that rather empty basement. Macau was horrified but still took a deep breath that he was saved .

Saksit came running down and took Macau in his embrace.

"My child , my son , are you okay? Did he hurt you? Are you bleeding somewhere.?" He was crying and Macau was too while hugging him , hiding his face in his shoulders like he doesn't want to see anything around. Haan came back and anger was clearly visible in his face.

"Phi, take Macau upstairs" Saksit does the said.

"What did he do to him?" Haan asks
"He was about to strangle him." Vegas replies.

"Did you get what you wanted?"

"Not all. But this man is of no use now. I leave him upto to you. Treat him the way he deserves for laying his hands on the most precious person of this house".

And Vegas leaves. The verdict of the man was now left in Haan's hands and he did what should be done to the person trying to harm his phi as well as his Macau.

The basement was a pool of blood , the guards were told to wash it off and take the body parts in a rug sack and feed it to the vultures by the graveyard.

Rama comes back from his prayer, as his most trustworthy minister keeps telling him about the events that happened in his absence, he takes the acknowledgement of all.

All brothers and Rama sit for the breakfast together which is going in silence. Macau is still in horror of what happened but he tries his best to smile. Saksit and Zara who is serving them were a great help to him . Zara made his favourite dish in order to cheer him up. This as usual melts Kim Haan's heart and what made him more happy was seeing Zara wearing the bangles he gifted. He wants to smile , but he has restrain.

Rama stands up after finishing and so does others. He summons them all in the assembly hall. All of them know that he is by now aware of the morning saga and now they could be seen worried for what will follow specially in Vegas's regard.

"In your honour, Your majesty. "

They all were gathered in the hall. Not as father and sons but as statemen infront of their king

"Macau" Rama calls
"Khun Father" Macau runs to him crying as if he was desperate to get into his father's hold.

"Are you ok son? Did you get hurt somewhere?"

"I am ok khun father. But I want to be with you and Phi Saksit" he sniffles.

"Sure, you will be with us only. Nobody will dare to do anything to you from now on. I have to talk to your brothers. Do you want to stay or should I call sister Zara ?"

"I will stay" Macau says after a little hesitation as he looked towards Vegas and felt that he wanted him to stay.

"Vegas Theerapanakul " Rama roars. That is the voice of the king , the ultimate high order and an angry father , a protector.

"What made you think that you have a right to put my beloved son in your near death adventures. Are you that bothered by the fact that he is more adored even though he is adopted? Has your hate driven you to this cruelty?"

He looks straight into Vegas's eyes from his high end chair kept on the top.

Vegas marches forward with his hands pulling out his sword in the process and Kim Haan remains alert on his toes .

Vegas sits on his knees and keeps his sword forward infront of the king.

"I apologise for the first meeting like this after coming back from the mission your majesty . I wish I could have presented myself better. I apologise for the loss of life of our many soldiers. I wish I could have saved them."

Rama is conflicted at this moment. He is seeing his son after such a long time. He wants to hug him. He appreciates his sensibility of carrying a regret of lost lives than the arrogance of victory. Something which he finds lacking in Kim Haan. But right now he has to keep his emotions aside to give justice to Macau.

Vegas continues

"I present my sword to you your majesty. Even if slightest part of heart ever felt to harm Macau with a malice to avenge the fact that he is adopted and loved more, I shall put my head on the board to be slaughtered by your hands of valour."

"Stand in attention and explain your act"

Vegas followed

"May I ask Your Majesty and my

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