The Rama Clan

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To avoid any confusion please read Chapter number one and character introduction.
Each name, place and everything in the story is fictional and as per creative liberty.

As Haan and Javi are walking along , both are fascinated for different reasons. One in the never seen before feeling and the other in the revisiting of his past.

Clear blue sky is their roof while they are surrounded by the green trees standing tall. Something Javi hardly sees in his concrete jungle. There is a library of greenery surrounding them. Trees he has hardly seen. In his universe they don't exist. They look magical. He could still see fire flies blooming in surroundings as the sun is still to rise. The dark is still there while slowly heading towards the early morning light.

Below his feet is a half rough half tender muddy road with grasses soothing his feet. On closing his eyes he feels a light breez touching his cheeks , birds singing the sweet early morning songs, frogs returning to their home hopping and water sound is crystal clear.

"Do you hear that?" Javi asks Haan
" I know, i always use to wander in the early mornings. These birds and trees are my friends. They know the stories I never recited to anyone else. You see these trees around? They have life in them. They talk to you. They have a lot to tell you. They are blessed with tender touches pure souls."

Javi looks around and some of the trees have strange images carved out on them with a stone. Some look like hairs, some like fingers, some look like eyes. But none of the images are complete. None of them have a face yet they are beautiful but sad at the same time.

"When you look at them Kim, i see a guilt in your eyes" Javi says and Haan ignores that.

He wishes he could tell Javi the same thing. The same guilt is reflected in Javi's eyes. But it's not the right time. My each turn will make both Haan and Javi suffer in different ways , but as Haan has given me the responsibility, I will honour that.

"Hey Kim, what are those giggles?"

It's only now that Haan is realising he has reached close to the place he once use to call his shelter.

"Oh Kim i think there are people inside this cottage , should we hide?"

"Don't worry they can't see us." Haan is looking at the cottage again with guilt and dejection. He is sinking in his past, he can't escape that. With each step ahead he will have to face his life back.

They are moving close to cottage. And they discover the source of these poetic giggles.

A bunch of bird families were running around to different directions chasing their food.

And there she was. Looking at whom both Javi and Haan have stopped at their steps. Javi is mesmerized at her innocence and Haan has smile dipped in his tears.

Dusky skin, thin lips, green blue eyes with light brown hairs. Her head comes right to Haan's chest. Remembering that still gives a shrink to him.

Javi has not made a single movement. He is just watching the girl with wide eyes.

"Are you okay Javi" Haan is asking
"Who is she? She looks"
"Light. She looks like a light in the dark. My dark."

"What do you mean Kim?"
"Nothing. This is Zara"

"Zara...ummm why do i feel I know her? Like she is all I am looking for. Like she was there all the time but i didn't see."

"That's her magic."

"Aaaa, lord have mercy" Zara shouted

A mid size stone landed on her head with a paper wrapped around it. Her eyes lit up as soon as she read it and she looked at the direction of the rustling noise and ran towards it .

"Where is she going?" Javi runs behind her but is stopped by Haan.

"Javi, no?"
"Why? This is not any private moment. Someone threw something on her. What if it's an animal?"

"And will you save her from it?"
"Why not?"
"She will be more scared on seeing an animal getting killed without anyone around. So just shutup and keep watching what comes infront of you. Do not try to go after everything. Javi ..wait..Javi.."

"My eyes will be waiting to be a witness to your honourary moment" Zara said to a man who just walked away after patting her head. She wiped her tears and tied the paper given by the man in her long scarf and the roses that he gave her, she kept them carefully between a bundle of papers. These papers looked written but a lot has been erased"

"I want to hug her." Javi said
" Me too" Haan spoke without thinking.

"You too?"
"Shutup, let's go. We are very close to reach the most salient place for our purpose."


"Same premises , this is the servants cottage. But we have to head to a palace that's on the front." Back then Haan was never interested in the luxurious ameneties surrounding him but now there seems to be a strange fascination in him. That's the impact of revisiting your life I guess.

As the morning sun rose and light spread all around , the city was more than fairly visible. And it was now that Haan and Javi  reached the front doors of this enormous castle which looked no less than a city itself. They could see it's height even from thousands of feet away.

Haan entered the main door as heavily dressed and armed guards open it as a morning routine. Javi hesitated but followed him anyways. They walk a long distance. The road is still rough but the garden is full of luscious grass , flowers spreading plethora of colours and filling the environment with sweet fragrances. After walking for hours through various stops of small meeting gardens, big lawn for walks, fountain pools with ducks swimming in it, a lotus, rose and a tulip garden, trees with all sorts of fruits and also the one that merely stand for their beauty, they have finally reached infront of the magnificent building. Something Javi has never seen before.

White shining marbles, precision in artistic details, coloured glass pieces on the walls, the beauty of it was worth to boast yet anyone would run out of words. Haan and Javi walked through many corridors. Haan remembers each and every corner of this place. He doesn't even need a guidance. Javi is just following him lost in the beauty of the palace.

Both are looking around when a loud alarm goes off, its sound is like that if a trumpet. It usually goes on for for about thirty seconds and is an indication of an important announcement coming ahead.

Through one of the courtyards Javi and Haan are looking up on the sky , there are colours being spread alongwith the sound. The sky is clear and it's considered the arrival of good things. Javi has wide eyes while Haan with a wide smile opens his arms as if he is embracing the soil, the air, the sounds , the feel of his home. This is the first thing he could feel after a long wait of five hundred years.

"Welcome Haan , welcome to Alcazar again." He says.

"Alcazar?" Javi has heard this name for the first time.

"Yes, The Kingdom of Alcazar. The biggest and largest ruler. The most respected, the most feared, the most honoured. This is where our story starts. From now on Javi, you can't be joking around. It's your crucial time, you are the spectator of every story here. I give you this , and I want you to hold it close, not a single miss, even of an eye snap is allowed. Here we all are going to get our answers."

The alarm guard: " on the behalf of honoured name of his majesty it is to be informed to all the state people that Prince Vegas Theerapanakul and Prince Kim Theerapanakul will be returning today after completion of their five and four years of training respectively alongwith conquering two provinces of  southern territory. His majesty invites everyone to come this morning and bless both the princes for their success. The grand feast alongwith the musical night will be held on the sides of Tang Na valley tonight. His majesty himself will make his presence available in the joyful celebration. Sworn in Blood For Alcazar."

After the announcement reached to all the people in the near or far by, there was a celebration already started. State people loved their king and his happiness was their happiness.

Carrying forward the rule of his late father the now King Rama Theerapanakul had made Alcazar a very dominating rule throughout the northern- eastern territory. He owned lands, water and even air of this part of country. Every decision of every house under his rule was moved only after his permission. He freed his sub ordinates rulers from any bounding treaties of the past and even though they continued to remain at Alcazar's disposal yet they were independent to rule their parts without interference of the ultimate King. Rama was like guardian to his state people. He loved them more than his life. Their happiness and sadness was as much his part as it was their. And so he was worshipped like a god and his celebration of his sons coming back to him after years was also the celebration of all the people of Alcazar.

Standing infront of a mirror as tall as him is King Rama getting ready for welcoming his sons. And helping him to dress up suitably for the occasion is his eldest son Khun Saksit.

An example of humility and tenderness Khun Saksit is away from all the charms of being the eldest son of the king. He is as simple as any farmer in the country. He received all the qualities of his father and his late mother except of wanting to fight wars and win over enemies. He likes to spend time among his people. Always interested towards studying, he took the initiative of opening a learning house for children in the villages and he often visits to different houses to teach them himself. He has always been loved by elderly, children and even by the people of his own age. Even after a lot of insistence from his father , he didn't want to take any official position in the empire also he refused to be sworn as next king after his father. He wants to impart culture and values and thus he is second most respected person among people. In their need if king is not available they know khun Saksit is going to be there.

"Saksit, are you happy to see your brothers after such a long time?" King asks his son.

"Yes your majesty. I am eagerly waiting for them."
"Son, we are not in the court , call me father." King says patting Saksit's back.

"Forgive me father , my mistake" they both laugh.

"They share a good father son bond." Javi says to which Haan nods. It's strange to see them in the same space with Rama and Saksit yet so far from each other.

Rama and Saksit proceeds towards the most important room of their grand home. As no decision of this town goes without Rama's approval, same way nothing in this house goes without the permission of this person. He is the gem and the wonder boy of this house.

They knock the door and it was already opened. Lying on his beautiful bed was a young boy. His youth is just blossoming now. Light beard and moustache. Fair skin and a childlike smile. Dreaming something really beautiful this is Macau Theerapanakul or Macau Awut.

Macau is son of the most loyal ministers of Rama who got killed in one of the expedition while saving Rama. His wife could not take the shock and killed herself. Macau was only six years old that time. Rama adopted him and decided to fulfill all his responsibilities like a father to him in order to pay for the sacrifice of his minister. It didn't took long for Macau to gel in as a family member. He was loved by all of them and even the servants and guards. He is a transparent pure heart. He is the light of the house. His giggles and smiles , his pranks and stories bring life to this otherwise serious place. And he is a wonderboy because everyone believes he has some power to foresee things. Rama still often recalls the night when he was sitting in his library and Macau was reading there. He must have been around ten that time.

"What are you thinking khun father?" that is what he calls Rama.

"I am thinking i have to start training your Phi Saksit for being the next ruler."

"Why? He will not be the next ruler."
"Why you say so Macau?"
"Because he will soon meet an accident and because of that he will start thinking about life differently and will not attach himself to world pleasures."

"And how do you know it son?" Rama becomes curious

"I don't know. But something in me tells me that. I also knew my mother was going to jump off the cliff and never come back." Rama hugs the child to stop him from thinking further, but he was also scared. If what Macau said was true , Saksit will soon be in accident.

And it turned out to be true. Saksit was caught in the fire. He had a near death experience. He was burned on his back and chest , smoke choked him and he could only be saved after months of care. When he woke up he was a changed person. It took a lot for him to accept his burned marks, and to come out of the fear of death. He started learning and understanding more about life and slowly detached himself from any desires of becoming a king in later life.

Since then Rama believed every word that Macau said. From small to big Macau's predictions often proved to be accurate and Rama has a lot of trust on him as well as he understands that Macau's life is always in danger because of his power. He always tries to give him more than required protection. Still he gave him permission to learn and educate himself, but within the fort walls. He has friends, they come to play with him, learn with him inside the palace only. But Macau accepted this decision of Rama as he thinks of him as his own father.

"Macau, you need to come out of your dream , your both Phi are returning today. Won't you welcome them?"

Macau gets up streching himself and climbs on Saksit lap sleeping on his shoulders again.

"Khun Macau, you are not a child anymore." Saksit says brushing Macau's hair. "Let's get you ready now. You are the most special guest of this even."

"Swadee Phi Saksit , in your honour khun father" Macau greets them and urges Saksit to help him get ready. He always makes Saksit pamper him.

All three have reached the venue and are welcomed with loud trumpet music and their kingdom's slogan. Thousand of public is shouting together

"Sworn in blood for Alcazar"
"Sworn in blood for Alcazar"

The highest throne is Rama's. Macau sits right beside him whereas all the three brothers have their honoured chairs three steps down from their father , King Rama.

People are singing, enjoying with tears in their eyes to watch this reunion of father sons and all brothers.

The caravan has arrived. A march of hundred beautiful white horses with two different ones in between. The brown and the black who belong to Kim and Vegas respectively. Seated at a height of fourth floor King Rama could see those horses and has a proud smile on his face but he is confused as the horses don't have anyone sitting on them. But at the same time Saksit is smiling because he knows his brothers remember their first lesson he taught them.

"A son will approach head held high in arrogance riding his horse like a winner infront of his father only when he feels that he has surpassed the father in every character and valour. That's when he has started looking father as someone less than him. The day you do that , you will be breaking father and our King Rama completely from his pride."

Saksit is glad that his brothers have not got that feeling yet and they are still respectful towards their father.

As the march is moving forward the crowd is going silent as emotions are flowing. Rama has opened his arms to welcome his son Kim Haan Theerapanakul.

He has sharp body , the long leather jacket with skin hugging bottoms fits him perfectly. Fair, brown eyes with cunning smile. He gives out a mysterious aura. Nobody can read his mind.

"Kim, that's you. God you looked beautiful , so handsome." Javi said

"What do you mean looked? I still am beautiful."

"Not that much to be honest...wait..are you crying? why are your eyes wet."

"Shutup Javi. You will know this feeling if you get to revisit your life" Haan says , wiping his tears off. He remembers this moment, how proud his father was and how happy was Macau to see him.

"In your honour father" Kim Haan gets on his one knee , head bowed infront of his father keeping his sword in his father's feet as a sign of respect.
The crowd joins
"In the honour of his majesty"
"In the honour of his majesty "
"In the honour of his majesty "

Kim Haan picks the sword up and gets up , Rama takes the sword and puts it in Kim's scabbard while stamping the scabbard with Kim's name initials. That ritual defines that he is now officially the member of court and a position holder for his kingdom's decision making processes and a designated fighter. In future the one person Kim Haan stamps with his initials with his choice, that person will become his life partner.

Alcazar king family has three categories of scabbards which are given as per the traits of the person.

The silver is given to the most peaceful son of the family which went to Saksit. The gold one is given to the person who looks forward to achieving something passionately for the kingdom and himself which went to Kim. The iron one is given to the person who is willing to throw himself in hardships in order to save his people and his state, who keeps himself the last , it went to Vegas. And the one which has all the three elements is that of the king which means for now it belongs to Rama but soon he will hand it over the future king . As for Macau he has been given a dagger with a platinum scabbard as he is the most precious person of the family.

"Where is Vegas?" Rama asks Kim
"You know him father. He has send his apologies but because he has already had this ceremony last year , he didn't want to take away this moment from me. Also he found something beautiful to hunt in the forest. I beg for forgiveness"

"Stand assured." Rama says as a sign of forgiving. "This is your special day in a lot of ways and Vegas has already been honoured and his scabbard has also been stamped. He did the right thing."

Rama steps

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