Chapter Thirty-One

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"Movie night just got a whole lot better" -Hudson Diamante


A L L Y ' S  P O V

I wake up from my sleep from a cry next to me. Then I feel something crawling on my stomach, causing me to wake up. My eyelids open to the view of Puppy crying and wailing on my stomach.

I comb my fingers through his fur, "What's wrong, Gorgeous?" I just get the same cries from before. I pick him up in my arms and start my adventure downstairs.

We go outside first, and then I feed him more turkey slices. We need to go get dog supplies shopping today. Puppy eats and drinks and does his business, and then Mia enters the living room, eyes lasering to the puppy by my side on the couch.

Her eyes widen immensely. "It was true! You did get a puppy!" She rushes over to the couch and swipes him up, startling the dog.

Puppy squirms trying to get out of Mia's embrace, eventually he reaches his goal and falls out of her arms onto the marble floor. Once he realized he was once again on the floor, he scrambled to rest behind my legs. I look to Mia and she looks to be a mix of sad and embarrassed.

"Don't be upset, I don't think he was treated well at his old home." Mia nods and comes to sit down next to me. I pick him up off the ground and place him in my lap. Mia reaches out slowly and Puppy sniffs her hand.

He seems calm but cautious.

The puppy started warming up to Mia after a few minutes then Hudson appeared coming down the stairway.

"Morning guys." Hudson walked right over to us and picked up Puppy from my lap. The dog started continuously licking and playing with Hudson. "He likes me more. Us guys need to stick together."

"Pfft. Whatever, we both know he prefers me. I was the one who saved him after all." I raise my brows. Hudson chuckled.

"We need to either get him chipped or get a collar for the little guy. Want to go to PetSmart?" Hudson requested.

Before I could reply, Mia did. "Yes, let's go right now!"

I look at the clock, which reads 10:04 am. "Is anywhere even open right now? Where are Peyton and Aaron?" I ask, looking at Mia.

"Still sleeping, and PetSmart opens at 10 o'clock, so we could leave now if we wanted to." Mia answers. Hudson puts Puppy back on the floor and he goes sniffing around the room.

Hudson shrugs his shoulders. "We could go right now, I don't really care."

Mia jumps up from her seat, "Yay! Let's go right now! I'll get my shoes!" She runs off finding her shoes. I skip up to Hudson, raising an eyebrow.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Always." He answers.




"What colour should we buy?" I ask Hudson holding up a turquoise and a green collar. Hudson looks at the two then grabs the turquoise one and throws it in the cart.

"Ok then." I smile, picking up the matching leash and tossing it with the rest of things we have already picked up: dog dishes, food, two boxes of treats, many dog toys, and a dog bowtie.

Don't ask.

"I don't understand why you aren't picking everything out. It's your dog, not mine." Hudson exclaims while petting Puppy who's currently in the cart.

I turn to him sharply, "What do you mean, 'my dog?'" I didn't even think about taking this pup home with me to Manchester. It would be a long ride, and I don't even know if my family would approve.

Hudson turns to me smugly, "Like you said, 'you saved him after all.'" He throws my words back at me and looks over the dog tags.

The puppy reaches his front paws on the top of the cart, looking at me with his tongue out his mouth. I smile to myself, smoothing out the fur on his head. "Do you want to be mine? Do you want to go to England?" I ask in a baby voice, but the animal just continues panting and licking my wrist.

Mia comes up with a shark costume in size small, looking at me with pleading eyes. "Can we get this?" She asks.

I take the outfit from her hands, "No."

She pouts, "Why?"

"Because he would never wear it, except for Halloween. One day for a fifteen dollar costume isn't worth it." She gives me the puppy eyes. She does puppy eyes better than the actual puppy.

"That's not true! He could wear it during Shark Week!" Mia exclaims, begging more. Hudson is just watching this exchange with amused eyes.

I give the costume back to her pouting self. "Nice try." She huffs in annoyance and walks to put the costume back.

"Wow, nobody ever tells Mia 'no.'" Hudson informs me with his arms crossed.

I snort, moving over to stand next to him. "Well someone should, a child should never be spoilt, it teaches snobbiness." I remind him. He shrugs and shows me the dog tag he picked out. It was a plain circular silver plate, with forest signs decorating the metal. "I like that one, throw it in the cart!" I tell him with a dramatic sweep of my arm.

He chuckles and puts it in the cart, with no effect. "Well, that was anticlimactic." I judge, Hudson ignores me though and continues looking for whatever.

We walk up to pay for everything, and Hudson refuses to let me pay. "Hudson it's my dog, I should be the one to pay for everything."

"I'm the one with too much money, and I like to spoil people I like." My face heats up from his exclamation, but I don't stop.

"Fine, give me your card," I order, he looks at me weirdly from giving up so quickly. He hands me the platinum card nonetheless. I step up to the cashier, which both my card and Hudson's card in hand. "Pick a card," I say, Hudson, chuckling behind me. I nudge my card forward a little bit, and he definitely got the message.

The worker chose my card and Hudson groans. "Seriously man?" Hudson jokes, I give the cashier a high-five.

"Better luck next time, Diamante," I say smoothly. The cashier was placing things in the bags and hands me the dog tag. "Hudson, do you mind waiting by the engraving station?" I ask sweetly, he gives me a frustrated look, but walks to the machine holding the puppy anyway.

I pay a ridiculous amount of money for supplies and waltz my way over to Hudson, pushing the cart.

"I already put the tag in the machine, and all you have to do is enter your information," Hudson stated, moving over to let me press the buttons.

I smile as I type the name I chose. I filled out the rest, using both my and Hudson's address depending on where he is, adding my name and my number. "What kind of name is that?" Mia asks. "You should have picked something like Tiger or Jack."

I look at Mia after clicking the font I want used on the tag. "My dog, my name." I smile smugly at her then turn back at the tag, watching the diamond tip carve each letter into the metal.

Hudson grabs the tag and the collar we picked, then added the tag onto the ring. Moving to the puppy, Hudson clicks the collar around his neck. "It's an adorable name," I remark turning to both Mia and Hudson. "Stop bullying me."

Hudson chuckles. "All right Ally. Let's get home, I still want to have our movie night." Hudson explains to me, rubbing the dog's neck.

Mia makes a disgusted face, "I'm scared to know about these 'movie nights' and why you two have them all the time." I was about to say that it's only a movie night, but Hudson cuts in before me and slings an arm around his sister.

"It's all about the experience, sis." Hudson teases, making Mia's eyes widen and gag in result. She pushes his arm off her shoulders like he's infected, and shivers in disgust.

I scoff, getting behind the cart. "Hudson, shut up! Mia, movie nights are just that, movie nights. It only gets intimate when Hudson picks out his favourite types of movies; romance." I whisper the last part to her, making her laugh and Hudson grow a red face.

He shakes his head side to side, "I happen to like romance movies, and I'm not ashamed of it!" He grabs my puppy from the cart and walks out of the store, with Mia and me laughing at his retreating figure.

I start moving the cart and follow Hudson when Mia asks. "Seriously though why did you pick the name, Humphrey?" She asks.

"Because it's really cute and innocent, and god knows we could use more innocent things in my life." I once again whisper the part about needing innocence in my life, so she couldn't hear it.




We arrive home and a lot of staff came to the car and remove all the paper bags full of puppy things. Hudson was grouchy a lot of the way home, and ignoring Mia's remarks about 'When is Hudson going to make the switch,' and, 'Hudson should come out of the closet before Christmas.'

He one time replied, 'I prefer three holes over two,' but luckily Mia didn't hear that. I smacked his shoulder before he could continue down that road.

As we entered the family room, we could see Peyton looking at us with anger on her face. Well more like Hudson.

"Hudson Diamante! What about, 'You are grounded,' do you not understand?" Peyton asked trying to keep her voice down, but couldn't hide the frustration and annoyance tones.

Hudson looks at her with wide eyes, "You weren't joking?!" He asked back, appalled.

Aaron scoffs, "If she didn't mean it, she wouldn't have said it." He walked towards Hudson with a stone expression. After ten seconds he held his hand out, palm to the sky. "Phone."

Hudson immediately started to protest, "What? Dad, you can't be serious!" When Aaron wouldn't say anything else and just continued staring at Hudson, he eventually gave up and handed over his phone, sighing in annoyance. "This is bullshit." Aaron tucked the phone in his suit pocket and walked back to stand by his wife's side.

Everyone was just standing there, so I decided to walk out of the room. Taking myself away from the drama. I hadn't realized Hudson followed me until he sat down next to me.

"How's it going?" I ask awkwardly, trying to keep in my laughter of the situation.

Hudson just huffs and turns his head to look at me. "I'm ready for that movie night." And with that, he stands up and waits for me to follow. We end up grabbing all the food we bought yesterday, and he guided me to the theater room. Or as Hudson calls it 'our theater room.'




"I don't understand why somebody would write love letters to their crush. Is that really a thing girls do?" Hudson asks as we watch.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. I think it was just an idea that started a book and turned into a movie." I can't really see him in the dim-movie light, but I think he nodded to my response.

"This whole movie just seems really cliche." He tells.

I completely shift my body to face him, only making out his figure and face. "Oh really? And what is your idea of 'cliche?'"

Hudson copies my action, facing me fully. "A girl who isn't popular in the slightest magically ends up with the high school golden guy by some accidental reason; making them become closer." As he explains he comes closer to me, trying to be dramatic. "They become friends, end up getting together, and with no issues at all have a happily ever after."

After his whole explanation, we are fairly close to each other. Less than half of one foot. "Seems oddly familiar doesn't it?" I question in an airy voice. My back is straight against the edge of the couch, with my arms keeping me up as he leans over me.

Hudson chuckles, looking deep into my eyes. The movie hit a very bright scene, making his face very apparent. He took large breaths, before continuing. "So you know what comes next, right?"

We're both staring at each other intensely, waiting for my next words. They come out without me even thinking. "Why don't you remind me?" I ask, looking from his lips to his eyes.

"I'd love to." That's all the words I need to hear before grabbing a handful of his t-shirt and pushing my lips to his.

Once our lips attached, Hudson takes his arms and moves our bodies to lay flat on the couch. I run my fingers through his hair and pulling lightly. He liked that and used one of his own hands to run through my hair, and do the same to me.

As the kiss gets more intense, we both have the same idea to open our mouths and let our tongues meet. More sounds produce from mine and Hudson's throats as the kiss continues. I take my hand that rested on Hudson's shoulder and moved down his back. Taking that hand, I slipped under his shirt, and ran up his muscles, massaging each crevice and bump.

He growled when my fingernails clawed into his skin, leaving marks. He clearly enjoyed that, because he took his hand that was caressing my cheek, and ran his hand down my torso to my thigh, wrapping it around his waist. I could feel his hand, sliding up so that it laid on my really high thigh. So high it's borderline my ass and thigh. One cheek to another.

After a few more minutes of making out, we broke apart, and Hudson smirked at me. "Movie night just got a whole lot better." I smiled at him, before kissing him again. 


Hey. I got through Hell- I mean cheer camp. The reason I didn't upload this week was because I'm on holiday. I went to Paris and now I'm in Italy. So that's fun. It's really pretty here ngl. 

What's going to happen with Hudson and Ally?

How's Humphrey going to adapt to Diamante life?

Will things between Ally and Hudson happen?

Teaser: "His name is Cody... he's really sweet and I like him" -??

28/06/19 - Happy Reading! -Bri xx

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