The whole day and the whole week two guards that were summoned by Namjoon had been constantly trying to find the young mother. It gotten a bit difficult since the girl hardly showed up to the same area where he first met her. They even went to the shelter home asking if she was around, the worker said they never seen them the whole week except that one time.
When things got even more complicated, one of the guards were in their cars at the same area , patiently waiting. Hoping that the girls would show up and prayers had been answered because there she was with her son walking towards the gate. She looked at it shaking the gate before soon walking away but had been stopped by two buff guys blocking her way.
She was scared as she hurriedly picked up her son about to dash till one of the guards blocked her. She thought she was going to get kidnap and she immediately screamed till one of the guards had covered her mouth.
Byeol was too about to scream till the other man got a hold of him. "Stop screaming, our boss just wants to talk to you" he said.
"So calm down miss or else!" The other one said he took off his hand and this got Ami to quietly calm down breathing in and out.
"Byeol!" She shouted taking her son in her arms, he was crying non-stop too shaken up by all of this. She shushed him to calm down and couple minutes later he wiped off his tears resting his head on her shoulder.
"Wh-what do you want?!" She yelled at the two men.
"We are not hear to disturb you in anyway but please come with us because our boss wants to see you. He wants to offer you something."
"Lire, you're trying to kidnap me and my son"
"Well if we were you would've been in the car by now.." he said and she thought about it realizing, yes they could've but she's here talking to them in a calmer way.
"Who's this boss you speak of?" She asked in curiosity.
"Kim NamJoon..he had seen you sleeping in the streets once and has ordered us to come get you and your son. So please trust us and follow us, he is a good man." They said.
Her memory came back to that incident of when meeting a really nice looking man, he'd offer for them to stay at his place but she refused. At that moment she had no choice but to go with them, she was in desperate need of a place to go. Her son needed to be fed, bathed and sleep well, her son was the most important thing in the world, opportunities like this doesn't come very often and she was happy that the gods had given her a simple hope.
With an agreement, they soon headed off to his company. She was in awe of how huge the building was, then again it's a hotel, everything was gold and silver with beautiful decorated crystal chandeliers to red carpets going up the stairs and into the lobby. She had never been in such a wealthy area before it made her a big intimidated.
They took her to the 101 floor where his office is, they knocked on the door and with a loud 'come in' voice they gestured her to enter. She was hesitant at first but knew she couldn't keep a business man waiting for too long. She had entered the office staring once again in awe, with dark brown polished woods, with books of all sorts, the windows were clear to see the entire city and in the middle of it all was a man sitting down too busy signing signatures on the folders to notice her presence.
But he had looked up, paused for a moment till putting his things aside to give all his attention to the girl in front of him. "Ah it's you! You finally made it. So glad my boys found you" he chuckled in his deep tone, which was definitely something she loved to hear.
"Mm..yes sir." She said softly.
"Come, come sit down" he said getting up from his seat gesturing her to sit down. She obeyed sitting on the black leather chair comfortably, it's been so long to sit on something this good she thought.
Namjoon goes back to sit down and smiled at her adding on his dimples. "Okay well I'm Kim Namjoon, 25 years old a CEO for Royalty Hotels and Ilsan Hotels. I do also own Kim's clothing line as well." He said.
"Anyways, the reason why I have brought you to my office is because of what had happen on a Monday morning. It ..bothers me that your sleeping outside in the streets with your son. So I'm offering you to live with me or I can get you your own place, for rent don't bother I'll take care of it." He says smiling at her.
She however tried to process what's happening at the moment, no one had ever done this for her. She wanted to cry but held her tears, she'd always wanted to give something for her son. Something that he can call home for his entire life.
"I..I can pay you back as soon as I get the money." She said softly. He hummed but had a better idea.
"You don't have to repay me anything. As long as you're living well with your son that's the best thing for me. I don't need you to lend me money for my actions, just be happy and I'll be happy." He says.
"Wh-why are you doing this? Why me?"
"Why not, your a beautiful girl. A young mother who's been taking care of her son for so long you deserve something great in your life for once. Please take my offer." He said.
She looked at Byeol who was already sleeping on her shoulder. She gave him a small peck on his head and glanced at NamJoon.
"O-okay..sir, I'll take it.." she says with a smile that hardly was ever plastered on her face.
"Please call me NamJoon and what's your name and the little boy?"
"Moon Ami, and Byeol" she says.
"That's beautiful" he smiled showing his dimples again.
-pls don't be shy to comment (≧∀≦)huhuh
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