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It was a cold night, they didn't have enough clothes to keep them warm for the night. Ami shivered, trying to sleep but couldn't. She hugged tightly on Byeol who was sleeping soundly in her arms. She covered him up so he could stay warm. Her body heat seems to enough for the young child.

Her eyes started to drift, and in seconds she had fallen asleep.


The sound of cars and other vehicles became clear in her mind, the shimmering sunlight bathed their bodies giving them complete warmth, but it was yet hard to wake up. She didn't sleep well nor slept at all.

A young man, who's in his late 20s was walking around the neighborhood to head off to one of his favorite coffee shop. He was surprised to see a young her and a little boy snuggling their bodies together. He immediately rushes towards the two thinking they could've been in trouble for some sort of reasons. He then began to slowly shake her shoulder.

"Miss please wake up, it's not safe to sleep out in the cold" he says.

He tried again and this time she finally jolted out, staring at her surroundings finding out that it's already morning. She averted her eyes at the guy that was in front of her, her eyes widen by how good looking he was. Startled she didn't say anything and stood up as she held on her son.

"Are you lost miss" he questioned. With a deep raspy voice that triggered her soul. It was beautiful to hear.

"N-no..I li-live here" she says embarrass as she looked down for a bit. She was going to excuse herself assuming she had disturbed him in some way, but he held her arm making her flinch.

"You live in the streets?"

"Y-yeah..a-anyways I sh-should go bye" she said, yet he kept his arm on her with empathy.

"Where will you go?"

She didn't understand why this guy was even asking her these sort of questions. Yet she's always been so polite that she had told him they'll find a different place to stay. Then he'd ask if they had money for food, she said no and that's when the young man sigh.

"Come stay with me, with your son. I have an extra room -"

"N-no no it's fine. We can manage, th-there's probably a shelter home nearby so I ..I can just go there. But thank you for your offer" she bowed ninety degrees and left leaving Namjoon baffled yet didn't know what else he could do.

He definitely didn't want the young mother to be sleeping outside into the cold night along with her son. It's also dangerous, men could do harmful things to them and that idea couldn't seem to leave his mind. He had to do something and quick. So he had called two of his guards to spy on a specific girl living in the area, he had ordered them to send them to his office as soon as they find her so he could discuss about this situation.

For now he had went to his favorite coffee shop, ordering hot caramel latte while thinking of what had happened. It just couldn't seem to leave his thoughts.

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