As much as she tried to hold it in, the pain came out like an uproar from her throat in the form of a silent scream. The beads of water started falling down one after another, without a sign of stopping.
Her dark brown chestnut eyes continued to stare at the image that was disappearing ever so quickly, "D-don't leave me" she mumbled.
She flinched when her eyes glances down to meet Byeol. His small hands holding hers, never letting go. "D-don't cry m-mama" he says. His other hand wanting to wipe her tears away but he couldn't reach it.
She gave a small reassuring smile as she wipes those flooded water off her eyes. She picked Byeol up thanking him for being part of her life, in that moment. She was determined to get Yoongi back, even if it means fighting with that girl.
"Lets go" she says.
They started to walk placing the items in the trunk, she puts Byeol in the back seat and when she turned around she witnessed the two couple. Yoongi had wrapped his arms around her small body giving her warmth, while he lays his head on her shoulder. Her heart was racing fast and she really wanted answers as to what the hell was going on.
Negative thoughts circulated her mind, thinking if Yoongi had actually pretended to die just so he could be with some new girl. To her it didn't make sense, he left her on that day. He was 'supposed" to be dead, he had an illness that could've killed him right then so why did he have to leave during that day, disappear then comes back in a year or so with a new girlfriend? She didn't understand any of it all. Was everything a lie again? She wondered.
Her mind wasn't even thinking straight nor was her body, she practically started walking towards the two while they waited for bus, Yoongi locked gazes with Ami. His smile faded pushing off Lucy.
The girl sees Ami and bows politely at her. Without any warning Ami had slapped the girl, she was shock and so was Yoongi. He pushed Ami away going in front of Lucy, by then Ami had began crying again. He used to do the same thing when someone dared try to harm her in any way. He protected her, and seeing him protect someone else burns her heart deeply.
"Why did you do that?! You don't just come up to people and slap someone for nothing!" He yelled at her.
"Y-Yoongi I'm fine really it's just a misunderstanding.." Lucy says. Lucy wanted to cry, she had never been slapped before, thus for something she didn't what she did wrong.
"No, your not. She just slapped you." He says. He goes to face Ami again, she tried to keep a brace face but wasn't working she needed answers but the way she handled it was just very useless. She really didn't have to do that to the girl, a simple conversation would've worked yet she was just angry with the world.
Many people had abandoned her for so long, lied to her, spat at her for being too young to take care of a child. She's been abuse, physically, mentally, and verbally that all she wanted was one person ..just one to just hold her and tell her everything will be okay. How she missed the man that cherished her so dearly, but he's with someone else, and another pain in heart has erupted.
"Miss, please stop crying and tell me why you slapped my girlfriend" he ask her this time calmly.
He was stunned that she even knew his name. "I'm did you know my name"
"'m Ami. We used to be a couple..s-so if you could just remember me and tell what happened t-to you that be great" she says holding in her tears and trying to stay strong.
"Um..sorry, but I don't know any Ami. I'm sorry I ..we have to go.." was all he said before taking his girlfriend away from here.
"N-no wait please ..j-just stay." She said softly but they were already gone.
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