4 months later..
Ami never married anyone because she's still waiting for her lover to come put a ring on her finger. Yes he's dead, but she can only dream and dreaming wasn't a bad thing. She would always go outside where the body lays and she'd placed flowers on the side for him.
She would sit on the ground while staring at the dried blood stained that never seemed to have come off, it was permanently inked there as if reminding her what had happened to him.
"Ma-mmaaa~" Byeol shouted coming towards her. She glanced behind as she held her son.
"Did you eat your breakfast?"
"Y-yes" he says munching on some chips.
"Okay, lets go back inside. We are going to get some groceries whoohoo~" she says trying be happy for once but it just seems so fake.
"C-can we get s-some strawberries" he asked nicely.
"Of course" she says.
They finally got ready and head off to the grocery store. She placed him inside the cart pushing him around while she grabs the items she needed and what Byeol also needed. When Byeol got bored, Ami took him to the play room, so she could finish up quickly. Byeol indeed had a blast running around playing with bunch of kids while Ami simply goes back to shopping.
She walked to the snacks section grabbing the ones her son likes. There was one that she saw but it was the last one, she quickly tried to grab it but someone else took it instead.
"Sorry.." he says.
His voice was familiar, hesitant to look back, but she had the courage to lift her head up and sees that he had already walked away from her. Even his back was familiar but maybe she missed Yoongi so much that every man she meets she ends up being paranoid thinking it's actually him when it's not.
She watched him, his back features and his ruffled black hair simply screamed Yoongi but it could be anyone. Then she sighs deeply when she sees him holding another girls hand, she was pretty. A bit younger than he was, their backs still facing Ami so she really couldn't see there full image except the girls side view.
"Cute couple..." She mumbled to herself.
Yoongi held hands with Lucy, swaying every now and then. He finally grabbed the last snack that he loved so much, though he wanted to give it to the girl but then again he's Yoongi he hardly shares.
"Oppa, you okay?" She ask.
"Yeah..that girl..maybe I'm in over my head" he slightly chuckles.
"Ahh~ she's pretty right?" She giggles.
"Yeah..I mean um no. I mean yes she's pretty but you're cute" he says pinching her cheeks which now burns red.
"I'll take the compliment hehe" she says.
"So what else do you need?" He ask while he pushed the cart.
"Hmm? Oh strawberries." She giggled.
"Okay, I'll go get it" he says ruffling her hair.
He walked to the fruit section scanning the strawberries. He was about to grab one till someone else grabbed the same thing.
"Honestly there's a bunch of strawberries out here, why do you people take whatever I choose?" He said in his lazy annoyed tone.
Too stunned to even say anything, Ami glanced at him. Was she dreaming she thought, was this some kind of joke? She stared at him, the one that was supposed to be dead. Her eyes fluttered when his hands kept waving at her face.
"Didn't you hear me?" He frowns.
"Wh-what?" This is a dream. She thought again.
"There's a bunch of strawberries here, grab those ..stop grabbing the ones I take." He says.
"I'm..um...I.. sorry." She managed to say.
"Yeah well stop staring at me, it's creepy. But I mean I know I look good but stop" he says adding a small smirk.
"Oppaa~ come on let's go" his girlfriend said. She bowed at Ami, but all Ami wanted to do was run back home and cry till she had no more tears left.
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