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[x3 update]

                                  Before Namjoon could settle things down he wanted to at least have Ami agree in coming with him to America. So he ventured off in the night going to her place, he had gotten some roses the one Yoongi had given her, hoping she'll like it.

                                       He knocked on the door multiple times before finally Ami opened it slightly, she glared at him. She didn't really want to deal with him right now but she couldn't seem to shake him off. Wherever she goes he always seems to know where she's at.

"Hey.." he says, he shown his dimples again but unfortunately Ami only shrugged it off.

"What is it?" She sighs scratching her head.

"I miss you, and I gotten the roses you love so much" he says handing it to her, she glanced at it then scoffed moving the roses away from her.

"I have plenty of roses from Yoongi, I don't really need yours." She said.

"Oh c'mon these are fresh roses, and the ones you have are dying.." he said and those words hurt her, the roses that Yoongi had given her was something she dearly loved, with little messages it was the only thing that made her think Yoongi is close by. It represents their love, and NamJoons ...not so much.

"Just go home Namjoon...I'm tired.." she says ready to close the door, however his he shoved his foot inside blocking her from closing it.

"Namjoon leave!" She shouted.

"I can't! I just got here, plus you're all alone and you need someone to take care of you." He says already entering her apartment, she was scared to see him just walk in uninvited, he wasn't even sweet anymore.

"N-Namjoon just go away!" She yelled even louder almost waking Byeol up, but he's a heavy sleeper.

                                     Namjoon suddenly gripped her neck with his large hands, she gasp at the coldness of his palms brushed against her skin. She was frightened, that Namjoon now has full control over her and she would fight back but was afraid, she never did learn to defend herself from predators like him.

"I love you Ami, more than Yoongi ever did" he said, he pulled her body towards her fumbling her body as she tried to escape but no use he was much stronger than she was.

"N-n-Namjoon please s-stop. Stop t-touching me!" She weeped.

"I ..I wanna have a family with you"he grins, he twisted her body around bending her waist as he simply pushed up her large shirt revealing her panty. He smirked and pulled down her underwear, as she screamed for her dear life begging him to stop.

                                      Luckily one of the neighbors had come out, a young boy but looked like a man from his appearance. He heard the noise and simple runs toward it, when he sees Namjoon about to go any further, he turns his body to look behind him and he simply punched NamJoons face earning a loud grunt.

"Touch her again I dare you!" He growls.

"Son of a bitch! You have no idea who your dealing with!" He yelled.

                                        Namjoon quickly dashes out still holding his face, once he was gone the young man helped Ami up. She was trembling and tears continued to flood.

"Miss are you okay?" He says patting her back.

                                     Ami didn't look back but nodded her head. "J-just please g-go. But thank you f-for saving me" she says wiping off her tears.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook by the way, and I live next door to you. Anyways, if you need someone to talk to, just knock on my door.." he said then bowed leaving the mother alone.

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