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[bonus chappiee~]

                                    Hoseok drove Ami home, her baby boy hasn't spoken a word as he hugged his mother tightly while he rested his head on her shoulder to stare at the skies. He waved at the sky as if waving at his father.

"He died too soon, it's all my fault..I sh-should've stayed awake and watched him." She says.

"No, Ami it isn't. Who ever killed him will soon face the punishment. But why would they even kill him...he doesn't have any enemies that I know of." Hoseok says finally arriving at her apartment.

"I might have to shoot his head if i see him" she sighs getting out of  the car.

"Hurting someone isn't gonna bring Yoongi back" he says taking them inside.

"I just want to go back ...to save him." She says.

NamJoons second home~

                                    He unlocked the door entering inside to be greeted by his other wife who'd been waiting for him.

"You've finally decided to come back and be a father?" She says sipping on red wine.

"I have other business to take care of ...they're my priorities at the moment. But I've already given you everything..a good home, food, our daughter is fully well educated..what more do you want from me." He deeply sighs loosening up his tie.

"To fucking be here for us! And where the hell where you all day?! Your daughter has been looking for her father, asking me when will daddy be home. But of course you always make me lie to her.." she yelled walking drunkly away from him.

                                  He nonchalantly walked to his daughters room, opening it slightly. She wasn't in bed yet, it seems that she has been waiting for him for awhile now. Her smile grew wide when seeing him finally come home.

"Appaaa~" she giggled running towards him. He smiled lifting her up in his arm.

"Miss me?"

"Yes I have, and mommy said if i pray a lot you'd come home and I did and here you are" she says locking her small arms around his neck. Namjoon gives her kisses as she giggles at it. He loves his daughter but he despise his wife which is why he wanted another one.

                                     Apparently Ami is all he could think about. He finally got her but she doesn't seem to want him back, but he was determined to have her.

"Appa~ come visit at school." She says

"I will baby girl" he says patting her back to make her fall asleep.

                                      His wife had come back out of the room twenty minutes later. Still drunk but knows what's going on. "Finally did something right today" she says. Namjoon got up taking his daughter with him and placing her back in her room. He goes to the kitchen while he listens to his wife bicker about how much a jerk he is.

                                      He didn't care really, all he wanted was her to sleep and that's what she'll get. He got a small green bottle dipping it in the red wine and quickly hands it to her.

"Oh I'll get my own drink that" she says

"Just take it...I'll have a glass later." He said. She scoffed again but took the glass wine and chugged it down her throat, seconds later she fell to the floor with a loud thud. That sound quickly woke his daughter up, she opened the door to see her dad dragging her mother in the bedroom.

"Appaa~ what are you doing to mommy?" She sweetly ask.

"She's sleeping now" he said. He walked towards her picking her up again and this time leaving the place.

"How'd you like to just be with me without mommy?" He smiled.

"Why? But I want mommy too?"

"Mommy isn't feeling well, so she needs to get better but because you're my princess you can come travel the world with me. You wouldn't have to wait anymore..would you like that sweetheart?" She thought about it for awhile, she did miss her father so much and she hardly sees him so this was a dream come true to be with him.

"Where are we going to go?"

"Somewhere far..somewhere no one will find us." He says.
- I really can't sleep so another chapter for y'all

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