Morning came quickly and Yoongi had woken up to the sound of Byeol breathing next to him. He rubbed his tires eyes adjusting his sight to see his son snuggling on his chest with his favorite Kumamon in his arms.
He smiled at the view gently picking him up to place him back down on the bed covering him with a blanket. He smelled bacon and eggs sizzling in the kitchen so he heads over to see Ami already cooking breakfast.
He quietly tip toed towards her and back hugged her. She yelped at his actions hitting his arm playfully.
"Good morning beautiful" he says showing his gummy smile. He was so happy, happy that he could see this while he's still alive.
"Good morning to you too grumpy." She giggled.
"Hey, I'm not grumpy kay.." he pouts.
"Anyways, Namjoon had been calling me all night. I noticed you texted him and he's pretty upset about it. But ..right now I just don't feel like going back" she says with a deep sigh.
"Why not?"
"He's very possessive over me lately, plus I'm still mad at him for cutting off the roses you sent me" she says.
That part angered him, he'd been trying to give his last messages to Ami all week and Namjoon had to screw it up. He wanted to just punch him in the face for that but his condition could worsen if he ever fights with him.
"What a fucking idiot! He knows I'm sick and knows how much I love you that he's doing this just so you wouldn't come back to me" he shouted ruffling his black locks.
"Yeah..I've noticed that he doesn't want me coming near you at all. I bet he'll say he's just protecting me but .. he probably-"
"He's jealous that's what. His wife left him because he's so uptight all the time, she hardly has her own privacy when he's all up in her bubble. She told me he's over possessive towards her" he says taking a bite of a cracker.
"Is that why they gotten a divorce?"
"They got a divorce because Namjoon has other woman in his life besides that girl he was with. He's sweet lovable guy but he just has woman issues.. he loves pussies a lot" he chuckled.
Ami frowned at his words and continued to cook. "But yeah, you're probably not the only one wife he has." He says.
"He has more?!"
"Why do you think he hardly comes visit you. Not because of work that's for sure..he has another wife and has a child with her..I'm not sure where they stay but I've seen her twice and she has told me stuff." He shrugged again.
Ami couldn't think straight, the fact that she's being played by some innocent man didn't suit her one bit. This whole time she thought he love her dearly but that's not the case, he obviously loves woman so much that he needs to have more than one.
She looked at her ring and immediately taking it off as she puts it aside. Yoongi watched her but said nothing.
"What are you going to tell him?"
"That we are through, I'm not going to be some new girl he can marry just so he can go out and have more." She says.
"That's good so now I can have you" he smiled wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Aww my little koala" she says.
Namjoon had been non-stop texting her, calling her leaving so many messages that he simply needed to take his blood pressure medication.
"Dammit why won't she answer me" he sighs ruffling his hair.
He needed to find Yoongi, to tell him that Ami now belongs to Namjoon and not him. He was desperate in having Ami and if harming Yoongi is what it takes to have her then he'll do it. Even if they are business friends.
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