[2x Update]
Yoongi walked alone in the city, simply enjoying his time till his time ends. He ate a lot of food, played games alone, talked to his old friends that he hasn't seen in a long time but in all that, deep inside he wasn't satisfied.
Unsatisfied that he couldn't spend it with Ami and Byeol, but he knows that it's better this way, to leave so they can be happy with their life. This was punishment, for what he had done to them, the god punished him and he had to face that.
He then heads off to the Hans river, near the park side. He walked alone admiring the city lights flashing whimsically through the park giving it some light. He plugged in his ear buds blasting some some songs while nodding his head to the beat.
On the other side, while walking as well. Byeol and Ami were holding hands just strolling around the park. While Ami was busy staring at some text Byeol spotted someone familiar when it was finally clear he gasp letting go of her hand running towards the figure.
His arms extended wide and immediately fell onto Yoongis legs. He fumbled a bit and when he saw Byeol giggling his eyes widen then looked around and in front was Ami staring back at him in shock.
"My ap-appa~" he says snuggling his face on his legs. He picked him up holding him tightly as he slowly approached Ami.
"Y-Yoongi" she says tears threatening to fall.
"Hey" he said giving her a weak smile.
He placed Byeol down as he ran back to his mother. "We-well I should go..I have work to do" was the same excuse as always and Ami didn't buy that one not this time.
He started to walk till Ami stopped him. "D-don't go...don't leave me again." Her voice became shaky, her tears were were already trickling down her cheeks and all she wanted was to hug him.
"I wasn't technically leaving I just have to go back to work" he said still not facing her.
"Wh-where have you been? I've called many times and texted you as well but you never answered so where did you go?"
He shrugged pursed his lips trying to find the answer. "I've just been really busy lately." He says.
"St-stop dodging so many questions and answer it" she cried out.
"....okay what's your questions?" He asked softly.
"A-are you dying?" She blurted out. He was surprised that she had said that but I guess hiding it wasn't going to work anymore, he can't lie to her anymore.
He was hesitant to answer but he did. "Yes..I won't be here much longer" he says fiddling with his fingers.
She bawled out in tears as she ran to him. Her arms extended wide and when he was close enough Yoongi pulled her in as he hugged the crying girl in his arms. Her hands gripped on his shirt tightly not wanting to break away. Her head rested on his chest hearing his heart beat quickens with hers. She missed his soft gentle cologne tickle her noes, being in his arms felt like home. He was the roof over her head his body was where she lived his entire soul was where she needed to be.
"Y-you have to live..you c-cant die so early." She cried out snuggling her face deeper in his body.
"You know I'll always watch over you two, I'm not disappearing forever just ..a long vacation" he slightly chuckles, but he too was crying and his eyes gazed at Byeol who was watching them crying silently as well, a smile on his face that his parents are back together.
"B-but I don't wa-want you to die. You have to be here for Byeol" she whimpered.
"But if it's my fate to die then I can't do anything and accept it" he says caressing her back.
"Byeol come here.." he says and Byeol ran towards his father hugging him as well.
"Appa~ I l-love you so m-much" he says and pecked his lips and forehead making the two chuckle.
For the rest of the night, the three stayed up till 12 as they wandered around the streets of Seoul holding hands while Yoongi held onto Byeol who was busy staring at the lights.
"Oh look it's your old work place" he said pointing at the tattoo parlor behind a grungy busy restaurant.
"Plenty stuff happened in there" she smiled.
"Right like se-" he was about to finish the whole sentence but Ami just glared at him signaling him that there's a kid he's holding. Yoongi scrunched up his noes in annoyance.
"Thank you for the roses and those little messages you wrote. I placed it in a small box so I can read it from time to time" she says tightening her hands with his.
"Because it's the truth...I've never been in love with a woman till you came in my life. I still hate myself for throwing you out..your worth more than something that's from the streets. And I'm really sorry for hurting you all these years" he says staring at her twinkling eyes.
"I accept your apology, and I'm very happy to meet someone like you, even if you are a beach" she says.
"Hey you sad a bad word"
"No I didn't I said beach not the actual bad word" she scoffed.
They all came home at around 1:30. Byeol had slept through the whole walk and was placed in the other room. The parents gave him kisses before shutting off the lights.
"He's beautiful like you." He says staring at Ami who kept on smiling the whole time.
"I know.." she says grinning widely.
The two headed in the living room where they simply just snuggled there bodies together. None of them let go as Ami's hands gently swayed Yoongi's hair around, and Yoongi couldn't help but caress her thighs in small circles with his thumb.
When Ami's hand finally stopped playing with his hair, she looked at her to see that she was already sleeping. Her phone was buzzing none stop so he had to check who was texting her at this hour.
He sees Namjoon texting her, asking where she's at. Yoongi texted back "She's with me.."
"Yoongi hyung?" - Namjoon
"Yo.."- Yoongi
"Why is she with you?!"- Namjoon
"Because she can, she's sleeping right now. Good night" - Yoongi.
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