Sixteenth and seventeenth day. 16 and 17 years.

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Strong rays of sunlight enter through Naruto's window, waking him up. This somewhat annoyed by the sunlight, he heavily opens his eyes, stretching. He slowly gets out of bed, putting on his flip-flops from home, and walks out of his room. She was going to go down, but not before without seeing Sasuke, so she decides to go to his room to see how he was.

Naruto: Oh Sasuke, good morning, dattebay-...

Naruto's cheeks turn completely red, seeing Sasuke naked, who was changing. Sasuke is so embarrassed that he couldn't even move. Naruto stared at him for a few seconds up and down, making Sasuke blush more, to which he snaps back to reality.

Naruto: Oh my god I'm so sorry, dattebayo!!!!-He says looking at him for the last time, leaving his room and quickly closing the door.-

He rubs his face with both hands, then starts playing with his shirt, pulling it up and down, until he reaches the bottom. He goes into the kitchen for his morning coffee, and heads to the living room, sitting on the sofa and turning on the TV.

~With Sasuke~

Sasuke was totally red, he could barely move to finish getting dressed. When he finished, he left his room and went downstairs. There he saw Naruto half lying on the sofa, drinking his coffee and laughing from time to time, since he was watching a comedy show, Sasuke smiled when he saw him and blushed again, he found the way in which he looked very tender. who was laughing

Sasuke goes to where Naruto was to sit with him and watch the program that Naruto liked so much.

Sasuke: G-Good morning, Naruto... -He said getting a little confused at first-

Naruto looks at him somewhat embarrassed by what happened before and stands up, leaving him room to sit down.

Naruto: H-Hello Sasuke, sit down... -Said Naruto looking at him out of the corner of his eye-

Sasuke sits up and asks something that made Naruto smile and couldn't help but say no.

Sasuke: Etto... Can I sit on your hot thighs? -he said looking at him with a small smile.-

Naruto: Oh yes, dattebayo! -He said stretching his arms out on the sofa so that Sasuke could get on his thighs.-

He stands and settles, directing his gaze directly at the screen.

Naruto: Sasuke, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to, I forgot to knock on the door. -He says starting to stroke Sasuke's head again, to which he blushes.-

Sasuke: N-Don't worry Naruto... It wasn't that big of a deal either. -He said smiling without Naruto noticing-Did you like what you saw? You like my body?

Naruto blushed too much, what the hell was that question about?

Naruto: W-What...? Why y-you ask that.....?

Sasuke: Just curious, tell me what do you think of my body?

Naruto: W-well, I didn't see much Sasuke but from what I saw, I loved everything... I SAY NO... TSK!!!-Naruto was totally red, the worst thing is that that smell came to his nostrils again driving him crazy.-

Sasuke laughed, though he was totally red at Sasuke's response


However, the night came, the two spent it laughing and having fun with the program.

Naruto, due to exhaustion, fell asleep while the two watched the program. Sasuke saw it and laughed softly. Sasuke stared at him for a while, seeing in more detail the beautiful face of Naruto, and the beautiful body that he was carrying. Naruto really was a beautiful boy.
Sasuke, being in love with him, saw that he had a chance at that moment. The opportunity was that he could give him those kisses on the neck that he always wanted to give him.

He looked at him for a few more seconds, and launched himself at him, at his neck in particular. Grasping his hand on Naruto's right cheek, Sasuke slowly sniffed the exquisite scent coming off Naruto as well. He thought about it a few times and... He ended up placing small, tender and warm kisses on the left side of Naruto's neck. Sasuke chuckled, seeing how Naruto was still asleep, it seemed that nothing was touching him.

Sasuke kept smiling and decided to kiss him bigger, with more passion and with more intensity. He had been enjoying Naruto's beautiful neck for a while, Sasuke felt luxurious, but all that glory ended when Naruto began to open his eyes, little by little realizing that they were kissing him on his neck, but, Sasuke, he was in everything otherwise he was immersed in Naruto's neck, giving him those passionate kisses. However, once Naruto woke up, he looked down, seeing how Sasuke was kissing his neck, which made Naruto very excited, making him blush to a great degree.

Naruto: S-S-Sasuke... W-Wha... -He stood up, as he gave a slight moan at the arousal Sasuke was giving him. And at that moment, Sasuke realized, opening his eyes, instead he didn't remove his lips from Naruto's neck.-"S-Sasuke..."- Naruto called him again, caressing his arm.-

Sasuke turned very red, so much so that he could barely move, though he did. He removed his hand from Naruto's cheek and moved away from his neck, leaving the two face to face, and staring at each other.

Sasuke:I-I... This... I'm sorry... I mean... I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!-he said covering his eyes with his soft hands-

Naruto just smiled, although something red, instead, he only approached him to give him a kiss of his own, instead this time it was on the cheek. Sasuke turned even redder. Naruto took him by the hand, turned off the lights in the room and they went upstairs. Neither said anything until they arrived in front of Naruto's bedroom door.

Sasuke: What will you do Naruto...? -I say do it, but what will i do-...

Before Sasuke could finish speaking, soft, warm, lovely lips were slowly moving over his. Naruto was kissing him so sweetly, it melted Sasuke's heart. Without avoiding Sasuke returned the kiss.

Naruto: Sasuke, we have to wait, although we both already know what we feel for each other. -He said letting out a beautiful smile of his. Before entering his room, he gives Sasuke another peck.-

Once Naruto enters his room, Sasuke jumps a few times, excited, he runs to his room and throws himself on his bed, thinking about that beautiful kiss that Naruto gave him. That scent on Naruto's neck, Naruto's lips, Naruto's body, his voice, his hair, his face, was perfection in person!! Sasuke thought, lying on his bed and looking at the ceiling while smiling excitedly.

However, shortly after, that excruciating pain returns in Sasuke's throat, making him cough hard, it wasn't a cold or anything like that.

Shit!! Sasuke thought, that pain was torturing him. Without thinking twice, she quickly gets up from her bed and leaves her room going to Naruto's. This one opens stealthily trying not to wake him up. This goes to the right side of Naruto's bed, where there was a small table.

He knew there were three little bottles of blood left there, since Naruto had told him about it. So he quietly opens the cupboard on the nightstand and takes out the three cans. He opens them and takes all three at once. Once he drank them, he left the caps and the bottles on the table, and fell to the ground on his ass. Sasuke was sweaty, and the sore throat was worse. However, Naruto woke up as the sounds Sasuke made woke him up. When Naruto opened his eyes better, he could see how Sasuke's eyes were completely red, and his fangs were very sharp and were sticking out from inside Sasuke's mouth. Sasuke tearfully looks at Naruto's neck and lunges at him, to which Naruto reacts by holding him by both wrists, preventing him from getting close to him.

Naruto: S-SASUKEEEE!!! STOP!! WHAT'S WRONG?! -Naruto yelled, looking into Sasuke's red eyes.-

Sasuke couldn't say anything, he was just crying as he tried to bite Naruto's neck. Naruto had no choice but to just throw him off of him. On one hand he didn't want to hurt Sasuke, but he had to. Naruto grabs Sasuke's arms with all his strength and throws him towards the opposite wall. Sasuke hits his back with it, and falls to the ground. Naruto quickly gets off the bed going to Sasuke, to which Sasuke tries to speak.

Sasuke: N-N-Naruto... Please don't come closer, no....- Sasuke said, crying.-

Naruto: S-Sasuke, don't worry... Tell me what happened to you... -He said as he took his hand towards Sasuke and looking at him sadly.-

Sasuke was walking away, as if the wall was infinite. As she looked down, trying not to look at Naruto. Naruto was already close to Sasuke, to which Sasuke looks at him and reacts, Sasuke pushes him back away from him and he transforms into a bat, leaving through the window of Naruto's room.

Naruto was in shock as he just stared out the window, he was blaming himself for what had just happened. He gets up from the ground, and rubs his face with his hands, to which he remembers that the only person who could best help him in this case, is his mother, Kushina. So he turns into a wolf, and runs out of his house.

Not long after, Naruto arrives at the Konoha hospital, concerned that Sasuke has gone there and attacked the people in the hospital. Upon entering he sees that everything is in order, however all the people looked at him confused, although he did not care. He quickly goes up to the floor where his mother was, going to his office.

He opens the door with a bang, scaring Kushina a little, to which she turns and sees Naruto transform back into a human. She leaves her cup of coffee on her table and gets up worried to see her son there, he never really visited her.

Naruto: MOM!! S-SASUKE!! HE LEFT, AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE HIS EYES WERE RED, HE WANTED TO BITE ME, AND THEN AND THEN... -He says standing up, since he was out of breath from running so much.-

Kushina: Naruto, calm down son please!!-She said, touching his shoulders.-

Naruto once calm, tries to explain to his mother what had happened with Sasuke.

Naruto: Mom, Sasuke left the house! He came to my room crying while his eyes were red and his fangs were very sharp and were out of his mouth, he wanted to bite me but I pushed him and... And when I wanted to get closer to him h-he left... -He said ducking his head sad and blaming-

Kushina: Oh no... It seems that the time has come to use this... -Kushina says going to a small drawer that was in that office, and opens it, taking out a small bottle of blood.-

Naruto covered his nose because of the disgusting smell of that blood, it wasn't like the one Sasuke drank, it was thicker and darker.

Kushina: Here you go, find Sasuke and make him take this blood. It is a blood that alleviates those types of reactions. You will have side effects, but they are nothing serious, all they will do is put you to sleep.

Naruto: Thank you mom!!-He says taking the pot and holding it with his teeth, since that little pot was very resistant. He transforms into a wolf and runs out of his mother's office, until he reaches the ground floor of the hospital and goes outside.-

Naruto sniffs for a few seconds and feels that delicious smell that he felt so far from Sasuke. From the smell Naruto could tell that he wasn't very far, so he started running with all his might, until he reached the Konoha forest. There he stops, sniffing again. Now the smell was stronger, Sasuke was very close. Naruto ran a little more and behind some trees he could see Sasuke. He was crying, full of blood, on his mouth, his arms, his clothes, his legs, everywhere... Naruto quickly turned into a human and went to Sasuke, slowly, trying not to scare him. When he got closer he was very surprised to see that Sasuke had two little bunnies on his feet, they were covered in blood, they were dead. Naruto guessed that it was Sasuke that caused that, just by looking at his appearance...

Naruto: S-Sasuke...? Oh, it's me, Naruto, dattebayo! -He said with a smile on his lips, slowly approaching where sasuke was.-

Sasuke: N-Naruto...? NO! GET AWAY! DON'T COME CLOSE TO ME PLEASE, I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!! -He said as he covered his face with his hands.-

Naruto: Shh, don't worry, I'm here to help you. -He said showing him the little bottle of blood that Kushina had given him.- Take it, you'll get over the state you're in. -He said smiling, getting a little closer to Sasuke.-

Sasuke looked at him for a few more seconds and trembling he took the little bottle, to which Naruto stood by his side. Sasuke takes the bottle, and wipes away his tears.

Sasuke: N-Naruto thank you very much. I... I didn't want to do this, I don't know why it happened... -He said before falling asleep, to which Naruto turned into a wolf and let Sasuke fall on his back.-

Naruto: Relax Sasuke, I'll take you home, we'll be there together. -He said, to which he began to run.-

Once they arrive at Naruto's house, he transforms into a human and takes Sasuke in his arms, entering the house and entering the bathroom.

Naruto takes Sasuke's clothes off as he was still sleeping. He kept taking it off until it left him totally naked. Naruto couldn't help but blush, he was red, having Sasuke by his side, his thoughts were taking him to another place, but he reacted, remembering his mother's words.

Naruto gently lowers him into the tub, but notices a bruise on his back, a fairly visible one. Naruto couldn't help but look at him sadly. He realized that he had caused that bruise, when he threw it towards the wall, hitting it.

Naruto: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, forgive me, I'm very sorry, I'm sorry... -He said as he kissed Sasuke's bruise.-

Naruto grabs the sponge and soaps it up, and starts to clean Sasuke, cleaning his legs, arms, abdomen.... To which he notices his mouth, and brings his thumb towards it, wiping it gently, keeping it clean.

Little by little Sasuke was waking up. He was opening his eyes, until he opens them fully, and the first thing he sees is a bathroom wall. He reacts and realizes that someone was cleaning him very gently, and looks to his right, seeing how Naruto lovingly cleaned him. He blushed too much, he couldn't stand it, he was getting too red.

Sasuke: N-N-N-Naruto...! -He said looking at him embarrassed.-

Naruto is surprised and looks at him somewhat blushed, but he smiles at him.

Naruto: Oh Sasuke, you woke up! You'll see you were full of blood, and I couldn't leave you like that, so I had to clean you up.-He said as he finished cleaning his arm.-

Next chapter hot 😏

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