Losing virginity.

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Naruto: And then I decided to clean-... -He couldn't continue, since cold but soft lips were on his.-

Naruto couldn't help that passionate kiss, to which he reciprocated. Sasuke grabbed Naruto's cheeks pulling him closer to him. Naruto pulled Sasuke out of the tub in his arms, and they left the bathroom, going to Naruto's room. Once they entered the room, Naruto threw Sasuke on his bed, and Sasuke lunged at him, landing on top of him. Naruto on top and Sasuke on the bottom, they looked at each other a couple of times and began a passionate kiss, so passionate that they excited him.

Naruto slowly pulled away from Sasuke's lips to go down to his neck, giving him hot, wet kisses, leaving marks all over Sasuke's neck, making him his own. This once it finished in his neck it went down towards Sasuke's nipples, sucking one of them and pinching the other with his hand. So with both of them until they were red, causing slight moans to come out of Sasuke, who was enjoying himself, and it showed. Naruto went down Sasuke's abdomen, kissing and licking it, until he reached Sasuke's member, which was already erect and hard. Naruto grabbed him with his hands and began to move him up and down, making Sasuke moan in pleasure.

Sasuke: N-Naruto.... A-Aahhh...~~ -Sasuke moaned, licking his lips.-

Naruto stopped moving it up and down and popped it into his mouth, moving in a delicious back and forth motion.

Sasuke: Aaaahh-Na-Naruto!~

Naruto, hearing his moaned name from Sasuke, got very excited, to which he increased his speed, giving Sasuke more and more pleasure.

Sasuke: N-Naruto!! I-I'm coming!~~ -He said between moans while biting his lower lip.-

Sasuke couldn't take it anymore and came in Naruto's mouth, to which Naruto swallowed it.

Naruto: Delicious, Sasuke! -He said in a seductive voice.-

Sasuke blushed a lot, to which he decides to switch places.

Sasuke: N-Naruto, it's my turn... -He said embarrassed.-

Naruto: Oh yeah? -He said lying down- In that case, it's fine.

Sasuke got up and knelt down before Naruto, grabbed his big member, which was very hard and very erect, and without thinking twice, he put it in his mouth, and began to move in a delicious back and forth too. Naruto moaned from the pleasure Sasuke was giving him. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hair, moaning and moaning.

Naruto: Aaaaah!~~ S-Sasuke... W-You're doing well~~ -He said while looking at the speed that Sasuke was giving him pleasure.-S-Sasuke! I come!! -He said before releasing his semen, which was all in Sasuke's mouth.-

Sasuke: Mmh... Yours is delicious too Naruto. -He said blushing as he finished swallowing it.-

Naruto blushed, and since he couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed Sasuke by the waist and in a quick movement put him under him. She moved closer to him to kiss him. An arousing kiss began, to which Sasuke opened his mouth wider making way for Naruto's wet tongue. The two separated from lack of air, and looked into each other's eyes. Naruto looks at the clock he was making on his bedside table and sees that it is 11:59 p.m.

Naruto: Sasuke, can I...

Sasuke: Yes Naruto, make me yours. -He said while smiling something red, to which Naruto smiled back.-

Naruto brings three fingers to Sasuke's mouth, for him to suck on them. Once well lubricated, Naruto puts a finger to Sasuke's entrance, causing Sasuke to moan, although he felt a little pain. Once Naruto saw that Sasuke had built himself up with one finger, he inserted another finger, turning them into a scissor shape, causing Sasuke much pleasure. A little while later, Naruto sticks his third finger in, causing Sasuke to let out a loud groan.


Naruto removed his fingers from Sasuke's entrance and took hold of his member, bringing it closer to Sasuke's entrance. He slowly inserted his tip, to which he continued to insert it little by little, until he was completely inside Sasuke. Sasuke arched his back in pleasure, and began to move his hips in pleasure, signaling Naruto to start moving faster.

Naruto obeyed, and began to move faster, causing both of them great pleasure. The room had been filled with moans, both from Naruto and Sasuke.


Sasuke: S-So N-Naruto, more... Aaaah... More...

Naruto increased the speed, he was going very fast, the pleasure was immense, and the moans too.

They stayed like that for a while until they had reached the end point, Naruto came inside Sasuke and he in the abdomen of the two. Once that's done, Naruto slowly pulls his member out of Sasuke, causing Sasuke one last moan of pleasure.

Naruto lay down next to Sasuke hugging him and Sasuke grabs the sheets and they both wrap up. They both fell asleep from exhaustion.


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