Chapter 6

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Melody's POV

I woke up tucked up in Greyson's chest, his arms wrapped around my waist and my face buried in the crook of his neck. 

How had this happened!? 

I'd gone to sleep on my own as Greyson had still been in the shower, and I don't see how I couldn't have woken up if he had pulled me too him! 

I lent back slightly, Greyson looked so peaceful asleep, there was no stress, worry or anger written across his face. There was a light brush of stubble forming where he needed to shave, and his dark hair was messily rumpled, flopping down slightly across his closed eyelids. 

I was so tempted to reach up and trace his features, he was so unfairly gorgeous, I was slightly shocked at myself for how attractive I found Greyson, I mean obviously I was attracted to him before, but now I felt such I strong pull that even if he did something unforgivable I doubt I could have left him. 

It was that damned mark causing this!

Enhancing my already strong emotions for Greyson, making it impossible for me to even want to leave the room without him. I thought back to how I desperately wanted to go home to my pack, my old life without a mate. Just thinking about a life without Greyson made my wolf whimper and an ache form in my heart. 

Needing to go to the bathroom and not wanting to wake Greyson, I tried and failed to leave his arms, although they were only loosely wrapped around me they would not budge. After at least five minutes of struggling, I heard a deep chuckle and looked up to see Greyson with a sleepy smile and half open eyes. 

"And where do you think your going?" he murmured and leaned forward to place a soft kiss on my shoulder which just made me melt, 

"I need to go to the bathroom Greyson, let go won't you!" 

"Just five more minutes" he pulled me close again and tucked his face into my neck taking a deep breath in of my scent , 

"Greyson let go! I need the bathroom!" 

"fine" he half grumbled half chuckled. 

His grip loosened and I crawled out of the bed, as soon as I had left Greyson's touch I missed it and wanted to throw myself back to him, to stop myself though I rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. 

While brushing my teeth I notice the edge of my mark peaking out from under Greyson's t-shirt, quickly washing out my mouth and drying my hands, I pulled the collar back and saw the mark clear as day at the base of my neck. 

It was just were it meets my collar bone, No longer red, raw or burning I gently traced it with my fingers; it was a silhouette of a wolf built up of a swirling pattern, and was this reddish black colour almost a mix of mine and Greyson's fur. Then at the centre of the pattern was a silvery moon. It was beautiful and sat perfectly in the crook of my neck, there was no trace of the mark which the rogue tried to give me, Greyson had completely removed it and claimed me as his.

I emerged from the bathroom and saw Greyson still in bed, but propped up on the pillows, he looked up and smiled pulling me close to him when I was back in reach, 

"Good morning beautiful" 

"Morning" I smiled up at him, he looked great while sleeping but even better when awake and I could see his deep green eyes looking into my silver ones. 

"Been looking at my handy work have you" he said with a slow smirk, running his fingers across my exposed neck and mark, at his touch ripples of pleasure ran through me and my eyes fluttered close. 

Then soft lips brushed mine, and not being able to hold myself back from the pull any longer, I pushed forward looping my arms around Greyson's neck, he smiled against my lips and kissed back hungrily, running his hands down my back and pulling me closer still. 

This ended up with me straddled over his hips, my hands buried in his hair, with one of his hands resting on my waist and the other on the warm, soft skin halfway up my spine. He moved down from my lips, to my jaw, down my neck and to my mark, as soon as his lips made contact, I let out a moan and my fingers gripped Greyson's hair. 

He was sucking and nipping at it now and I felt a warmth building at the base of my stomach and filling me. Soon his lips found their way back to mine, and I began slowly grinding on his hips, as his hands made their way up under the t-shirt, it was only when I felt his hard member pressed up the inside of my thigh that brought my crashing back to reality breaking the spell cast by my mark. 

I pulled back suddenly backing off from my position on Greyson, who was slightly taken aback by my abrupt action, "Hey Melody whats wrong?"

"Sorry, thing just got very heated very quickly and I guess I just a bit too caught up and I'm not... um ... sorry" I finished not knowing what to say, Greyson came forward and pushed the loose hair that had fallen forward behind my ear, making me look up into his eyes, "it's ok, I'm sorry for not holding back I know your not ready yet. I'll try and hold back next time, and I know the mark isn't helping." 

"Thanks" I whispered and placed a soft kiss on his lips, before pulling back and getting up to dressed.

Greyson had pack business to sort out, so I spent the morning training with Eli and then later spending two hours a the piano. 

After stretching my cramped fingers, I headed downstairs to find some lunch, when I entered the kitchen I saw Eli talking to someone, it was Noah, 

"NOAH!" I squealed and ran over to him and gave him a fierce hug, 

"Hey Melody! just the person I wanted to see!" 


"Well that and the fact that my dad sent me to deliver some files for Alpha Greyson." 

"Is Emma here?" I asked, 

"No, she really wanted to come, we've both been really worried about you these past two weeks after you were taken, but she and Darren have been dealing with issues with dad and other weird mate things!" seeing my sad expression, he added " But she said for me to tell you if I saw you that she really misses you, for you to call her as soon as you can and for me to give you a massive hug from her!" 

To which Noah picked me up and span me around, giving me a fierce hug, which I light out a high pitched squeal of laughter, where Eli covered his ears and scrunched his eyes shut.

"But also, I wanted to say just how much I missed you Melody." His lips were very close to my ear, and I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and awkward, this didn't feel like the brotherly love I was used to with Noah.

The next second however, I was wrenched away from Noah's embrace and thrust into Eli's startled arms, as I saw a growling Greyson drag Noah outside. 

Both Eli and I ran after them to see them fighting out infant of the house, 

"NO!" I screamed "Greyson! Stop please!"

 Eli tried to run forward and pull them apart but he was no match for two Alphas. 

"How dare you touch my mate!" roared Greyson "She is mine!" 

"Melody isn't something for you to own! She's a kind and loving person with her own life! Which you stole from her!" 

Greyson just growled and lunged at Noah, causing them to tumble over again, 

"You don't deserve her! Your a monster who sleeps with anything that moves! Melody was supposed to be mine! my mate and you kidnapped her from me!" 

Hearing these words from Noah shocked me, he had always been like a brother to me and had never shown any other feelings, I had no idea he wanted to be my mate. Shaking off the shock of Noah's words I ran forward, "Please! both of you stop now!" but as I came forward a clawed hand missed its target and came slamming into my face, sending my sprawled across the floor. 

Eli was at my side in seconds, before the other two had even seen what happened, "Oh my god Melody are you ok? say something!" 

"Yeah Eli, I'm ok" I sat up and felt my cheek and hissed sharply feeling the the wet blood and deep claw marks. Greyson seeing me on the floor tried to rush to my side, but Eli stopped him. "Greyson stop, go and calm down right now before you do another thing you may regret, Noah please just leave-" 

"Oh god Melody! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to attack you, I meant to-" 

"Please Noah" cut across Eli, "We know you didn't mean to but please just go, I'll visit your pack in a few days to return the files, but for now just leave." 

Noah left in a bloody and bruised mess looking back at me with sorry eyes, I just looked down. Greyson was shaking with anger and being held back by Parker and Caleb, as Eli was with me, 

"Melody we should go and see Angela-" 

"No it's fine, I'll just shift and my wolf will heal it, I need a run right now." 

"I'll come with you" said Eli, I didn't argue with him. 

I couldn't even look at Greyson as we headed into the woods, how dare he attack Noah just for hugging me! He was being way to over protective and treating me like a possession rather than a person! I thought he had changed that he wasn't that arrogant monster anymore, but from what Noah said about all the other girls and how he acted, I couldn't even say a word to him, though he called after me, I just ignored him, even though I felt like I was tearing my skin with every step I took from him.

Eli and I took a long run as our wolves and when we shifted back, all that was left of my wound was a black blue bruise running along my cheek bone. As we emerged from the woods I saw Caitlin sitting on the grass drawing, leaving Eli to go inside I went over and sat down beside her. 

"Melody! do you want to help me colour?" She smiled up at me with her dimpled cheeks, my mood couldn't help but brighten, as I help colour the trees and sky she had been drawing. "Are you angry with Greyson?" she asked out of the blue, 

"I'm ... no not angry with him really I just don't know what my feelings are towards him at the moment." 

She nodded solemnly, "I get really angry sometimes with him too, but he never means it when he shouts at me by accident or eats the last cookie in the jar, he always manages to make it up to me with something amazing, like a whole jar of cookies!" 

I smiled sadly, "I don't think a jar of cookies can fix this Caitlin." 

I so badly wanted to forgive Greyson, but I couldn't ignore all the facts and his history with countless other women. which show that he doesn't love or care for me really. 

I'm just a possession to him, something forced on him by the moon goddess. Something you couldn't be rid of. 

I went inside to find the lunch which I had forgotten to get earlier, already there was a tall very pretty girl with neat shoulder length brown hair, and shinning blue eyes. 

She looked up and smiled, "Hi there! you must Alpha Greyson's mate, its great to finally meet you luna, we've all been very worried about you these past two weeks, I'm Jane, Caleb's mate." 

Caleb was joint delta with Parker and definitely the nicer of the two when I had met him, 

"Oh thank you, its great to meet you too and please you don't need to call me luna, Melody is just fine." 

We talked happily for the next twenty minutes, I liked Jane she was very sweet. Soon though our chat was ruined by a tall tanned girl with long yellow, blonde hair, she came swaying into the room. 

She narrowed her eyes at me, "who are you? Don't tell me another pack member has found a mate, let me guess your a lowly omega's mate. Do me and everyone a favour and stay in the village huts or something, your taking up space along with stinking up the pack house."

Jane's sweet manner turned icy cold, "For you information Olivia, this is Melody, Alpha Greyson's mate and your Luna, so show a bit of respect bitch!" 

Ignoring Jane's insults, Olivia stared at me then said in a bored voice, "Oh yeah weren't you like dead in a bed somewhere or something? I can't believe my Greyson is stuck with a mate like you." 

So this was one of Greyson's long line of women was it? Well I had already had a crap day and I wasn't going to take shit from a slut like her, not now and not ever. 

"Listen here skank, Greyson is not yours and never will be so stop fucking pinning for him, and finally I am your Luna so show so bloody respect." I let a deep, authoritative growl rumble from my wolf and my eyes glow, showing my wolf.

The little Bitch tried to smirk but failed, she was clearly shaken , "Well whatever-  I-I don't care, it was Greyson always coming to me saying how amazing I was in bed, but just so you know he wanted me to be his luna!" then she stalked out flipping her hair over her shoulder. 

I was shaking with anger, not only now from Greyson's actions earlier but now one of his skank's thinking she can intimidate me, I was sick of it.

 "Just ignore her Melody, Olivia is a slutty bitch and all she ever does is lie." 

"Don't worry I know her type. I'll see you later Jane I need to go clam down a bit." 

Running upstairs, I came to the top floor and went into the piano room slamming the door behind me. I sat down and played the most complicated piece I could think of, burning up my frustration and anger, so that by the end I was bent over slumped on the keys swiping angrily at tears.

I stalked over to the door and saw standing there was Greyson, his hand raise about to knock, 

"What do you want Greyson" I glared at him, 

"I came to apologise for earlier" 

"You think sorry is going to make up for your actions! You attacked Noah just for hugging me! for fuck sakes Greyson, what is wrong with you!" I shouted this, finally losing it, all my anger and frustration from the day's events finally pouring out.

Greyson's face darkened, "Melody your my mate! he had his hands all over you, he even said that he wanted you as his mate and he hit you across the face!" 

"He only hit me by accident after you attacked him! And might I remind you that when we first met you strangled me! I may be your mate Greyson, but you treat me like a possession" 

I was seething now, "Oh! And not forgetting the verbal assaults I get from your sluts, who think I'm some lowly Omega, thinking they have a claim on whats mine! Its obvious you don't care about me as your mate." 

He pushed me up against the wall, "Don't say that Melody, of course I care about you, I love you!" he shouted the last bit, 

I stood stone still finding it hard to believe my ears, but anger was pumping though me. 

I wanted him to hurt as I was hurting.

"No you don't, you don't deserve love Greyson and I would never and could never love a man like you!" 

"You don't mean that" he growled darkly, 

"Yes I do!" 

No I didn't, of course I didn't, I loved Greyson with all of my being, every fibre in my body. The truth was I would always love him unconditionally, even through fights and anger, we were made for each other and I would never stop loving him till my last breath.

All the anger left Greyson's face and his bright green eyes stared at me, "till your last breath..." he whispered, 

"Oh crap sakes" I muttered, 

He had heard my thoughts, a slow smile crept across his face, "You can't take it back Melody, I heard how you really feel, you love me with every fibre, even through anger, you will unconditionally love me." 

"You don't have to repeat it out loud" I mumbled, anger seeping away, but still annoyed. 

"Look at me" he said I refused staring down into my long red locks, his hand wrapped around my chin and gently forced it up, so our eyes were locked, "I love you Melody Scarlet Russell, you are my life and soul, you hold my heart and I will never stop loving you." Then his lips met mine.

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