At Transformers Prime World
"Morning Arcee" Cliffjumper greeted. "Morning Cliff" she greeted back. Today is a beautiful day of Jasper, Nevada but absolutely boring day if they doing nothing at the base.
It was early morning at 6:40 am. Ratchet was already typing the cardboard? Or whatever he typing at. Stalcy only looking at Ratchet working, hoping she will learn something.
Optimus Prime are still on his berth room. Moonlight, Skyfire and Shellstone went out on patrol. Bulkhead, Smokescreen and Bumblebee is already went to picked the kids to their school. Knockout was leaning against the wall while talking with Starscream and Wheeljack.
"Hey Arcee, you should pick Jack to school right now. It's almost 7:00 am" Cliffjumper reminds her. Arcee's optics widened. "Oh scrap! I'm almost forget about that! I need to go now. Later Cliff". "Later Cee", and then Arcee transformed into a motorcycle and went out from the base.
However, Starscream, Wheeljack and Knockout heard their little talking. "Huh, Arcee always forget about him" Starscream mumbled.
"That's because she has her...what does human called again? Boyfriend right? she has her boyfiend back and probably forgot about Jack" Knockout giggled followed by Starscream and Wheeljack. Cliffjumper noticed that and making a confused looking at his faceplate.
"What so funny you guys?" he asked them. "NOTHING!". Then they continued to giggling and Cliffjumper still clueless as ever.
After Arcee Picked Jack From His Mother's House
On the street, they didn't talk to each other much. Arcee bagan to talk first. "Hey, Jack?". He hummed.
"Why are you so quiet after Cliffjumper back onlined?" He didn't answer it. Arcee is getting annoyed at this situation. "I'm asking here!" she shouted but not too loud.
He began to responed back. "*Sigh* Wasn't you already have your partner back? You absolutely forgot about me!". "What do you mean? I'm not forget about you. It's just *sigh*, you know what? Your right. I am absolutely forgot about you, always hanging out more with him than you. I...only have two word to say to you.......I'm sorry".
That makes him more silence, until they finally got to the school.
"Seriously Jack, I'm sorry". "I know, I'm sorry too. Let's just talk about this back at base. Alright?" he smiled at Arcee and she smiled back.
"Alright". Then Jack just went off in to school while Arcee only stand there until no humans around her.
Hey guys! I'm sorry if I had a wrong grammar or English word here and I'm sorry if I made the short chapter here. Another chapter will come soon! Bye~
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