Chapter 5: What do we do now

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What do you think is keeping the fandom alive? The show has nearly been forgotten by the wider public and is mostly only mentioned when talking about bad shows, or being made fun of. See Animaniacs 2020 for that. Yet, it's still kicking. So what could it be? Well, I have a theory. The ships. While I know I'm making some big strokes, just know that was what led me here in the first place. So I'm probably biased. But what I mean is, that ships are the idea of relationships between characters, that usually didn't occur within the show, book, or what else, in the first place. This means, that if one needs to get a fix, they would need to look for fan content. And as most know, fan content is great for keeping fandoms alive. But could that really be it? Is there something else perhaps? Did it just click with some people, or did it have something that most shows didn't, that some people liked? So many other unpopular shows have been thrown to the wind, yet this, and many others, remain. But why? And how? Wow, I just like going on a tangent about this show now...I guess. Hope it doesn't bother you. And if you don't want to read it, then it's good that it's specifically highlighted, so that you know the actual story is below. Clever, right? Okay, I'll shut up.

"What-am-I-gonna do? What-should-I-do?" Rev said to himself, as he dashed from one end of his room to the other. He's gnawing at his fingers as if planning to eat his hand whole. His small movements between his darting around showed clear signs of discomfort, and anxiety was painted on his face.

Why is this happening? Why does it keep happening? Every time, ever since the others left, Tech and I have ended up being uncomfortable with each other. We try to do something together and it gets ruined by something. Whether because of ourselves or something we can't control. And apparently, God has a sick sense of humor, since he made Duck suddenly appear, just as Tech and I were...doing something. I still can't believe we did that. I don't know how I didn't manage to faint. I think I just believed it was some kind of dream. It felt like one at least. I have thought of being with Tech like that before, but actually doing it, felt like finding a unicorn. Utterly magical, and utterly ludicrous. But it did happen. Then Duck came and ruined it. Just like that, the moment was gone. A few minutes of heaven, gone. And I was just starting to think Tech might like me!

The thought stopped Rev in his tracks, and he stood and stared at a wall in his room. He then started feeling tired. Not tired in his body. Not tired in his eyes or mind. He just felt the sensation of exhaustion wash over him, as the pouring rain on a bleak day. He placed his forearms on the wall and pressed his forehead against them. He was waiting for the sensation to disappear, but it remained, like the blistering pain from an infected wound.

'Might'...Why do I still think that Tech doesn't like me? He was just about to tell me he did when we were interrupted. He even went with me that night and kissed me when we came back. Of course, he likes me. Why else would he do all of that? It's not like he was using me. Or just acting for the fun of it.

Rev knew where the rest of his thoughts would lead him, and he wished for nothing more but to shut them up, and ignore them. But all he could do was try to fight them.

Why do I start thinking like this again? Tech wouldn't do that. Yes, he's sometimes a smug, all-knowing type. And sometimes, but very few times, he's kind of a jerk. But that doesn't mean he would do something like that! He's better than that. He would probably even get sad, or mad if he knew I thought about him like that sometimes. No, he wouldn't get mad. Just sad, probably. Knowing that this feels worse. So I know he wouldn't that. He's Tech after all. One of the greatest people I've ever met, and he likes me. So why can't I seem to understand that? Why can't I just get, that he isn't just playing with me and that he won't just throw me away when things start getting complicated, or when they start interfering with the rest of his life. He isn't like that, but why do I keep being scared that he might?

Rev didn't want to accept it, but he had found signs, that pointed to why he felt like that. Not only was there the thing with the cab driver. But now that Duck was there, it was worse.

Maybe it's because of how it's going currently with Tech, now that Duck is here. Not only doesn't Tech seem to really like talking to me when Duck's around. And when he does talk to me, if we get interrupted by Duck, he begins to act like we don't even know each other! For two days this has been going on, and Tech hasn't tried to talk to me about what happened that night, or what is going on between us. Whenever I try to bring it up, he avoids it and tries to change the conversation. I was even so close today. It was perfect, we were alone in Tech's lab, we had started talking, and I was about to ask him about it. But then Duck came, and Tech went back to act as if nothing is going on. I don't know whether I want to scream or cry. Maybe I could do both?

Rev chuckled but continued to stand still. He didn't really want to cry or scream. He wanted to curl up into a ball, and just hope all his feelings and worries would shrink until there would be nothing left.

I really haven't helped that much either, now that I think about it. I don't just say to Tech that I want to talk about it, and I also don't feel comfortable talking to Tech while Duck can hear us. I know as much about why, as I do Tech. But I don't know what to do about it. It's not like I can just tell Duck about it.

And as always, cosmic forces were listening to Rev's thoughts and made it so that Duck immediately stormed through Rev's door, who made a sound between a howl and a whine. Duck looked frantically around the room, before finally laying his eyes on the frightened Rev.

"Quick, Rev! I need to talk to you!" Duck said, before desperately marching towards Rev, who started backing into another wall.

"Hey-Duck-can-you-explain-why-you-nearly-broke-down-my-door-or-why-you-are-in-my-room?!" Rev said, with panic in his voice. That panic only grew, as Duck kept walking closer to him, looking like some kind of addict.

"Okay Rev, you need to calm down!" He said, as jumped forward, and grabbed Rev's arms, who made a squeak, and was about to kick Duck in the stomach.

"You need to listen, and not freak out!" Duck continued, looking like a wild animal, while Rev felt like a cornered animal.

"I'm going to say this, very slowly, so you will understand..." They stood in silence for a moment, before Duck blurted out;

"I think Tech wants to eat you!!!"

While Duck looked like he had just let out a shocking revelation, Rev just stared at him as if he had just insulted his mother. Rev kept the same expression of disbelief for a few seconds, before managing to comprehend what Duck had just said.

"Come-again?" He said, clearly not sure whether Duck had intentionally decided to sound like an idiot, or if he had the self-awareness of a rubber duck. It was the second, for Duck had apparently taking Rev's look for one of shock, as he dramatically looked away with a heavy sigh.

"I know, it's a lot to take in. But you have to trust me when I say it's true."

"What-on-earth-makes-you-think-that?!" Rev asked, with an aggressive tone, hoping to make Duck realize that his accusation seemed as baseless as an inverted pyramid. Duck didn't take the hint and continued as oblivious as before.

"You'll be surprised about how much evidence I have managed to obtain."


"It's how he looks at you!"

Rev continued to look at Duck with disbelief, but also with a hint of curiosity.

"Whenever I catch him looking at you, the only things I can see in his eyes, are desire and hunger!"

At first, Rev didn't know what to make of Duck's discovery. Until it clicked in his mind.

"I swear, I sometimes see him drooling at you!"

Oh, no was the only thing Rev could muster to think, as the realization started kicking in.

"It's as if he wants to eat you whole." Duck continued with bewilderment, not noticing Rev cramming closer to the wall behind him while starting to blush.

"And it's not only that!" Duck affirmed, before pacing around Rev's room, with a thoughtful look on his face. Still not noticing that Rev hadn't moved away from the wall, and was just looking at Duck with pure fear in his eyes.

"Whenever you walk by him, and he manages to get a glance at you from behind, it seems he just wants to, pounce at you like some animal hunting prey!" Rev continued to stare while blushing more and more, as Duck continued talking.

"I have never seen him look at anyone like that before, and never with such ravenousness intent! Such fiery passion can only come from a hungry beast!" He continued with dramatic flailing, sounding like he was either trying to amp up either Rev or himself. He then turned to Rev with a sharp movement and then pointed at him nearly accusingly.

"One only interested in roadrunner meat!" Rev sank onto the floor and buried his face in his hands. He remembered how he didn't know if he wanted to scream or cry. He definitely wanted to scream right there and then. Duck turned away from Rev again, with a pained moan, as he imagined Rev's despair.

"I know it's hard to believe, but you are hearing the evidence from yours truly. I'm not even done yet! I also see, whenever you're too close to him, that he wants to-"

"I'm-starting-to-get-it." Rev painfully muttered from behind his hands, but Duck continued without pause.

"-lick you all over and have the taste of you in his mouth-"

"Yeah-I-got-it-you-can-stop-now," Rev said, trying again to make Duck stop talking, this time with a much more irritated tone in his voice. And again, it failed.

"-and pick you up and carry to his room so he can-"

"I-GET-IT!!!" Rev screamed at Duck, standing up and staring at him as if he was ready to kick him out of the room. At first, Duck tried to cover himself, waiting for Rev to lunge at him. But then he looked at Rev as if trying to solve a puzzle. Then a light bulb went off in his head, and his look changed to that of bordering between disgust and confusion. Rev was befuddled on what made Duck change his look so fast. He then realized that he was still blushing. Heavily in fact. The realization made Rev stop in his track, and stare at Duck with the same fear as before. They both continued looking at each other before Duck broke the silence.

"You seemed disturbingly into that."

"W-what...No! That's-not-why!"

"Why then!" Duck accusingly asked Rev, who could only stare at him with a blank look as an answer.

Come on, I could tell him right now! It would fix everything, and I can go back to being with Tech. All my worries and doubt will be gone, and everything will be better. I just need to tell Duck what's going on between me and Tech.

"Well...? Are you just going to keep staring at me, or are you going to explain to me, why you're not worried about Tech, wanting to eat you!"


"How do you know that?!"


"How!? What, are you two some kind of special friends?"


"Then why did you get so worked up about it?!" Duck asked, completely oblivious to what he had just said. But that meant he expected an answer from Rev.

Now! Just say it now! It's perfect, just say those four words, 'because Tech likes me'. Just say it!

"...I-need-to-go." Out of all the things he could say instead of the truth, he didn't know why he said this. He just wanted to get away from Duck. Or more accurately, he wanted to be with Tech for a moment. Duck stared at him in disbelief, as Rev avoided eye contact, and walked towards the door. He then followed behind him.

"Well maybe you don't care about this, but I'm worried about your well-being. So I'm going to keep an eye on Tech, and for your safety, I would advise you from going near-" Duck didn't have time to finish, as Rev closed the door in his face. Rev also made sure to run as quickly as possible away from his room, so he wouldn't have to hear Duck complain. He kept running and sprinted through the corridors. It didn't take him long before he found his coyote. He was slowly walking down a hallway, his shoulders sloppily hanging down, his footsteps heavy, but still making very little sound. Even by looking at him from behind, Rev could tell Tech wasn't in a good mood. He hoped he could fix that. He ran right up to him, stopping only just behind him. The gush of wind that hit Tech on the back of his neck, made him stop right in his tracks, and turn around. Before he had time to discern who it was, Rev made a light jump into Tech, embracing him in a hug. All that Tech could do, was make a surprised shriek, before Rev let go of him, and looked at him like he was his role model.

"Hi," Rev said, with the pleasantness of a happy puppy. Tech looked at him confused, before lighting up like a lamppost. Whatever was bugging him before vanished in an instant, as he looked at Rev's face.

"How-are-you-doing?" Rev asked, forgetting all the discomfort that had ever been between the two of them, and only feeling the joy of being close to Tech again. Even though he didn't say it, it was clear that Tech's mood had only just then gotten better.

"Oh, well...pretty well." He evasively answered, while rubbing the back of his neck.

"...What about you Rev, how are you doing."

"I'm doing pretty well too, especially now," Rev said, suggestively. He then moved a bit closer to Tech, who before would have been surprised by the act, but now seemed to be delighted by it.

"I'm glad to hear that." He commented, with a smile on his face. His happy demeanor then took a sharp turn, as he started looking worried and avoided eye contact with Rev, who was scared that he might just leave. But instead, he looked back at him, with a regretful look.

" do you think it's going with Duck around."

Rev couldn't help but feel angry at Tech for bringing it up, just as they seemed so happy and worry-free. But he knew they had to bring it up at some point. He just didn't want it to be so soon.

"Well-it-was-definitely-unexpected," Rev answered with a chuckle, but when he looked at Tech again, he could tell that he looked worried. Rev let out a sigh and looked down on the ground.


"Why?" Rev knew that Tech knew why. He thought that maybe he wanted to hear it from him.

"It''t-want-to-talk-to-me-when-Duck-is-around-and-I'm-scared-that-it's-just-going-to-keep-being-like-this-when-the-others-come-back-and-we-are-never-going-to-" He was interrupted when Tech suddenly moved into a hug and embraced Rev. He could feel Tech's breath on his back, and his heart pounding heavy.

"Could you shut up for a moment for me?" Tech teasingly whispered in Rev's ear, who stood dumbfounded. Tech held on to Rev for a few seconds in silence, before speaking again.

"I know I've been a jerk. You don't deserve to be ignored just because I'm scared of something stupid. I'm just kinda an idiot when it comes to things like that. I just want you to remember, that no matter what, I'm not going to forget what's between us." As Tech stopped talking, Rev couldn't help himself and wrapped his arms around Tech.

"Okay-fine." Rev playfully said, before continuing to hold on to Tech.

"So that means you still like me?" He baited Rev.

"Of-course-I-do," Rev answered with an annoyed, but still happy tone. Tech then moved his head to face Rev, so they both looked into each other's eyes.

"Good, for so do I."

They both kept staring, getting flashes to their date night. Tech then closed his eyes and moved in to kiss Rev. He could barely contain himself with joy, as he moved in to do the same. It felt like an eternity, as they slowly moved their mouths closer and closer. Rev could then feel his heart nearly jumping out from his chest, as he felt Tech's breath, and knew they were about to kiss. He had waited ever since that night to kiss Tech again. To feel him so close to him, as rare as it was. He was nearly about to jump with excitement, as he felt just the tip of Tech's mouth.

"Hey, Tech! Where are you?! I need...Uhm...I need you to help me with something! Not that I need your help, but your nice to have around to advise me! So if you're near Rev, just slowly walk away, and come to me! Okay!?" Duck shouted from another hallway. Instinctively, they both opened their eyes. Tech then let go of Rev, and practically pushed him away, while backing away himself. Rev looked at Tech with confusion, which then turned to shock. All that Tech could do, was looking back at him, with horror and regret. But they both knew that he couldn't take back what he had just done. Rev continued looking at him as if wondering that there might be a chance, that Tech didn't push him away. But at some point, he had to accept it. His expression then turned to one of hurt and despair. Before either found the will to say something, Rev turned around and ran away. The last things he heard, was;

"Rev wait!"

"What are you doing to Rev!?! Come here Tech, before you do something that you'll regret!"

Rev kept running. He didn't know where he was running. He didn't know why it hurt so much to feel Tech push him away. But it did hurt. It hurt a lot. And just as before where he wanted to scream, now he wanted to cry. And cry he did. It was his first time breaking down because of Tech. Whether it was from everything before, or for what just had happened, he didn't care. All he knew, was that he wanted to cry. So he cried.

"Hey, Rev! *Hic* I need come here for a moment! Be quick!" Duck shouted from, somewhere outside of Rev's room. Rev was laying on his bed, with his pillow over his head. When he was done crying, he had returned to his room and secluded himself. For hours he had laid there, drifting between letting time pass by and using the free time to think. But most of all he wanted to be alone. And he was still angry at both Tech and Duck, so he wasn't very much keen on getting dragged out to do whatever Duck would want with him. But he didn't have much choice, as Duck started banging on his door. Rev did consider just ignoring it, but after nearly a minute of uninterrupted pounding, he felt as if he was about to rip his ears out.

"FINE!!! I'm-coming!" Rev begrudgingly answered, before hauling himself out of bed, with a grueling sound of dread. With loose and uncharacteristically slow steps, he moved over to the door. But when he opened it, there was no sign of Duck. He considered the possibility of going back to bed, but that thought was cast away, as Duck once again shouted from around a corner.

"Rev! Come on over *hic* here, in the living room! I have *hic* something to show you!" With a tired groan, Rev started walking towards the living room. Each time he reached a corner, he would look past it, trying to see if anyone was on the other side. While he told himself that he was looking for Duck, he knew who he really was looking for. Tech. What he didn't know, was whether it was because he didn't want to see him, or

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