Chapter 9: Teach Me How To Be Loved

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----------Zayn’s P.O.V----------

I was meeting Ariana’s mom and brother today. I talked to Frankie before, it wasn’t that long though, it was mainly cause Ari left her phone in my jacket once.

“Zayn are you ready?” Ari yelled through the hall. For her to be so small her voice does travel.

“Yeah lets go.” I smiled taking her hand.

“Good luck lad.” Louis patted me on the shoulder. I just laughed.

‘Nervous?” She asked taking my hand.

“Not really, just trying to see how its gonna play out. All the questions to get asked. ‘how long have you two been together?’, ‘do you really love her?’, ‘kids in the future?’, ‘marriage?’ all the questions to get asked in a certain amount of hours.” I smiled and got into the car with her.

“We’ll only be there for a couple minutes I promise. The others wanted to go to the beach before we leave.” She said leaning her head on my shoulder.

We drove through California and seen all of these places, big houses, restaurants. We grew up in two different places. Knew different things about life because of how we were raised. But knew each other so well to the point where people would think we knew each other since we were younger. This was love.

I knew that I didn’t want to be with anyone else, that it wouldn’t work if I was with someone else.

“Rebecca’s in town!” Ari laid looking at her phone.

“Rebecca Ferguson?”

“Yeah, she’s amazing. Almost every time she’s  in town we get some food and just go to the beach together; she’s like my big sister.” She laughed and started texting.

So when did my ex and my girlfriend become friends?

“You two talk!”

“Yes Zayn! Even though she’s your ex she’s still my friend. To make you feel more comfortable, when you guys broke up and when Rebecca and I met she mentioned you to me.”

“And she said?”

“How you’re a good guy, you two didn’t work out, we’d be perfect.” She smiled.

At least she put in a good word for me.

“Stop! We’re here.” She told the driver and got out the car.

Her house was pretty big; I remember her telling me something about her mom buying it from some director.

“Ready?” She asked taking my hand. I smiled at her and nodded.

We walked towards the door and seen a dog waiting by the window.

“Cocoa!” She laughed and the dog went crazy barking and wagging its tail. She opened the door to the house and walked me to the living room.

“Mom? Frankie?” She smiled at them. He mom was exactly Ariana’s height but with black hair and Frankie was tall and the complete opposite. He had blonde hair; not natural though. I think its for a play he’s doing.

“Ariana baby!” He mom smiled and hugged her daughter and so did Frankie.

“Who’s this handsome guy?” He mom smiled.

“Mom, Frankie; this is Zayn Malik…my boyfriend.” She blushed.

“The One Direction boy?” Her mom looked at me.

“Yes Ma’am. Nice to meet you.” I smiled and held out my hand.

“Please! Call me Joan, wonderful to meet you!” She laughed and hugged me. I liked her family.

“Nice to meet you Zayn; I’m gonna go to the store for a while. See you guys later.” Frankie smiled and walked out the door 

“Sit down! Lets talk.” He mom said sitting on the couch. “So how long have you two been together?” She asked looking at both of us.

“Five days.” I smiled.

“Thank God! Ariana hasn’t stopped talking about you since you guys first met! I mean she seen your Videos on TV and the girls would show her pictures but it wasn’t enough for her!”

I smiled and looked at Ariana. Her head was down and her face was the color of her hair.

“THANK YOU MOM.” She yelled. He mom just laughed.

“So how long are you gonna be in town?”

“Today is our last day then we go on our European tour.” Ariana said playing with my hand.

Her mom nodded and looked at us for a long time.

“You two really love each other. Don’t let anything come between you two. There will be some people out there who will want to make your relationship hell. Don’t allow them to.” She smiled at us. Her mom was just like my mom, so I knew I was going to like her.

“Well it was a pleasure meeting you Zayn! Look after my baby while you guys are in Europe.” She smiled and hugged me tight.

“I promise I will Joan.” I whispered.

“Bye mom.” Ariana hugged her mom and we were back on the road.

“Off to the beach now?” I smiled.

“Yup. Everyone should be up there now.”

“I don’t have trunks.”

She looked at my pants. I don’t think that Chino’s are meant for swimming.

“The others don’t either. We’re doing jeans, and maxi dresses my friend.” She smiled and put on her sunglasses. Instantly her phone rang and she picked it up.

“Hello? Hey! Yeah I heard of them I love their music, that’s a great idea! The girls would love that! Are you serious? YES WE WANT THAT! Thanks so much I’ll tell them! Bye.” She hung up the phone.

“What was that about?” I asked.

“That was my manager. We start our European tour the second week you guys go on and we’ll be touring with you then!” She smiled.

“That’s amazing!”

“And, they want Alli, Cher, Danielle, and Eleanor to form a group! This is amazing!”

“I bet they’ll like it.”

“The final thing, we get to perform with Rebecca Ferguson, the Saturdays, Little Mix, and Selena Gomez at a breast cancer even some time later in the year!” She hugged me. Great. She would be with my two ex’s

“Im proud of you that’s amazing.” I smiled at her.

We pulled up to the beach. Everyone was there, Rebecca, Ari’s friends that worked on Victorious with her. It was like a gathering.

“Oh my gosh Ariana!” A dark haired one ran and hugged her.

“Liz I missed you! This is Zayn.” Ari smiled taking my hand.

“I heard  a lot about you; and it was overly good I might add.” She winked at Ariana.

“Hey, everyone’s heard about me I guess.” I smiled and shook her hand.

“This is my boyfriend Avan by the way.” She said pointing to him.

“Whats up man.” He shook my hand. We walked over to where everyone else was.

----------Ariana’s P.O.V--------------

“Ariana.” Rebecca smiled at me.

“Rebecca!” I laughed and hugged her.

“How are you and Zayn?” She asked taking my hand walking me over to the others.

“Great, everything amazing. How are you and the kids?”

“Amazing as well. They wanted to come and see you but my mum took them to eat, I wont be able to stay long though.”

I looked over and saw Zayn walking quietly.

“Zayn you could at least say hello! Come here!” Rebecca smiled and hugged him. I mean I understand how he feels awkward but I wouldn’t if I were him; at least Rebecca and I are friends.

“Nice seeing you again; its been years.” Zayn smiled.

“I know! You look good. You two both look good; for each other.” She smiled and checked her phone.

“Bad timing. I gotta go get the kids you guys. Nice seeing you Zayn; Ariana text me or call me.” She hugged us and walked back over to where she parked.

“Wanna go for a walk?” I smiled and held out my hand. He kissed my hand and took it.

“Sad that we have to leave.” He said looking over the water.

It was sad. I was gonna miss my family and friends. But I had a new family going on tour with me so it didn’t bother me so much.

“Yeah.” I had so much on my mind, I knew he could tell. Everything seemed so new to me lately; like I don’t know about a relationship.

“Whats wrong?” He asked

“Nothing, lets just keep walking.” I smiled and tried to keep walking but he pulled me into him.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Remember when we actually first met? I was seventeen and you were eighteen?” I smiled.

“Yeah, that was a funny day.” He laughed.

“That was when I was still with Jordan.”

“I remember.”

“It was one night when I was just crying because he told me he didn’t care anymore. If felt like I was walking on ice when I was with him, I always had to be careful; keep my guards up.” I said and looked over the beach to the others playing, jumping in the water, and talking.

“What about it?” He said turning my face towards his.

“You seen me sitting in the hotel lobby crying and you looked after me; like a good friend. And you didn’t leave till you knew I was okay. I always liked you, but when you did that; that was when I knew that I loved you. That it wasn’t a game. You cared for me when Jordan didn’t.” I smiled remembering the day.

“That was a crazy time.” He said sitting down in the sand and pulling me onto his lap.

“My past scares me Zayn. It just…why did I go on with dealing with that? What good did it do me? It was useless.” I said grabbing his hand.

“It was just a lesson. It was teaching you what actual love was, what you and Jordan had wasn’t love. So you just had to try twice. I’d be there when Jordan wasn’t and that’s why we are the way we are now.” He kissed me.

“You guys! Its time to go! We gotta get on the plane!” Cher called while Niall had her over his shoulder.

“Europe. Sounds romantic.” I laughed  and started walking with Zayn.

“Hey, text me when you land or call me. Gonna miss you.” Liz hugged me while Avan and Zayn did the “Bro hug”

“Look after her Zayn, she’s a good catch.” Liz smiled and hugged him.

“I promise I will.” He smiled. They walked to their car and drove off.

“BRITIAN BABY!” Eleanor screamed.

“I’m so ready to go.” I laughed. I’ve been almost everywhere but never to Britain.

“All of your things are on thus bus, its ten o clock so I suggest you guys go to sleep now. We have to be at the airport by twelve, on the plane by one and hopefully we’ll land around eleven or twelve pm. So get some sleep cause im not carrying anyone off the bus.” Paul laughed and went to another car.

“Well thanks to Paul being a buzz kill, we all should go to sleep. Its gonna be a long ride.” Louis said taking Eleanor’s hand.

“Are you two sharing a bunk?” Liam asked. He sounded pretty shocked.

“Yeah, its enough room to fit three or four people in those things. Try it im serious.” Eleanor said and hopped in the bunk with Louis. So it started a trend. Niall and Alli went into Alli’s bunk, Cher went into Harry’s, Danielle went to Liam’s.

“Wanna try it?” I laughed at Zayn.

“Sure, I hope your not a crazy sleeper though cause this wont work.” He laughed and took my hand.

“Yours or mine?” He said choosing between the two.

“Mine.” I laughed and jumped in, then he came up next.

“Louis was right, it is a lot of room in these.” Zayn laughed.

“Hey Malik! Shut up and go to sleep!” Harry yelled and we instantly hear a slap and him say ‘ow’.

“Say sorry.” Cher yelled.

“Sorry.” Harry murmured.

“They are the perfect odd mix.” I whispered.

“True Lets get some sleep. See you in the morning.” Zayn said and kissed me.

“Goodnight.” I smiled and pulled his hand over me.

Instantly we were sleeping, it felt like we were one. No matter how cheesy it sounds.

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