🩵Wox the Fox🦊

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◾️Child ghost maybe? A Titan?

◾️"They don't know who they are...How they got to the pizzeria..Why they are there...They just..woke up one day...

◾️What a weird day that was.. He...Yeah. He, he opened his eyes...He was on a stage...with bright, bright lights right in his eyes..It was colorful, filled with confetti...children were laughing...Cake was being served.. A boy in the crowd got closer, he looked familiar..

◾️Like a friend...Yeah, a friend. His friend..What was his name? He couldn't tell...It had been so long..

◾️It was his birthday. Why wasn't he invited? Why...why was he on the stage? He doesn't know how to sing...

◾️But the children were waiting...and his mouth opened on its own...Singing 'Happy Birthday'. And how beautiful he sung...Like never before..

◾️This happened for many weeks maybe months until...the pizzeria was suddenly left dark, barren...and abandoned. Something had happened.. He was all alone, alone...

◾️He didn't know why it hurt...Wasn't he a robot? A magician? A singer? That was what the kids called him..Wox...Was he a child too? He sure didn't look like one...

Too tall...too metallic.

◾️But then, one day...Light seeped through the front door...A tiny man had entered. His insignia said Warden so he called him Warden...

◾️He was a funny man. They would chase each other every night.. A fun game of tag.. In the morning he would let him sleep...He could tell the old man got tired..

◾️They were friends...The bests of friends for weeks! Or so he thought...

◾️Yet, one night the door opened again... He thought more friends were coming... but no, they pulled his sole one away... They stole him...hurt him.

◾️He tried catching him, begging him not to go but his words didn't come out of his mouth like his songs, clear, loud ...No.. They were mangled. Warden couldn't understand...And then his mouth closed...there was red on his friend's shoulder....a lot of red..

◾️And he left him behind...He was alone, alone again... "

◾️Urban legends still surround this odd animatronic. People fear going near the now forever empty pizzeria. Even the owners had disappeared off records.

◾️All that was left were sad tales, an unsolveable missing case...Broken hearts and maybe just maybe... a child in need of rescue...In need of his friend, Warden. The nicest adult he had ever met...

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