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◾️ He has many scars across his body from fighting off animatronics. The worst being teeth marks on his shoulder

◾Tired beyond belief of everyone's bulls**t. One of the only Towers with an actual working braincell in the whole base. (Besides Com', Medic ,Engineer, Necromancer and believe it or not...DJ)
"I am surrounded by idiots" -Warden

◾️Sleepless nights caused by nightmares from the days "working" as a security guard and fighting against Wox the Fox week after week all on his own

◾️He used to be a part of a police department from a nearby city when he was sent to investigate a pizzeria after the disappearance of a child during a birthday party held at the establishment

◾️Many urban legends surrounded the place, and even more started going around after said incident. Some used to say the child's soul inhabited the face of the pizzeria, an animatronic named Wox the Fox. Whilst others claimed the animatronic might have been an actual Titan instead of a robot or at the very least a Titan creation made with magic

◾️ Of course, no one was able to prove this and Warden being a skeptical person, chose not to believe the words of the locals and went on his own to find out the truth

◾️ To this day, he doesn't know for sure if that animatronic is actually haunted but one thing is for certain, Wox was angry (and oddly human in their emotions) and has been attacking him ever since he tried to escape the pizzeria the first night

◾️ After five whole nights had passed with no signs of Warden anywhere, his fellow police officers decided this job might be more fit for the military and so they called for their aid

◾️ That evening, Commander had met Warden for the first time. The poor man having survived on his own for days and proving to be more than capable to deal with a possible Titan on his own, made Commander waste no time in inviting him to join their ranks

◾️He agreed and after some medical care he was back on his feet, having been badly wounded by an ugly bite to the shoulder from Wox the same night the military had come to rescue him. The animatronic seemed weirdly agitated to see him leave...almost like they wanted him to stay (despite the fact that they avoided him like the plague unless it was night when it was their time to attack)

◾️His distinct abilities in hand to hand combat and coordination of the troops made him a great asset to Commander, quickly climbing up the ranks to be his left hand man

◾️ He has met plenty of Titans during his battles alonside the army but disregards most of them, treating them with indiference

◾️ Despite the many fights against Wox, he still believes a child might actually be stuck inside that metal body and a part of him pities the thing, wishing to return to the pizzeria and find a way to free them

◾️Maybe with some aid from his new comrades, his wish might come true some day


Author's note: The last piece of writing of 2023! I wanted to thank you guys for sticking with me for over a year now with both Titan Turn and TDS Headcanons, it has been a blast and I am so happy to see so many of you enjoy my work! Happy New Year and cheers to an even better one with even more stories to tell! <3 :D

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