🟪Void Reaver 🟪

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◾️The kind old grandfather that would sneak you cookies before dinner

◾Well loved by most Titans. Being born into a family of nobility did help.

◾Most see him as the leader of all Titans even today, although he had actually lost the title during the Ancient War. He is still considered the greatest Conqueror among them all.

◾️He led most of those fights after his father's passing. Their family had been known as heroes in the war, but that title later turned to ashes after the Peace Treaty was signed.

◾️He was infamous for his rage. With rumors going around that even his family does not suffer him. They are partially true. Fallen does not. They had an ugly fall out a few years ago. A bit before Krampus had disappeared without trace.

◾After the death of his wife due to an ilness (Fallen and Krampus' bio mom) he was never quite the same. He grew tired yet restless, he forced his kids to train in sword fighting almost constantly. He yelled at them, held them to strict standards since he had a reputation to keep. And if one of his boys ever got sick he never really stayed by their side (The memories of his late wife were just to much). But he does regret not being there. After Krampus vanished, his bitter anguish only grew more.

◾However, with his grandkids he was never harsh. He would never punish them no matter what they did. (He really mellowed as he grew older)

◾Has visited Ducky Doom and Frost Spirit more than he has Molten and Gravedigger therefore he is a little more close to them (Cause a certain somebody doesn't want to see him)

◾Met Molten and Frost Spirit when they were just babies. (got to hold them and they were some of the best days of his life. And yet he never really did help raise them either).

◾️Despite Ducky not being blood related to him, he loves his grandson just as much. He had a soft spot for the boy ever since they met. ( his slightly rebelious attitude amuses him to no end)

◾He likes Gravedigger and wishes he knew the boy better. He seems interesting, with a more calculating mind, good for strategizing. Might make a fine warrior someday.

◾Will sit and tell stories about his youth if given the chance (and nobody can leave until he is finished)

◾Retired warrior for the most part. (no longer battles the Towers as much as he used to, unless it is an emergency or one of his brethren is in danger)

◾️The sole person he had been somewhat more open to was Swordmaster. His best friend since childhood. His father had been the so called "King of Titans" before him and Swordmaster's father was his blacksmith. Many years later they too would gain their parents' titles, sticking together when all was said and done even after the war.

◾Human-form: appears to be a man in his late 60s - early 70s, white curly hair, dark skinned, his eyes are an unnatural shade of purple, strong body slightly on the chubby side being able to tower over just about anybody with his height.

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