⚙️Ducky Doom🧨

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◾Annoying little cousin™

◾The "You got games on your phone?" kind

◾Very absorbed into his video games, tends to zone out during conversations (not a good listener)

◾Enjoys having Frost Spirit as an older brother, but they can butt heads every once in a while

◾Tends to tease him too but does admire him greatly

◾Both him and Gravedigger are not blood related to the family, the difference is that Ducky was born a Titan and his family tried to hide this side of him (he also knew he was a Titan)

◾When the villagers of his town found out he was a Titan they tried to hunt him down, that's when Lord Sinister stepped in and saved him

◾At first Sinister wasn’t very fond of the idea of 'raising a child' but eventually he and Ducky bonded and now he loves his duckling son very much

◾Doesn't really understand the deal with Krampus and why Frost Spirit lives with them now, he just noticed his uncle wasn’t around anymore

◾Sinister refuses to talk about it, so Ducky was left kinda in the dark about the situation

◾Has seen Frost Spirit cry on multiple occasions after the disappearance of his father

◾Tries to comfort him every time but doesn't really know what to say so he just offers "a shoulder to cry on"

◾Cousin wise, he and Molten aren't very very close, Ducky thinks he needs to get out of his shell more and stop being "such a scaredy cat"

◾Thinks Gravedigger is weird and they don't really talk despite being closest in age

◾Gravedigger has called him out on being rude to Molten before ( and will do it again-)

◾Has no patience whatsoever

◾Understands Gravedigger's situation on a more personal level but doesn't get why he is so reserved about it (has no clue about certain details)

◾He thinks uncle Fallen is way to serious and needs to relax some more (trully a copy paste of Sinister)

◾Has met Krampus before he just *Poof* and liked him a lot (also loved his cooking, cause Sinister can't touch the stove without setting the kitchen on fire)

◾Loves grampa Void Reaver and always asks him for stories

◾Is a little disrespectful to Swordmaster cause of how sour he is in general (has called him a "dried raisin" or "fossile man" before)

◾Human form: appers to be a 13 year old boy, with jet black puffy hair, red eyes, a little on the chubby side always wearing his signature black hoodie, and cap with little horns on it.
(trully is a little devil)

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