Grey crashed on the now burned plain of grass and Agrona didn't stop as he followed him down with a two handed slam.
The area got covered by a huge smoke of dust with ashes blending with it. The smoke cleared and revealed Agrona and Grey, still fighting each other.
These two men have fought hundreds of times already. Grey in his now fully realized 3rd phase of his dragon will, and Agrona who is still just using his unknown fiery fire and healing powers.
Grey now with his third phase can hold Agrona down on this form. But even with all of that, Grey still isn't sure how strong Agrona really is. He is an enigma, an enigma with the potential that is bound by nothing.
Grey even with the ability to control Aether with his 3rd phase, heck he even can create a pocket dimension and control by will but still can't do a serious damage to Agrona. He just heals and heals until Grey exhaust himself. This already happened more than a dozen times.
Grey who got blasted away by Agrona stood up, his purple eyes slowly turning back to his blood red indicating that he's near his limits.
“Oh my, You've been more persistent it seems."
Agrona grinned widely, clearly having fun on beating Grey up.
“Fuck this."
As Grey said those words. His eyes regained it's purplish gold hues and his white hair shined even brighter as before. Grey raised his fist into a fighting stance and glared at Agrona.
“hehehe what a cheeky brat."
“And that would be my last report Scythe Seris. Am I allowed to go now?"
“Yes, you can now leave. And Caera, don't forget about the party tonight. You and the two are invited by the High Sovereign himself. Be sure to attend."
“I understand, Scythe Seris."
I bowed my head and left Scythe Seris's office. The party tonight, Scythe Seris didn't give me enough information but it probably is for that.
I walked quietly until I reached my room. I entered it and saw my bed full of stuffed toys ranging from the smallest possible to the biggest that is a human sized one.
I walked to the wardrobe to pick my outfit for tonight. I picked a simple black dress to fit the surroundings as I probably be with the Scythes and Retainers who always wears dark colored clothings.
The party will be held tonight at Taegrin Caelum and none of the three of us know what this party is about. But since my family, the Denoirs didn't get invited means that this isn't just some useless formality party.
It is a more serious matter. If my hunch is correct then there's only one purpose for this party. It is for the declaration of the last phase of the war.
It's a lively sunny day in the kingdom of Sapin but I'm not sure about the other countries. I am now just chilling here in my tent just trying to grab the opportunity to rest a bit. Right now I'm the one assigned to be the look out in the bay of Etistin for potential attacks from the sea.
Alacryan troops for the past two years have been lenient and all the attacks lessened significantly. Although this might seem good for some, my instincts are telling me that it is not a good thing to happen.
Without the attacks, us Lances are now just stuck with their paperworks which they are allowed not to do once it's a time of crisis but now that there are no attacks means we're all back in the office works.
That's why I'm spending my precious time to rest here. Once my duty is over, I'll be buried again on those paperwork and I'll probably die of stress. Old man Virion seems to do well about it, maybe because he's used to it because he's a king before?
If this continues I'll probably end up like him.
I don't ever really want to live forever with that kind of lifestyle and I certainly don't want to be a Lance who's only job is doing paperwork for years.
I grabbed the newspaper covering my face and lowered my feet that is on the top of the table. I adjusted myself and sat straight up. After a while a soldier clad in steel armor entered the tent.
“Lance Ilesere, thank you for your service for this week. You've been given a day break and Lance Enoreth will be on your place while you're away. That is all sir!"
“Thank you sir. So when will Lance Enoreth arrive here in Etistin?"
“Sir he will arrive in an hour sir! The commander also said that you can leave whenever you want Lance Ilesere!"
“Is that so? You can now leave. And thank you for the message."
“No, it's my honor to meet you."
The soldiers salutes and walked out of the tent. I can leave whenever I want huh?
I grabbed my coat that's hanging on the wall and covered my military uniform with it. I immediately walked out the tent and flew up the sky and decided I'll go to Elenoir to treat myself with my favorite elven delicacies.
Arriving at the City of Etistin, the Capital of Sapin after a few minutes of flying, I headed to the teleportation gate to Xyrus.
Xyrus have all the teleportation gates across the continent and sadly Etistin only have one to Xyrus. I would need to endure two nauseating sensation just to get some elven foods but I'm totally okay with that. The street foods in Zestier are the best in the world after all.
Arriving at Xyrus, I didn't waste any time and went for the teleportation gate to Zestier. The human guards tried to stop me first because I was rushing but with just a flash of my uniform and face made the work done.
Escaping the cursed embrace of the teleportation gate, I finally arrived at Zestier, the capital of Elenoir. I took off my coat and showed off my uniform. Of course not for fame but for easy food access. I made my way to the bustling streets of Zestier but I'll surely be careful because it's possible that Alea is here and she'll see me use my status just for foods.
Walking to the so crowded streets, I can finally smell the overwhelming smells of the foods they are selling here. The smell of fish getting grilled, the addicting sweet smell of honey and even rice cakes can be smelled.
"This is heaven"
Good lord I got a break even though it was for a day. The streets might be more crowded because of the border opening but it's still satisfying to see the other races cooperate and share their culture to each other.
I headed to my favorite grilled meat stand when I bumped into someone.
“Oh sorry my bad. Here let me help you."
She took my hands with a very delicate hands along with very smooth fingers.
“Huh? You-
I arrived at the party and immediately got offered a seat in the corner of the room while I waited for the two. It is a small party but I didn't expect the other Sovereigns here to attend. More importantly all of them are present, no absent unlike how I hear it sometimes from Scythe Seris.
The Sovereigns are still Asuras so they are as prideful and don't want to be in the same place as us lessers.
I'm not exactly a lesser nor an Asura but I still am a lesser and don't wanna be an Asura at all. They're all scumbags who's greed is comparable to no one.
It looks like everyone here is already present and all of us are just waiting for the High Sovereign so arrive.
I walked over to Cecilia and Nico who've just arrived and sat down on our table of three.
“You're a bit early Caera."
“She's not early, we're just really late."
"Oh shut up."
I giggled with the two's bantering. This reminds me that Grey still hasn't woken up after two and a half years, and as always the High Sovereign doesn't allow us to enter his room. No one is allowed to go there anymore after the incident two years ago.
Aparrently, Scythe Melzri and Scythe Cadell got attacked by Grey unconsciously that the High Sovereign needed to save them. That's why it's too dangerous and no one is allowed to visit him.
I miss Grey so much, I mean who would not? He is someone I love and care about. He is my first true friend and first love, he is someone who understands me. Who am I kidding, course I'll miss him.
sigh I even planned on confessing my feelings once he's finally awake but it seems that I still need to hold on this for now.
“Everyone, please prepare. The High Sovereign and his guest are about to enter. "
A maid who I think is an awakened Vritra blooded human warned everyone and bowed as she immediately exited the room just as she entered it.
Silence fell upon the room and soon a footsteps can be heard. I crossed the possibility that this is the High Sovereign because his footsteps doesn't produce any sound so this may be his guest.
The door opened from the outside revealing the High Sovereign, Agrona Vritra, and a beautiful woman with white hair that reminds me of Grey's.
I looked around the room and saw most of the Asuras frozen in place, the same as the Scythes. Only those who I think don't know who the woman is are us, a few guests and the retainers.
One by one, all of the people in the room payed respect to the High Sovereign and the woman. The Sovereigns bowed their heads while those who's below them are kneeling on the ground and that includes me.
The High Sovereign reached his seat and signalled us to now take a seat on our own respective tables. Standing up, that now all of us are sitting down, the High Sovereign finally spoke.
“I welcome all of you to the party. I hate formalities so I'll skip it, all of it.
I know that all of you doesn't know the purpose of this party except a few who may have an idea on what it is about.
But first, I would like to announce that my wife, Sylvia had finally woke up."
Claps started to emerge after hearing the good news. Who would've thought that the High Sovereign even has a wife. The claps are just about to reach it's full volume but the High Sovereign raised his hand up to stop it.
“I will get to the point, this party have been organized personally by me. I invited all of you as I deemed you all important for this matter.
I, the High Sovereign of Alacrya has decided to proceed to the last phase of this war. After this party, the conquering of Dicathen will continue and will not stop until all of it's people are on the ground.
I will- no. We, will burn their home, destroy their pride, kill their people, and crush their will to live, and will not stop until they succumb to the cruel fate that awaits them all.
That is what this party is all about. I can't even call this a party anymore, it's more of a meeting. All of you here is invited as I see you as an important piece for this war. Not just to help in combat but also in the political, military, but also in economical issues that we will be facing while we're in war."
The atmosphere is thick, very thick. Some retainers needed to protect the humans who is not capable enough to resist the High Sovereign aura and almost fainted. The silence was broken by the sound of a chair being dragged along the ground.
It was Sovereign Kiros of Vechor.
“High Sovereign, I know that we badly need to conquer the other continent but it's not like they are a fool either. They would be expecting any attacks coming from us from the moment we stopped attacking.
And with the help of the Asuras their military power have increased? Don't you think this is a weak decision?"
Sovereign Kiros spoke to the High Sovereign with a formal form of speech. This really shows how influencial and powerful the High Sovereign really is.
“Are you doubting him? Are you a fool Kiros? He is the High Sovereign."
Someone answered Sovereign Kiros, it is another Sovereign, Orlaeth of Sehz-Clar.
“Shut up Orlaeth, or I'll make you one."
“Foolish muscle headed bastard."
clap clap clap
The High Sovereign clapped his hands to signal the two to stop.
“Stop now. Orlaeth, Kiros. I know about the help given by the Asuras and I'm not underestimating them either.
As for them expecting an attack, that surely will happen so just I spiced things up.
I have already sent a warning."
The High Sovereign grinned widely after he released those words. His message disturbed me even though I don't know what warning is he talking about.
“A warning you say?"
“Yes, a very very dangerous warning."
“Huh? You-
“Oh, I apologize. It seems like I didn't see you."
Beautiful blood red eyes stared at my soul for a few seconds after, she? Or he looked down on the ground.
Sh- he didn't see me? His voice is deep, it's a dude. Come on dude. I'm literally a Lance, and everyone is looking at me. How can you not see me. Don't tell me you don't know me either. What rock did you live under that you don't know a Lance of your continent.
“I'm very sorry Lance. Now I'll take my leave.
Oh so he knows. Well that's good. But that's not what I mean! I didn't thought he's a guy. I really thought it's a girl.
War arc about to happen. Who might be the mysterious guy Lance Ilesere bump into? Find out in the next episode of dragon ball z.
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