watching san walk away hurt a lot more than wooyoung thought it would. he stood, unable to move as san disappeared further and further into the night. it took all of him to stop himself from calling out san's name. wooyoung thought he'd be on top of the world if san felt anything towards him, but instead it left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. it was all too fast, san just broke up with his girlfriend. san was probably high on his emotions, he couldn't like wooyoung that easily.
wooyoung traced his fingers against his lips. he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the feeling of san's lips against his. he loved it. he loved it so much that he almost wished san would come and kiss him again. he stood there for a moment, overthinking. was he right in pushing san away? wooyoung wasn't entirely sure of his feelings towards san, he knew he felt something but he didn't know if it was strong enough for him to like san in that way. he didn't have any experience in the love department so he wasn't sure what it was supposed to feel like.
now that he thought about it, what was san thinking? did he really think he'd kiss wooyoung and something would happen between them? how was he so sure in himself that he garnered the courage to make such a move without talking things out first?
his phone beeped with a notification that his uber was waiting. wooyoung looked up, knowing san was long gone by this point and let out a sigh. turning on his heels, he headed back to the front of the restaurant to meet his uber.
wooyoung contemplated telling yeosang. his friend already showed his dislike towards san, the continous passive aggressive mutters under his breath whenever san was near and him constantly telling wooyoung to stay away from san were more than enough to tell that yeosang just wasn't the biggest fan. still, wooyoung had to talk to someone and yeosang was all wooyoung had. plus, yeosang, unlike wooyoung, had been in a few relationships before, so he had some experience.
"what are you doing here?" yeosang, clad in his pajamas and a sleeping mask pushed atop his head, questioned as he opened the door. "i need to tell you something" wooyoung replied, and stepped inside. yeosang closed the door and glanced at wooyoung, "and this isn't something that could be said over the phone?". wooyoung shot a glare at yeosang, "no" he said and plopped himself on yeosang's bed.
yeosang grimaced at the sight of wooyoung on his clean bed with his work clothes still on. "okay" he said, sitting on his bed and facing wooyoung, "what is so important you just had to come over?". wooyoung took a deep breath, he couldn't believe he was going to talk to yeosang about this.
"it's about san" wooyoung muttered and closed his eyes, bracing himself for another scolding from yeosang. "what about him?" yeosang asked, his tone tinged with indifference. "he kissed me" wooyoung said it so quietly, he wasn't sure yeosang had even heard him.
"he kissed you?" yeosang shrieked, clutching onto a pillow. his eyes were widened and his jaw dropped, "what do you mean he kissed you? isn't he dating that girl?". wooyoung looked down, "apparently they broke up". yeosang raised an eyebrow in skepticism, "tell me everything".
wooyoung twiddled with his fingers as he relayed what happened - san pulling him into the parking lot, the kiss, their talk, even him staying over last night. with every word that came out of wooyoung's mouth, shocked gasps escaped yeosang's mouth.
"wow" yeosang said when wooyoung finally finished, "so you never really stayed away from him". wooyoung shook his head, feeling a mix of guilt and uncertainty weighing heavily on his shoulders. "i tried," he admitted quietly, "he keeps showing up and it's hard for me to push him away".
"but you did" yeosang pointed out, referring to the argument wooyoung had with san before he came to yeosang. "yeah, but i feel terrible about it. i'm not sure i should've done that". yeosang stared at wooyoung, "you're the last person i expected to fall in love".
wooyoung whipped his head towards yeosang, "i'm not in love" he protested defensively. yeosang scoffed, "please. you so are, it's crazy that you can't see it". wooyoung rolled his eyes, brushing off yeosang's comment, he wasn't in love. at least he didn't think he was.
"so what are you gonna do?" yeosang was now laying on his stomach, propping himself up with his elbows. wooyoung looked at him confused, "what do you mean? it's done". he felt a pang in his chest, now that he said it out loud, it really felt like it was all over.
"you still like him and you know he likes you, are you really going to just leave it at that?", yeosang asked and wooyoung's frown deepened. "what's wrong with you? i thought you hated san?".
"i don't hate him" yeosang said with a dismissive wave of his hand, "i don't necessarily adore him, i just didn't like that he was distracting you". wooyoung sighed, "i don't know how i feel about him. i've never been in this situation before".
"well no shit. you don't even look at anyone" yeosang remarked and wooyoung grabbed a pillow to smack him, "can you not? ", he hit yeosang on the back of the head.
"okay, sorry. geez" yeosang smoothed down his hair that was tousled because of the hit. "i think you're overcomplicating this for no reason. you love him and based on what i've heard, it seems like he likes you".
"i am not in love with him" wooyoung repeated for the second time and yeosang shook his head and chuckled. "okay, whatever. so tell me, why did you push him away?". wooyoung thought for a moment, "well...i felt like it was so sudden and plus he just got out of a realtionship. i don't want to be his option because he's upset about the breakup".
"you think you're his rebound?" yeosang asked and wooyoung slowly nodded. yeosang flipped over onto his back and rested his hands behind his head, "then i think it's obvious what you have to do".
wooyoung layed down next to yeosang, turning on his side to face him, "what's that?" he asked. yeosang glanced at wooyoung, "you have to talk to him". wooyoung scoffed, "you're the one who told me to stay away from him".
"yeah, but this is different. i didn't think he'd like you back and what kind of friend would i be if i meddled in your love life?". yeosang looked at wooyoung, "seriously though, just talk to him. you can't keep pushing people away, you'll end up being lonely".
wooyoung mulled over yeosang's words, feeling a sense of unease settle in his chest. he was still unsure but he couldn't just expect this to go away. even with san out the picture, he wouldn't magically disappear from wooyoung's mind that easily. if san truly felt something like he said he did, wouldn't it be worth figuring it out?
he was going to have to talk to san.
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