I woke up in a place I didn't recognize. My wrists were in pain from my deep, freshly cut scars.
I was asleep on a couch. What happened yesterday? My mind ran lose, trying to remember the events that took place.
I noticed there was someone in the kitchen, so I waited to see who it was, my mind pulling a complete blank..
I sat up on the couch. My thighs hurt as well; the stinging type of hurt. There was a horrible pain in my stomach. I lifted my shirt to see what had happened, and winced when I saw had a huge purple bruise. I looked at my chest, I could see my own rib-cage. I was starving.
"Hi, babe." I put my top down and turned to see Harry walk into the room. He had no top on. That didn't bother me though.
"I remember now," I said, casually realizing the events that had taken place. Harry chuckled..
"How are you feeling?" he questioned, taking a seat next to me.
"Worried," I said with a sigh. He put his arm around me, allowing me to rest my head on his shoulder.
"I don't know much about you," he said, clearly trying to take my mind off things, "tell me about yourself."
"Well...My name is Tay, I'm sixteen, and I know that you guys are going to regret ever letting me come home with you and helping me," I sighed.
"Why?'s that" Harry didn't seem happy I said that.
"I'm so pathetic, look at me! I'm fat and worthless-"
"Tay!" Harry exclaimed, cutting me off. "You are not worthless, don't ever think that. If you were worthless, you wouldn't be sitting here next to me. And if you think you're fat, you need your eyes tested, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. If your stupid step-dad can't see that, then he really needs to wake up," Harry said. Surprised by his outburst and extremely thankful, I wrapped my arms around his torso, hugging his side.
"Thank you, Harry."
"Can I ask you something?" He put his hand on my stomach.
"Yeah, what is it?"
"You do eat, don't you?" He stared into my eyes, with those beautiful green eyes. I never really noticed how nice they were. When you see them in pictures or over a screen, they're completely different to how they really are. They were the color of leaves in the summer, or grass after it had rained: beautiful.
I put my head down, slightly shaking my head, feeling small under his watch as I admitted to wanting to starve. He put a finger under my chin and lifted my head.
"You are beautiful, and not fat. I want you to eat a bowl of cereal."
I violently shook my head, while he handed me the bowl.
"Please?" He gave me puppy dog eyes, and I knew I couldn't say no to him again.
I smiled at how cute he looked. I took the bowl from him and lifted the spoon, taking a mouth full. Honestly, it made me feel a little sick, but I continued to eat because Harry wanted me to.
"So, Harry?"
"Yeah, beautiful?"
I ignored his comment, lowering my head to hide my blush under my hair. "Did you guys like... kidnap me?"
"Kinda, But don't call it kidnapping. Lets call it... Kid-saving!" he exclaimed. I giggled; Harry was so adorable and sweet.
"Good morning!" Louis suddenly shouted, walking in, also shirtless. "Tay, is it?" he asked me, pointing at me with a goofy smile. I nodded.
"We're taking you shopping today," he said.
"We couldn't get any stuff from your old house, so we're gonna by you knew stuff." Harry smiled
"I didn't having much anyway, only a small wardrobe," I said, shrugging.
"We can change that," Zayn said, walking in too. I must admit, the fact that these boys were basically allergic to shirts didn't bother me much at all.
Liam and Niall then came in but they were both wearing tops.
"Boys, we have a child, put your clothes on," Liam said, chuckling.
"I'm wearing clothes." Louis came out of the kitchen looking confused, holding a bowl of cereal with his arms opened in wonder. Zayn and Niall sat next to Harry who still had his arm around my shoulder.
"You have pants on, put on your shirts," Liam said, sounding like the only responsible one.
Harry had his top in his hand. He threw it on over his head and put his arm around me again. Zayn and Louis went back upstairs, faking grumpy looks.
I finished my bowl quickly then set it on the coffee table.
"Give me your hand," Harry said. I held my arm out. Harry grabbed my wrists lightly, careful not to hurt me, and placed my hand over my rib-cage.
"What do you feel? Do you feel fat?" he asked, eyes staring at me. I shook my head. "Do you feel... your ribs?" I nodded. "Just because you eat food, doesn't mean you're fat. You're skinny, and it worries me," Harry told me.
I wrapped me arms around his torso again. He kissed my head and told me he loved me, making me smile.
"Happy, Liam?" Louis said while he walked in with Zayn, both now wearing black band shirts. Louis wore The Ramones, and Zayn wore one with a band named Rammstein on it.
"Very!" Liam laughed.
"If everybody is ready, we will go," Zayn said. I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but one of Harry's shirts instead. I had nothing else to wear. I did my hair quickly--pushing it to the side and brushing it--and we went.
"How do you do your hair like that?" Zayn asked. "It's really cool."
"Thanks, I don't actually know how, I just do it," I laughed.
The boys took me straight into a shop and bought me and outfit to put on.
They got me a superman top, that showed a bit of my flat stomach and hip-bones, shorts that showed my scarred thighs and thigh gap, the bruises faded mostly, a superman snapback, white converse; and the boys took me to get my hair dip dyed, too, which was pretty cool. I was basically being spoiled.
They bought me a ton more clothes and shoes. They bought me a hair curler too. I got my hair curled and it looked nice, instead of trying to be a wanna-be scene.
They bought me an iPod with all their songs on it, an iPhone, iHome, and a Mac.
"You guys are the best!" I said, hugging them.
They took me home after that. Harry showed me my room that he told me had just recently been made-up while we were all out, I was fascinated.
My room was huge. In the middle sat a king sized bed, in the corner there was two couches and a little coffee table, over my bed were box shelves set up nicely. I had a bedside table with a lamp and there was two doors on either side of the room; one for my own bathroom, the other was a walk-in closet. There was a desk with a little chair there too, in another corner.
I hugged Harry. "Thank you!" I gushed, smiling into his chest.
"You're welcome, love. Oh, and tomorrow is Liam's birthday, but you probably already knew that," he said with a wink, mocking the fact that I was once a crazy fan. "We're going to pretend we forgot and give him a surprise party, so keep your lips shut," Harry said. "You can put your stuff away, now." He kissed my head and disappeared down the stairs.
I put my iPod in the iHome and played a song called In My Veins by Andrew Belle. I put them on the desk. I put my Mac on the desk too and my iPhone on my bedside table. All my 'Girl Stuff' in the bathroom. My converse and clothes in my walk-in closet. The boys only bought me converse for shoes because they said they looked best on me.
"Tay! Dinneeeeeeer!" Harry yelled. Dinner, the thought made me shiver. But I made my way down the stairs anyway and took a seat next to Niall.
"Hurry, Harry. I'm huuuuungry!" Niall whined, causing a giggle to come from not only me, but Louis and Liam too.
"Here we go! My special spaghetti and meatballs." He placed a plate in front of me. I watched all the boys instantly dig in like pigs. It made me laugh. I ate a bit of it while the boys ate all of it.
"Harry, I'm full," I lied when the plate was less then half empty.
"You hardly ate any of it," Louis said, his eyebrows furrowed in a questioning manner.
"I'm not used to eating a lot," I lied again, shrugging my shoulders and awkwardly avoiding eye contact.
"S'alright, Tay," Harry said as he took my plate away from me.
"I'm beat, I'm going to go to bed," I said. I called a goodnight to all the boys before making my way to my room. I turned on my Mac and instantly clicked to Twitter, beginning to start up an account. I wanted my icon to be the picture of me and Harry, but the boys had to tell Simon about me first. It was then I realized I could hear Harry talking to him downstairs.
"Please, Simon, she's an angel, I will take good care of her! I promise!" I heard Harry say. A smile instantly broke out on my lips. "She needs this more than we do. Please."
"Do you think you're responsible enough?" Simon asked. Oh, he's here?
"Yes! I am!" Harry yelled, and I could only imagine the grin on his face.
The air was silent for a while, and even though I wasn't out there, I could feel how tense it was. After another few silent seconds, Simon spoke up again. "Fine, but you have to tell people on all five of your twitter accounts! And be nice about it!"
"Yes!" the boys shouted in sync.
Only seconds later my bedroom door opened suddenly and they ran into my room quickly. Harry picked me up off my chair and spun me around in his arms, placing a wet, slobbery kiss on my cheek. "You can stay!" he yelled, excitement evident in his voice..
It was then I realized I felt something that I don't think I ever felt before. I felt loved.
"Oh my God!" I shouted. I wrapped my legs around his torso and hugged him tightly, grinning as all the boys joined in on our hug.
After a while of hugging the boys began to explain to me how they all had to publicly announce my entrance to the family. Each boy took a picture with me, ready to Tweet.
This is the newest member of the crew @ Tay_X due to personal circumstances, she is now a member of the family and legally under Louis' care, we all expect the nicest welcoming towards her! Love u all x
My icon was me and the boys. Instantly, I knew I was going to get hate. I'm a girl living with five famous boys, that's going to give people idea's, then when people ask how I ended up with them, what am I going to say?
Harry saw my cuts and bruises and then kidnapped me.
That obviously won't work.
I knew I'd just have to wait and see.
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