Chapter One: Abused

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I had to do it again, didn't I? My wrists; cuts everywhere. Of course it hurt like a bitch, but hey, at least I felt somewhat better.

I'm going to make this as clichè as I possibly can. For the record, this should be allowed, because I am telling the story. But hi, my name is Tay, I'm sixteen, and this is my story.

I also have an infection, it's called Direction Infection. One Direction are the only thing that can make me smile, and it takes a lot for anyone to do that. I love them all but there's just something about Harry that makes me smile every time I look at him.

My parents usually never get me anything for my birthday but this year they got me a bracelet to meet 1D in the mall simply because they pitied me. Tomorrow!

And of course to put a downer on everything, my step-dad hit me again today. It hurt, and as much as I know I want to stay strong, I can't. Not for anybody.

The next day

I woke up to a black eye from when my step-dad punched me.

I took a shower and did my hair. I put on a 1D tank top and denim shorts. I don't care who sees my scars and bruises today. I used makeup to cover my black eye and left.

I walked there, I didn't live very far away. I got there and had to wait thirty minutes before seeing them. I was about too see Liam then.

"Hi Liam, I love you," I gushed. He smiled at me

"I love you too, sweetie."

"Niall, I love you so much."

"I love you too, babe." He smiled too.

"Louis, I love you!"

"Thanks, I love you too!" 

"Zayn, I love you so much."

"I love you too. Nice hair." He smiled. I couldn't even contain my happiness.

And last but not least, it was Harry.

"Hi Harry, can I have a hug?" I got to talk to Harry a bit because there was nobody behind me in the line. I was last, and I was never happier to have to wait in a line.

"Sure, love." He leaned over the table and pulled me into his arms, holding me better then I had ever been before.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear, "and not just because you're in a band, I really love you."

"I love you too." He held my hands. Harry looked at my bruised shoulders, and down my bruised arms, and then looked at my cut wrists. He dropped his pen on the ground--clearly purposely--and reached down to get it, I could tell he was looking at my bruised legs and cut thighs. He sat back in his seat and looked at me and I noticed that his eyes began to glaze over. Still holding my hands tightly, he lifted my wrist to his lips and kissed lightly before telling me that I was beautiful.

Before I could comprehend a response to that, one of the security men I recognized as Paul pushed me ahead, telling me it was time to go. I left the mall, so many taught's racing through my head. I knew if I went home now my current happy state would be ruined, so instead I sat on the curb outside the shopping mall, just thinking.


She looked broken. The saddest thing was, she was probably one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. I didn't know her or what was going on with her, but I guessed it wasn't full of rainbows and lollipops. The boys and I had a conversation afterwards.

"Did you see the girl with the blonde hair? Fringe?" Zayn asked us, scratching his head and looking around at us with worry evident across his features.

"Did you see her arms?" Louis asked before biting his lip and looking down.

"Her thighs are bruised and cut too," I confirmed, ending my sentence with a sigh.

"Just by looking into her eyes, she looked so broken," Liam added.

"It pains me to see girls like that," Niall added.

"I've never seen somebody that bad though," Louis sighed.

"I GOT AN IDEA!" I yelled, sitting up quickly with a huge smile plastered over my face, probably the worst idea I'll ever have racing through my mind.

"What?" Niall asked.

"Let's help her... let's take her with us!" I said, smiling trying to convince myself more than the others that it was a good plan.

"Like... kidnap her?" Zayn scoffed, whispering so Paul and Preston couldn't hear. I shrugged, still smiling big.

"Harry, we can't just kidnap a kid," Liam spoke up.

"Well then let's call it surprise adoption," I laughed while doing my best to lighten the mood

"Are you being serious?" Louis asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"I don't even know this girl, but I want to get her to stop hurting herself."

"Harry, you're crazy," Niall muttered, shaking his head and looking away.

"Maybe, but we need to help her, do you want her to die? Because from my point of view, that's the direction she's heading in, as harsh as that is."

"Well, if nobody finds out..." Zayn  trailed off.

"It could work," Louis said, agreeing with a smile.

"YOU'RE ALL CRAZY!" Liam exclaimed, standing up out of his chair.

"Liam, do you want an innocent girl to die?" I asked him.

"Well, no.. but Harry-" Before he could finish his lecture, I cut him off.

"THEN LETS GO FIND HER!" With that, we all stood out of our seats and began to run out of the mall.

"Be back in a minute, Paul!" Niall shouted.

Once we reached the front doors of the mall, we noticed she was still here, sat on a curb. This was perfect.


I checked the time on my phone and sighed when I noticed how late it already was. Taught's of what my step-dad would do to me when I get home for being so late raced through my mind.

I sighed and stood up, but the second I did, a big hand wrapped around my mouth and another went around my bruised stomach. I screamed in pain but the big hand muffled my voice. Realization hit me that the only person this could be was my step-dad, so I instantly shut up.

Somebody wrapped a blindfold over my eyes before they tied my hands together, then my legs together. I was then thrown over somebody's shoulder. By then, from the scent of the person, I knew this wasn't my step-dad. He smelled like alcohol and cigarettes and bad cologne, but this person smelled like expensive man spray and shampoo.

I began squirming and hitting the mans back, suddenly urgent to get away from whoever this was.

"Sit still," a deep voice said. I was so scared that I obeyed.

I was put in a car of some sort. Whoever it was un-tied my arms and legs, but I was still being deprived of my sight.

"P-please d-don't hurt m-me," I stuttered, wrapping my arms around myself.

"We're helping you," a light voice said. "Tell us your name?"

"T-Tay," I tried not to stutter to sound brave but it wasn't working out.

"We will let you see, if you promise not to freak out," a loud, thicker voice said. Hesitant, I nodded.

I then felt a hand go behind my head to un-tie the blindfold. I was scared to see who it was.

Suddenly all sense of fear left me when I saw who I was sitting with.

"ONE DIRECTION!" I screamed.

"Hey, babe." Louis smiled.

"You're loud!" Niall laughed.

"Nice hair," Zayn said, mimicking what he had said earlier.

"Don't blame me," Liam said.

Harry was sat next to me and I turned to see what he had to say.

"It was my idea." He smiled, raising a hand shyly and giggling.

"What was?"

"We want to take you home," he said.

I was once again taken over my fear. "What are you going to do to me?!" I shouted. By this point I was instantly terrified. I began to try and move as far away as possible, but the van was so small there was nowhere to move to.

"Save you from this." He gestured to my cuts and bruises, trying to seem as polite as possible.

"You don't want to hurt me?" I questioned.

"No. We want to help you," Louis confirmed.

"Is this a joke?"

"No, we really want to help you," Niall spoke up this time.

"You promise you won't hurt me?"

"Why would we hurt you?" Liam questioned. I blanked for a minute, trying to find the words to stay.

"That's all people ever want to do to me, really..." I trailed off and suddenly started crying, going over in my mind all the shit I had been through. Harry leaned over and wiped my tear away, also wiping away a bit of make-up under my eye. He furrowed his eyebrows together, rubbing at the make-up a bit before turning to Liam.

"Liam, give me your water bottle." Liam reached in a bag and took out a bottle of water before handing it to Harry. He poured a bit on some tissue that he had ripped out of his pocket before handing me the bottle.

"Drink it," he said.

"Who else drank from this?" I asked, looking around at the boys.

"We all did," Liam said.

"Oh, well okay then," I said, making Zayn laugh.

Harry brought the wet tissue to my face and wiped off all my make-up from under my eye. He swallowed hard at my bruised face. The boys went silent.

"Tell me why this happened?" Harry said, staring right at me.

I looked at all the boys who were ready to listen intently. I so badly wanted to tell them. I wanted them to know how much they meant to me, but I didn't want to tell them about my step-dad. 

I did anyway, though.

"It started when I was five, when my parents broke up and my mum married my step-dad. After that, he just corrupted her. She began drinking and so did my step-dad. He was always angry and he would always take it out on me, he loved my mum too much to even think of hurting her. She would just sit back and let it all happen, she knew if she interjected, she would get the worst of it. I didn't want that for my mum, so I let it go. People at school would pick on me... nobody ever really liked me." I finished speaking, tears once again in my eyes.

Harry had tears spilling down his cheek. How did I make him cry?

"I couldn't bare to know that if we let you go, you're going to go through all that," he said, shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I think we're going to take you back to our house!" Niall said.

"What about my dad?" 

"Well... we could call the police on him, couldn't we? We could fix this?" Liam asked.

I nodded slightly. "But what if he gets out and comes back for me? That would go so bad. What if-"

"No 'what if'. It's a yes, or a no... which?" Harry asked, quite loudly. "You say no, we let you go home, we let you go back. You say yes... we help you."

I looked around at the boys and they all had pleading eyes, clearly wanting the best for me. Really, I didn't even need to think about it. I knew what I wanted. I nodded.

They all smiled, pulling me in for a group hug. Harry kissed my cheek.


I rested my head on Harry's shoulder and he put an arm around me. "Go to sleep, we'll be home soon."

With that, I shut my eyes and dozed off.

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