Chapter 4 ~ Home

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Lukas quietly guided you home.

"So, you saw a man with white hair, mouthing at you near the bathroom," asked Lukas. you highly doubted if he even believed you. "Yeah, it was really weird." Lukas furrowed his eyebrows. "Weird. Think it has anything to do with the book?" You felt almost relieved he had asked. "I don't know, maybe. What do you think?" Lukas didn't reply for a while, looking down.

When the two of you reached your shared room of the apartment complex, an eerie feeling crept up your spine. Lukas swiftly unlocked the door, helping you inside. You sat down on the couch, massaging your temples to try and rid yourself of the pain in your head. Lukas was pacing back and forth, inspecting the book. You struggled looking straight at the text on the cover. It was almost as if the letters rearranged themselves, never letting you read it quite right. Lukas put the book away, seeing your struggle. "Maybe it's best we just forget about it for now," he suggested. You could only nod awkwardly, keeping your eyes away from the book.

Lukas left the room, seemingly to put the book away somewhere. "What a day, huh." A humorless chuckle came from the other room. You smiled slightly. "Yeah, i guess." Lukas stepped back into the room, your headache fading as the book had been taken further away from you. "How about we just, order some pizza later, and just calm down?" He suggested. "Sounds good," you muttered, absentminded. Lukas furrowed his eyebrows, letting his concern slip through. You picked at the business card, awkward silence filling the room. "I'm uh, i'm calling my friend. Be right back." Lukas left the room, leaving you on your own.

After a while you decided to get up, dragging yourself to your bedroom. Only for another whisper to catch your ear. "I wasn't done with you, was i?" The mans voice beckoned. "Don't be shy, i would love to see you again." Appalled, you backed further away from the noise emanating from the storage room. "are you going to leave me here?" The voice now faked sadness. Not having it, you hurried to your bedroom, slamming the door shut. Muffled taunts continued to plague you, yet no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't bring yourself to undertake any actions. Sitting down, you simply took your phone and put on your headphones, muffling out the noise. It proved effective, as you could no longer hear it. Eventually curiosity got the better of you, and you attempted to search the internet for information. The library led to no results. No reviews, no map, nothing. Leaning in a little further, you attempted to find any trace of where you had just been. You lost track of time, falling deeper into the rabbit hole.

You didn't know how much time had passed, until you heard a knock at the door. There stood Lukas, eyebrow raised. "Hey, i called you a few times." He raised his phone. "What toppings?" You snickered. "Pizza again?" Lukas huffed. "It's seven in the evening, do you have a better idea." A smile crept on your lips. "Most stores don't close 'till eight. You know if were fast enough." He faked an annoyed groan. "Fine. Your wish is my command." Standing up, you put your phone away. You brushed past him, grabbing your jacket.  Lukas didn't bother to grab his own as he followed you out the door, locking the door once again. "Do you know where the nearest store is?" You asked. "No, do you?" You grabbed your phone to type in the location, setting your own apartment complex as the starting location.

You made the short stroll to the nearest supermarket. It was still open, and you quickly stepped inside. "Let's go for something simple, like pancakes." You agreed with Lukas' suggestion. "You find the mix, i'll go find some stuff to put on it." He turned to you. "Shouldn't we get some stuff to eat and drink as well?" You only gave him a confused look. "You had enough food to make breakfast yesterday." A shrug. "I picked up some stuff before i came to the apartment. Not a whole lot, though." You brushed it off. "Let's make it quick." With those words you parted ways to find the items you needed.

You stood in the diary section, picking up some milk. Moving on, you reached up to grab some sweet toppings to put on it. Standing on your toes, you tried reaching a glass pot of jam. Unfortunately you ended up knocking it off the shelf in the process. Panic washed over you, until a hand reached out to catch it.

"You're lucky i was close by."

The voice caught you off guard.

(this storyline already sucks fml.)

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