It was a mere whisper, but you were absolutely sure.
It was the sound of a deep mans voice, beckoning for you to come follow the sound of him. A eerie feeling taking over, the library seemed to slowly lose its warmth. You felt compelled to follow, going through the shelves until the voice stopped. Your finger was on a old book. Carefully, you pulled it out. It seemed out of place, being an old leather-bound book. You couldn't read the language, but something attracted you towards it. You were about to open it when Lukas approached.
"Got what i was looking for.. what's that?"
You shrugged. "I found it here, it looked interesting, so." You hoped Lukas wouldn't think anything weird of it, as the book had a rather old, sinister cover. A symbol was on the front in purple and red. It looked almost demonic. "Huh," Lukas mumbled. "Cool. Make sure you don't get possessed, aight?" To your surprise he chuckled lightly as he gave you a rough pat on the back. You took the book up to the front desk. The lady gave you a strange look as she handed it over. She checked the book, then the system on her computer. "This one's not on the list." She said in a monotone, yet slightly irritated voice, as if you were trying to trick her. She pushed the book in your hands. "You can take it," she said as she dismissed you. Her entire reaction wasn't right. How as she so casual about it, why did she let you take it? Deciding not to ask more questions, you joined your roommate.
"How about we grab something to drink, yeah?" Lukas offered. "I'll pay." You raised your brow. "Are.. you sure?" He smiled. "Yeah, might as well try to get along with my roommate." His demeanor had lightened a little, as he nudged you. Deciding to take his word for it, you joined him as the two of you walked to the café in the corner. You sat down at a table for two, and Lukas picked up the menu. "So.." he began. "That book of yours, how about we take a look at it! It did catch my eye when you picked it out." You shrugged as you opened it on the first page. There were a few words scribbled on a random page.
'Ik bin fêst, god help my.'
Below was a woman in traditional Dutch attire, she outstretched her to a creature that had been blurred out. "The lady at the desk said the book wasn't from here," you explained. Lukas frowned. "Weird." You flipped through the pages, they were all bizarre. You saw another phrase written on a page.
'Îți citește gândurile.'
You closed the book, an eerie feeling overtaking you. "I'll look over it at home," you mumbled. Lukas nodded. The waiter came along and took your orders, you looked at the book again, the feeling of you being watched began to creep up. But Lukas was on his phone and nobody else had their attention on you. Your food and drink came surprisingly quick. You decided to take another look at the book as you and Lukas ate your food. The pages all described strange events, all the pages were written in different languages, with different writing styles. You started to feel dizzy, unable to focus on the letters anymore.
You stood up, rubbing your head. Lukas looked at you in concern. "Are you okay?" You nodded. "I need to use the bathroom, do you know where it is?" He pointed at the hall. "Last door to the right." You quickly thanked him, heading down the hall. You were so caught up you didn't notice the businessman across from you until you rammed headfirst into his chest. You fell backward, tumbling to the ground."
"Oh dear! Are you alright?"
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