They all continued to stare in shock while Shag and Scooby walked up. Scoob was balancing the box on his head and the paw print on his back. I took the box and scratched his head.
"You know, I wish you could do that with every mystery." Shag gave me a high five. I laughed.
"That would be useful sometimes."
"Especially on that mystery with the Wiki Tiki. Oh and the Snow Ghost!" We started to walk away.
"Yeah. But my powers would have been useless when we went to space with the Moon Monster Madness and when we went into Cyberspace with the Phantom Virus. Trust me I tried." They started laughing and I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I then heard footsteps coming up quickly.
"That was amazing, Jewels." I saw Peter grab the paw print from Scooby's back and jogged in front of me. He started walking backwards. "Really."
"Totally wicked." Starchild said. He gave me a apologetic look. I smiled back.
"Didn't know you had that in you, elements." Demon smirked. I rolled my eyes at the nicknames.
"To be honest, I never said the extent of my powers. Just that I had powers." They all laughed.
"Hey Cat. What's that in you hands?" Spaceman moved closer.
"It's a paw print. From the wolf. It has markings on it that I couldn't quite place them."
"Neat." He looked over Cat's shoulder. "I'll look them over." They continued to talk and walk when my elbow was gently grabbed. Star held me back while they went on.
"I'm sorry, Jewels." He said first thing. "I had no right. I know that. I sometimes just call it like I see it I guess. And that can get me in trouble. I am known to be very..."
"Over protective." I covered his mouth to shut him up. "And do you know that you ramble? Cause you do." I took my hand away. He laughed.
"I guess I do. But I really am sorry."
"I know. You were right on some points though. I froze and I normally don't do that. I forgive you." I quickly pecked his cheek. "No worries."
"Thank god. I thought Cat was going to kill me."
"Yeah. Me too. Just don't let it happen again." I got all serious for a moment then laughed. "Come on." I grabbed his arm and pulled him along. The rest were already entering the house. "Race ya!"
"What?" I let go of his hand and bent the air around me and shot myself up and forward. "Hey!"
"Catch up slow poke!" He shot up after me. When we were almost there, a teal-ish surrounded me. Startled, I quit my bending but stayed in the air. "Ummm..."
"What in the worlds?" Just as Star said that, the color vanished and I dropped. "Jewels!" He tried to reach me but I was already caught.
"Okay, any explanations?" Peter asked while holding me bridal style with his feet firmly on the ground.
"For which part?" I asked as Star landed.
"The light show. I already know what happened with Star." I gave him a confused look. "I have excellent hearing. Cat, remember?"
"Oh, right. I have no clue." I looked at my arms then to Star. He just shrugged.
"Come on." Star moved inside.
"Are you okay?" I nodded.
"You can put me down now." He smiled.
"What if I don't want too? Hmm." He teased. I bit my lip.
"Well then, I'll have to do this." I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him to me. HE groaned slightly as our lips met. The kiss turned hard and passionate quick. Peter did set me down on my feet but immediately pushed me up against a near by wall. Our make-out session lasted a few minutes more until we were interrupted.
"Ah! Sorry, sorry!" We pulled away to see Shaggy with his hand over his eyes. "I swear I didn't see much." He blindly made his way inside only to run into the door frame. "Ow!"
"Oh lord." I set my head on Cat's shoulder and started laughing.
"I think it's time to go inside." Peter laughed.
"Yep." I popped the "p". He lifted my head and gave me a long, sweet kiss. After pulling away he turned to pick up something.
"I think you dropped this when you fell." He held out the antique box.
"I wonder what's in it." I took it and looked it over. "It looks like it's old Medieval English. And I don't see a way to open it."
"Hmm. Let's go inside. The others may have an idea." Cat set his hand on the small of my back. We moved inside and saw almost chaos. Demon was literally steaming near the hallway. Ace was laughing his ass off, Shag and Scoob were keeping their distance but giggling, and Star was shaking his head but smiling.
"Explanation?" I said curious.
"Ace decided it was a good idea to cool Demon off." Paul said as he crossed his arms.
"Rith a rucket of water." I looked closer and saw that Demon was indeed dripping wet.
"Okay that's funny." Cat cackled. I hit him in the chest but smiled.
"I can help, Demon." I brought my hand up, moved my wrist in a wave motion, removing the water from Demon. I let most of the water off in the sink, but unbeknownst to Ace used a bit to make a patch of ice behind him.
"Holy." I looked over at Shag. He was covering his mouth, trying not to laugh.
"I swear Ace." Demon took a step forward and Ace took a step back. As soon as his boots hit the ice, he slipped.
"Umf!" We started laughing when he landed on his rear. Even Demon laughed out loud after the surprise passed. Ace looked around then landed his gaze on me. A playful glare came over his face.
"Well played, Jewels. Well played."
"What can I say. I'm good." I flicked the ice to disappear. He shook his head and got up. I felt a kiss on the side of my head.
"You're amazing." Peter whispered.
"Thanks." I walked over to the table where the paw print was on.
"Any thoughts on this guys?" They came over and looked at the print and the antique box.
"Well the print is kind of obvious but the markings are I think part of her spell for the wolf. You said you recognized them. It could be personal spell marks. The box is unfamiliar." Ace explained.
"Have you opened it?" Star asked. I shook my head.
"Can't. No way."
"It looks like a box with a music lock." Demon picked it up. "When new, the person sets the lock with their choice of song. Only that song will open it."
"Well that's useful." I groaned. I tuned them out and examined the box. I suddenly felt what seemed like a glare, burning into my back. I turned to look but no one was there.
"Is that anything on the box to give a clue?" I don't know who said that but I turned back shaking my head.
"There's a lavender on the side here." I pointed.
"Hmm. Lavender's. Doesn't hit anything for me." Demon said.
"Me either."
"Beyond me." I said as I sat down. I felt hands on the back of my neck and shoulders. They started to gently rub my shoulders and i sighed, leanign into the touch.
"Haha. Feel good?" Cat whispered into my ear.
"Yeah. It does." He continued to work out the knots he found. It finally felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I opened my eyes and looked at him.
"Jewels?" He was quiet. I stood up and faced him.
"Can you...can you just hold me?" I blushed majorly. Instead of teasing me, he just smiled. Without a word, he gently grabbed my arms and pulled me to his chest. He wrapped his arms firmly around me.
"I'll always be here to hold you." He whispered. "I'll always be here forn you when you need me." The rest of the voices in the room faded away as I held onto Peter for dear life.
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