Chp. 8: You Were Saying

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I walked through the hallways, following the scent of Jewelie's perfume. It lead to the dressing room. I saw the door cracked and soundlessly moved up to it. I looked through and saw Jewelie crying with Shag and Scoob comforting her. I silently moved inside and Shag saw me. 

"I'll be right back." Shag got up and moved up to me. He gave me a smile and let me take his place. She didn't notice at first. I rubbed her back and pulled her to me. She buried  her head in my neck. After a bit she calmed down and started to play with my vest. She then froze.

"Peter!" She jumped back slightly. She saw me then looked at Shag. She smiled small, wiped her cheeks, and lent back into me. "Thank you."

"Paul was out of line even if he had good intentions." 

"Ray out of rine." Scooby said. I nodded.

"Well, he can mull over what you said Shag." 

"What did you say Shag?" Jewel's sat up.

"What didn't he say. He blew up on Starchild." I laughed. "It even impressed Demon."

"Really? Nice job guys." She stood up and adjusted her shirt. "Hey Shag? Are those extra clothes in the van?"

"Yean. Need them?"

"Yeah." I stood up and so did Shag.

"We'll go get them then go back to the house before going to...what is it you guys say?"

"Look for clues." They said in unison.

Jewelie's POV

What Starchild said did hurt but I can see where he's coming from. I did freeze up. I normally don't do that, I'm very hard to intimidate. Something about her is so strange through. 

"Here you go Jewels." Shaggy took me out of my thoughts while handing me my clothes. We walked back to the KISS house where Peter let me take a shower. 

"I'll only be a little bit." Peter and Shag nodded their heads. I mindlessly showered with thoughts of what Hathor had told me flying through my head. I started to bend the water around me to calm myself down.  I finally turned the shower off and stepped out.

"Have you ever seen her like this?" I faintly heard Peter talk through the door. 

"Only once. It was a long time ago. It was the last time her father visited before disappeared completely. She walked around like a confused child." I sighed hearing Shag's reply.

"Confused is right." I said . I bent the air in the room to de-fog the mirror. I looked at myself and then got  dressed. I opened the door and walked into Cat's room. I sat at the vanity and worked on drying my hair. I didn't look in the mirror for fear of seeing Hathor again.

"Feel better?" I glanced behind me and saw Peter. He walked over and laid his hands on my shoulders.

"I guess." I sighed.

"Hey." He knelt in front of me and brushed wet hair aside. "You're strong. I may not have seen you're powers completely but you have to be strong. I mean you were brave enough to face the Crimson Witch in the portal."

"But it basically got me a concussion."

"Battle wounds. You didn't let that stop you. You are courageous, brave, sweet, sassy, and strong. Don't let Starchild's idiocy make you think different." I laughed.

"I won't. Plus I think he was just being protective." 

"Yeah. He has the tendency to do that. Overly actually." We both laughed and he stood up. "Come on, we need to go check on the places you guys saw the wolf."

"Okay." I quickly brushed my hair out and grabbed his out stretched hand. He pulled me up and to him. He reached up and set his hand on my neck, gently pulling me into a sweet kiss.

"Hey Shag, are you guys coming?" Peter asked as we walked to the door.

"And chance running into that wolf? No way, man!" Shag huffed. Peter and I shared a look.

"Okay Shag. You and Scooby can stay here. Where I've seen most of my visions of Hathor." I said in a sing-song voice. We walked out the door.

"What was that supposed to do?" Peter laughed. I held onto his arm.

"Just wait." I adjusted the bag I had grabbed from the van. We were halfway down the stairs when I heard running.

"Hey guys. Wait up!" Shag yelled. They caught up and bent over catching their breath. "We decided there is strength in numbers."

"Reah. Rength in numbers." Scooby agreed.

"Okay." I laughed and we made our way to the place we saw the wolf. Peter stopped us before going into the public park. Directing us down into the catacombs, are made it there without Catman being seen. 

"This is the ally it came into. We chased after it from the village to this ally." I walked and found the paw print again. "Wow." 

"What?" They asked.

"The paw print is still here even after the rain." 

"What are those markings?" Shag asked. Cat crouched down and examined it.

"They're KISSterian. I've seen them before but can't place it. I wish there was a way to take itto Spaceman and Chikara." He kept looking at the print while Shag, Scoob, and I shared a look. I smirked.

"Lean back, Wildcat." He gave me a confused look but did as I said. I traced a circle around the paw print, brushed a hand across the top, and then slammed my fist on the ground next to it. The circle cracked and popped up. I raised my hand and the print followed.

"Dang." Peter said as I set the piece of ground on his hands. He looked at me.

"Will that work?" I smirked and stood up. We walked to the end of the ally but found nothing else. That was until Scooby tripped over a set of crates and wiped out.

"Are you okay, Scoob?" Shag asked. Scoob was laying on his back, upside down with a dazed look. You could almost see the stars swirling around his head.

"Reah. Ri'm okay." He wiggled and was able to get up. Unfortunately, a crate fell and broke over his head.

"Scooby!" I screamed. As the debris fell away, a box was sitting on the top of his head. I quickly ran over and checked him over. He didn't have any marks. I took the box  off his head and gave him a scratch between the ears.

"Ri'm okay, Rewels." I smiled. He trotted over to Shag and Peter. I stood up and looked at the box. 

"Strange." We all shrugged and left the ally. We made our way through the park, searching for the rest of KISS. Just as we were about to give up, we heard a commotion from the Village. We ran and made it there only to see the guys fighting the wolf. 

"Nice." Peter sat the print down and shot off to help. I felt shaking behind me and turned to see Shag and Scoob hiding behind me. I looked back and saw two of the four get thrown.

"Guys. You might want to hide somewhere else." I felt them shoot away from me. I noticed the fountain and got an idea. I bent the water and used it as a whip. I ran and jumped, whipping the water threw the air. The wolf recoiled been and looked at me.

"Sorry twigs." It bolted at me. I made an air jump over the wolf. It skidded to a stop. Growling it slowly turned around. I backed up toward the guys. It went to charge but I bent the water out if the fountain at it off balance. It got back to his feet but this time ran off.

"That a girl, Jewels!" Shag and Scoob popped up from their hiding place. I smiled and turned toward the guys. They were silent in shock. 

"You were saying?" I smirked.


I don't own any of the pictures and/or gifs, credit to owners. ~ Nights Legacy

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