Chapter 7

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In the last chapter, the Swat Kats save the MetalliKats and MetalliCallie as they head towards an old chemical factory since they wouldn't risk their hideout being tracked. They begin to repair with the help of Hackle since he saw the news. As the Swat Kats ask them how this all happened and they threatened to destroy what's left of the MetalliKats until they confessed. Of course, Jake is pissed and wishes to lash out, but they have bigger fish to fry since they got the secret message that MetalliKats and MetalliCallie recorded. T-Bone says, "Look, I know what they did is unforgivable, but we need their help stopping Jack since the Enforcers now see us as criminals helping you." Molly said, "OK, we bite, but we are sick and tired of being MetalliKats! We want to be flesh and blood again!" Hackle says, "I thought you might say that, so that's why I built a cloning machine with your DNA to give you new bodies to change your ways." Meanwhile, Jack is calling the human drug dealer, now named Clarence, who blows up in anger that since he confessed their message is vital evidence to have him arrested by the Enforcers. So he tells him to find and destroy them, but Clarence says, "Look at my face! Those assholes would have killed me!" But Jack said, "You have no choice, I'll support you with supplies to destroy them with Cobra Assault Rifles!" The MetalliKats and MetalliCallie are fixed and soon get some target practice for the coming battle. Meanwhile, Clarence rounds up MegaKat City's worst scum, like Chop Shop, Dr. Viper and Rex Shard. Along with Burke and Murray who Clarence says he will fund them a million dollars for the job, they get a tracker head towards the chemical plant to finish the job.

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