Chapter 6

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In our last chapter, the Metallikats and MetalliCallie have got the info about the drug leader about the new Deputy Mayor and decided to go confront him after Mac hits a couple of stop signs since he was not very good at driving. They arrive in the Mayor's office and make it to the top where they confront him. Molly and Callie tell him, "Think you can hustle criminals in our turf, New Mayor? We own this town and we're not gonna let a new Deputy Mayor hustle any more gangs!" Jack soon gets up and says, "Ok, you got me, just try to shoot me." The Metallikats and MetalliCallie soon say, "With pleasure!" Just as they raise their blasters, their systems begin to spaze out as Jack gets up, walks over to them and said, "I thought you might come and kill me, but I put a little program in your systems. A directive that prevents you all from politicians." Mac says, "How?!" Jack soon said, "I hacked into your systems without you noticing via computer." He soon said, "Manx was a fool into trusting me! You see, I was one of the best weapons designers in my town, but the people thought my weapons were dangerous, so they kicked me out! But in MegaKat city, the Enforcers gave me a spot to help and you, MetalliCallie, your disappearance helped me realize I can be powerful as the new mayor once I get rid of Manx!" He gets a remote and said, "Meet my latest projects!" It was Metallikats and MetalliCallie 2.0. He soon says, "Hackle was also a fool for saving you  Metallikats and for you, Callie, being Deputy Mayor, now it's time to erase those mistakes!" But unknown to him, the Metallikats and Callie recorded his speech. The 2.0s shoot at them and make them realize they're too powerful, but Callie manages to shoot their targeting systems. Just as Jack calls the Enforcers, the originals make it out, only to be confronted by the Enforcers. As Feral gives command, but the Swat Kats and Gary Furlong AKA Ghost and Lizzie Clawson AKA Shadow protest. But Feral says, "We have orders to destroy them!" The Enforcers started shooting and damaging them, but the Swat Kats save them and heads to a secure location.

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