68 - You Are Stronger Than You Know

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A CRY OF PAIN LEFT RAEVANNA'S LIPS AS HER BACK SLAMMED INTO A TREE, AND SHE FELL TO THE GROUND. Every part of her ached, she had several bruises and scrapes all over her body, and she was both exhausted and on the verge of giving up. This is too much, she thought to herself as she lay on the ground. I can't do this anymore. 

Six weeks had passed in Elyon, and Raevanna had made some gains with her training. She had learned the full requirements for the five branches, and had realized how much effort it took to master them. So far, she had mastered Pure Strength, Silent Flight, and Trust Your Instincts, but the last two - Overpower and Blind Faith - were the two she was struggling with. 

Blind Faith was one of the more difficult branches. Raevanna was taken to a tall cliff with a sea of thorns and sharp spikes at the bottom. Then, she had to fall backwards off the cliff and close her eyes, keeping her back to the spikes as she free-fell. Without turning around to see, she had to wait until the last possible second and sense the closeness of the spikes before spinning around and flying to safety. Erissa had told her that mastery of the branch requires blind faith in one's self and their abilities, which is why it was often referred to as the branch that tested a night fae emotionally, not physically. 

Pure Strength was said to be a difficult branch, but for Raevanna, it was one of the easier ones. It required her to smash her fist through Nekragonite - the strongest mineral on the island. It required great strength and control to break, both physically and emotionally, and even though it was often the last branch that was chosen to complete (and the one most night fae spend the longest time training for), it was the first one Raevanna was able to master. 

Silent Flight was the final branch of the three branches that Raevanna was able to master. She was required to fly into the air with their mentor (or in this case, her sister) and attempt to sneak up on her and overpower her without making a sound. Despite the fact that it was the most difficult branch to master and could only be started once Overpower had been mastered, Raevanna was able to master it, and in doing so she shot down the myth that silent flying was something a faery could do only if they were born with the ability. And, she quickly realized that it would become very helpful in all aspects of her life. 

However, after two weeks of trying and failing at the last two, Raevanna was feeling very discouraged. So, as Erissa ran up to her to finish the match, Raevanna got to her hands and knees and held out a hand to stop her. "Stop," Raevanna panted, then spat blood from her mouth before saying, "I... I yield." She took a shaky breath, trying her best not to injure her bruised ribs further. "I'm done." 

"That's fine," Erissa said as Raevanna got to her feet. "We can try tomorrow then." 

"No," Raevanna said, keeping one arm around her ribs. "I'm done, period." 

Erissa's eyes went wide in shock. "What, you mean you're giving up?" 

"Erissa, I can't do this," Raevanna said. "It's been two weeks and I've made no progress. I have two days before I'm supposed to go back to America. I'm tired, I'm sore, and I'm fed up. This is hopeless, I'm never gonna get it right." 

"Rae, you can't give up," Erissa said. "You're close to getting it, I can feel it. If we just give it one more try-" 

"No, Erissa!" Raevanna snapped, then took a deep breath and lowered her voice before saying, "I can't do this. I... I'm done." 

And with that, she spread her wings and took off into the sky, ignoring her sister's calls to come back. 

As Raevanna flew, she blinked a few times to get rid of her tears. She had thought she could do this, but she couldn't. She wasn't strong enough. She never would be strong enough. And she just had to accept that and move on. 

When Raevanna's thoughts were troubled like this, she often went to someone she could talk to. And right now, the only person she could think of was Maeve. So she angled her body and turned away from the Lost Temple, heading for Talon's Peak so she could return home. 

As soon as Raevanna landed on the walkway to her home and stepped inside, Maeve, who had been pacing behind the desk, stopped and looked at her before immediately rushing towards her and embracing her in a tight hug. Raevanna was initially shocked by the gesture, but then realized that she hadn't visited or even talked to her aunt since she got back from the maze. The elder faery most likely had assumed Raevanna had been killed. 

"I thought you dead," Maeve whispered. "I was so worried." 

"I know, I'm sorry," Raevanna said, leaning back so she could see her aunt. "It's just, these past five weeks have been... crazy." 

Maeve cocked her head. "How so?" 

Raevanna sat down on the ground, and after a moment, Maeve did the same. Then, Raevanna sighed, looking at her feet. "You know that girl I had a dream about?" she said. Maeve nodded, so Raevanna went on, "Well, it turns out she was my sister. And... she's alive." 

Maeve started in shock. "You mean she was not killed?" 

"No." Raevanna shook her head. "She wasn't. And before you say anything, she wasn't corrupted, either. She never was." Raevanna looked up at her aunt. "She told me the truth about the night fae. The real truth. What really happened to them, and how so many of the faeries have tried to cover it up." 

Maeve sighed, looking down. "I never wanted you to find out in such a way. I should have told you the truth long ago." 

"It's okay," Raevanna assured her. "I'm not angry with you. I just wish you would've told me." When Maeve was silent, Raevanna continued, "But anyway, my sister's name is Erissa. And for the past five weeks she's been training me to fight like a night fae." 

Maeve looked up in surprise. "She has?" 

"Yeah," Raevanna said. "But it's been... it's been hard. I haven't been able to complete the last two branches. So I'm done with it." 

"Done with it?" Maeve repeated. "You mean you are giving up?" Raevanna looked down, unable to reply, and Maeve shook her head. "I have never known you to be one to give up, Raevanna. Even before all of this." 

"I just..." Raevanna sighed. "I thought I was strong enough to do it. But I'm not." 

Maeve was silent for a moment, thinking to herself. Then, she spoke. "When Cadmi and Trevan first brought you to me," Maeve said, " I could tell right away that you were strong. You were an infant, yet you had survived for a week out in the elements. And throughout your childhood, you have proved time and time again that you are strong, and worthy enough to wield this strength. You are stronger than you know, Raevanna. You always have been." 

Raevanna lowered her head. She knew her aunt was right, but she was still having a hard time believing it. "But if I can't do this... How will I know if I'm still strong enough to be Champion?" 

"From what I have known about the role of Champion," Maeve said thoughtfully, "being Champion is not always about strength. It is also about faith. Faith in oneself and their people." 

Raevanna looked up at her aunt. She was right yet again, but this time it seemed to click something in Raevanna's mind. Faith..., she thought. Erissa told her that the Blind Faith branch was (obviously) about faith. And her aunt's words held a similar meaning. 

Standing up, Raevanna smiled at Maeve. "I have to go. There's something I have to do." 

Maeve smiled back, also standing up. "I understand. Just be careful." 

Raevanna's grin widened, and without another word she left the house and took off into the sky, heading back to the Lost Temple. The closer she got, the more determined she became, and once she reached it, she landed on the top of the cliff that was the Blind Faith branch. 

Raevanna took a deep breath, tilting her head to the sky as her eyes closed. Steve's words from a few years ago came back to her, filling her with strength and confidence. Maybe you're going about this all wrong. Maybe you can't control yourself because you're fighting it. You're trying to stop yourself from being who you are. But I think... If you let go of your fears and accept it, you'll be able to control it. 

With her eyes still closed, Raevanna turned around and tipped back, falling back-first off the cliff. She fell fast, plummeting down the side of the cliff at high speed. The sharp spikes and thorns loomed closer and closer, but she didn't open her eyes or turn around. She let herself fall, riding purely on her faith in herself. Then, just before she hit the bottom, her eyes flew open, and she spun around and shot into the air, missing the tip of the spikes by inches. A smile graced her face as she climbed higher, and with a loud whoop of excitement, she began spiraling through the air, feeling light and happy at the realization that she had finally completed the branch. 

As Raevanna did backflips and spirals through the air, she had no idea that Erissa had been watching the whole time, a smile on her face. 

"I knew you could do it," Erissa said softly. "All you had to do was believe." 

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A/N: this some short, cheesy shit inspired by into the spider-verse but oh whale what can you do 

next chapter is also inspired by the gameplay footage from the miles morales video game so as you can see i adore him so much lol 

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