Thorne III
While waiting for her mother, he decided that it's a good time to discuss the arrangement the moment she conceives.
He has his villa in Boracay, and that place would be the best place for her and his baby. Fresh air is good for both the mother and child's health.
"So what do you think of Boracay?" he asked.
"I'll be fine anywhere you will put me to stay," she replied.
"I heard it from my classmates before, and it sounds good. I guess it's good," she added.
"That's good. The fresh air and good environment will be good for you and the baby," he said.
"Are you going to be there too?" she asked.
"No, I have a business to take care of here. I will come when it's almost your due date, let's say when it's seven months. Because we need to move to the city, I'm not sure if Boracay has good facilities, but it's better to get you in the city where many doctors and nurses can give a good service," he replied.
What's the use of staying with her under one roof if he couldn't touch her? Here in his place, he has no problem with the woman.
"Cool. I'm excited to be there," she said.
He could see that she meant it because she's smiling wide; in fact, it seems that she's already flying there in her mind. That is good that she likes the idea.
"Do you have your passport?" he asked.
"Yes. It's new," she replied.
Her mood changed. Maybe thinking of staying on a white sand beach is good. He likes it there too; that's why he bought that place.
"Good. So let's hope that we will get the good result next month. Then we will fly to Boracay. You will enjoy the blue water and white sand beach," he said.
She just smiled at him. She's very beautiful when she smiles. Even she's not in a good mood too. But she is more beautiful when she is happy. Many men will be smitten by her. After she gives birth for sure, it will be a long queue.
Her vibrant personality will draw men. How about him? No way, she's not his type. He said in his mind. He likes wild women. Unlike her. She doesn't even drink liquor. How could he stand with her? She is boring.
"After you gave birth, do you have any plans?" he asked.
"I think I will pursue my passion." She replied with a sad voice.
"And what is it?" He asked curiously.
"I have a degree in fashion design. I want to bring it into reality. Actually, if only Dad didn't sell our garment factory, we would have enough to start up my own fashion house," she replied.
"Where's your dad?" he asked.
"He was killed in the gambling house where he was," she replied.
His question was answered while they were talking to a doctor about her mother's surgery. He wanted to ask where her father is and why she shoulders the problem of the family alone.
"How old were you by that time?" he asked.
"Sixteen," she replied.
"You were so young. So when did your mother find out that the factory was sold?" he asked curiously.
"That same time too," she replied.
"How did your mom manage to send you to study if there was no more factory?" He's very curious how they manage their life.
"She saved more than enough for my education, and I also worked for my allowance, so her savings sustained us all throughout this time. And when I finished my study, I worked in one of the fashion lines. I helped them create. some of their work; actually, it is my design," she said.
"Do they pay you for your design?" he asked.
"I'm just a P.A.; my salary is P.A.'s minimum wage, but they gave me incentives. I just shared what I know so I can keep my work, and I can save up," she said.
"I assumed that you're not working there anymore. Why did you leave?" he asked.
"His girlfriend is freaking jealous of me." She replied, laughing. That sounds nice, he thought.
"Why, what did his girlfriend do to you?" he asked.
"She cornered me one time in the washroom and warned me to stay away from her boyfriend. So I resigned to avoid them," she replied.
"Maybe she saw something that made her jealous," he said.
"Yeah, because all her works aren't accepted by them, but my works are all paraded in the ramp. I think that's what made her jealous. For me, it's good, so I can reserve some for mine too," she said.
"I think you're right. Without you., she can have her way in the fashion world. You have stolen her chance. That's good that you resigned," he said.
"Yes. Good thing too, because if not, I will never know that Mom is suffering from a brain tumor. She's fine when I'm around every time I came back from work. Maybe the pain only attacks when I'm not around. When I stayed home, after our lunch, she collapsed on the sofa. So I forced her to tell me how long she had been suffering the pain. She told me that it started while I was studying," she replied.
"Maybe if she didn't keep it to you, I think it shouldn't be like this. No surgery needed," he said.
"Yes, I told her that too. What if I didn't resign? Then she will continue to hide it from me. until one day I will find her lifeless body? I asked her why she hides her condition. She told me that she doesn't want to bother me. She said, gritting her teeth.
He could sense why. Because she has to sacrifice for the sake of her mother.
"Some old people don't care about their life." He let out a sigh.
"Yes, one of them is my mom. She doesn't care if it worries me or not. If I hadn't seen her before, I think I would have been an orphan at sixteen," she said.
He's shocked by the new revelation. She told him her mom almost took her life, but not while she's still very young.
"Yes, the catastrophe in one shot. My father's death and the loss of her factory. She put all her effort into that factory. She actually almost lived there. That's why I live there too and became passionate about creating my own clothing. I cut and sew my own designs from a scrap of the fabric," she said.
He salutes this woman; despite all her hardship, she's still very much positive in her life. If any other girl her age, they probably have ruined their lives. Some ended up in addiction or maybe prostitution.
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