After they sent her mom for the surgery. All she wants to do right now is sit and pray for her mom's surgery. But this man is annoying her. She wants to walk away to find a place where he can't disturb her. She walks faster to get away from him.
"Hey! Where are you going?" He called out, following her.
"To the place where you can't disturb me," she replied.
She knows where she's going; she's been there the other night. But he is following her. She walks faster this time. She enters the chapel. She thought he would stop following her if he realized what she wanted to do. But he entered the chapel. When she sat down on the chair, he did the same. She ignores him. The time is important. She has to pray for her mom.
She kneels down and prays. Praying for her mother's successful surgery. Even the best doctors failed too, and that is why she's praying that God will give more wisdom and will hold the doctor's hand so that the surgery goes well. She is praying to God that there will be no complications. She told God that He must save her mom so that her sacrifice will not be in vain.
After some time she sits down on a chair. He's still there. He handed her a handkerchief. She glances at him. Because she didn't take it, he wipes her tears instead.
"Feeling better now?" he asked.
This man doesn't have any emotion.
"Yes, why did you follow me here? You should find something to eat instead of following me." She said in a low voice to avoid distraction from other people praying.
She stands up. But her vision became blurry. She quickly finds something to hold on to, but a strong arm has caught her before she falls. He guided her back in the chair. She closed her eyes.
"Now, are you still going to say no to finding something to eat?" he said, whispering in his husky, firm voice.
"Let's go and eat. Don't make me drag you away from here, Ayinah," he added.
She opens her eyes. She realized that his face is only an inch away from her face. No wonder why she could feel his breath. Mouthwash breath. So masculine a scent, she thought.
"Okay," she said.
"Okay, what?" he asked.
"I'll go with you to eat," she replied.
"Good. Hold my hand in case you faint again," he said, taking her hand.
She stared at his fingers on hers. What will people say if they see them holding hands? But what if she faints? Why does she have no choice every time?
He guides her in his car that is parked outside the hospital. He opens the door for her.
They drive out to find the nearest restaurant. When they arrived, he gave his car key to a valet. He held her in his arms, guiding her inside the restaurant. The waitress guides them to the table away from anyone.
"Just give us the usual, Miss," he told the waitress.
That means he's regular here.
"Sure, Mr. Muller. I'll be back," the waitress said.
Yes, he's a regular customer here because they know him. One waiter pours a wine in his glass when he's about to pour in hers. He stops him.
"Just a glass of warm water for her," he said.
How did he know she doesn't drink? Oh, yeah, she remembered during the insemination. The doctor interviewed her. And maybe he is thinking that liquor will not be good for conceiving.
The food that he said was the usual arrived.
"This is too much; I can't finish it," she said, staring at the food on her plate.
"Give me the rest if you can't finish. I'm starving. But you have to eat first. The leftovers will be mine," he said.
Can he eat her leftover? Well, how would she know? Later when she's finished, she will know.
She bows her head and says a grace. When she lifted up her head, he was staring at her but said nothing. She picks up her fork and knife and starts eating.
How she wishes that her stomach could put many foods inside, but maybe her intestine isn't that big like others. She only finished half.
"You're done?" he asked, looking at her plate and then to her face.
She nods.
He picks up her plate and empties it into his plate. She can't believe that this egotistical man can eat her leftovers. And he ate it lavishly. He isn't kidding when he said he is starving.
She just sits there to wait 'til he finishes. He is very hungry, as she could see. Poor man. Oh no, he is not poor. He is rich.
After they finished eating, they just left the place. She wonders why he didn't pay. She wants to ask, but what for? That's not her job. She's not a nosy person.
They went back to the hospital.
"Thank you for the food," she said when the car was fully parked in the vacant parking lot.
"It's okay," he replied.
"You know you can go home now. I can handle here." She said, opening the door to get out of the car.
"I'll go home after the surgery. I want to make sure that your mother is fine. We better get in and arrange a room for her." He replied, opening his door and getting out. He walks with her inside the hospital. He walks straight to the concierge. She followed him. He's talking about the private room to the personnel.
"I can't afford to pay for that," she said, pulling him away.
"Did I tell you that you will have to pay Miss Lorenzana?" he asked.
"No," she replied.
"Then, silence." Putting his index finger on her lips.
And he returns to talk to the person. She decided that the moment she conceives, she will tell him to cancel the two million dollars he told her. What's important for her now is her mother. She prayed that she would conceive his baby.
"I will show you to the room for Mrs. Lorenzans. You two can wait for her there," the nurse told them.
They follow the nurse to the room reserved for her mother.
"You can wait for her here," the nurse said and turned away, leaving the two of them.
They both sit down on the couch inside the room. It's expensive, she thought.
"Thank you!" She said, looking at him.
"No thank you. If the insemination will be successful, there's no amount of money that could pay for that. It's my grandfather's wish. It's for his happiness. ," he said.
"It's already more than enough," she replied.
"If you said so," he said.
"When you conceive, I will arrange your place to stay. How about Boracay? I have a villa there that you can stay in during the duration of your pregnancy," he said.
"Boracay? It's in the Philippines, right?" She asked.
She heard about the place countless times from her traveler classmates way back in college. They traveled a lot during summer break.
"Yes. You're safe there," he replied.
She felt the excitement to be there.
"I'll be fine anywhere you will put me to stay," she replied.
For her, she can survive wherever she will stay. Only nine months. If those missionaries survived. Why can't she?
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