Wings ||Cas x Reader||

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This is cannibalized and rebuilt from Winchester, my shitty book I never rewrote or finished. But hey, wing kink. Also it's in Cas' POV bc I can't write it in reader POV so.

Smut n shit

I will never get over the concept of sleep.

I still remember the first time I showed up while Dean and Sam were sleeping.

"Dean. Are you dead?"

"Wha- Jesus Cas! It's 3 am, I'm sleeping." Dean groaned, putting his gun back under his pillow.


"Yea, Cas. I need it to be pretty."

"Oh. Well you looked dead."

I smile faintly at the memory as I watch y/n's chest rise and fall. The easy rhythm of her breathing indicates that she isn't having any nightmares and I reach forward and brush a loose strand of hair out of her eyelashes.

Dean and Sam had been gone about a week. Y/n was furious when she found out they sent me to "babysit" her, but she got used to it pretty fast when she realized she'd have to teach me how to use a toaster and she was essentially babysitting me. Unfortunately for me however, pretending I didn't have feeling for the human was much harder to do when she was sleeping on my lap.

My breath caught in my throat as I examined her, Her hair was spread across my legs, a delicate maze of curls and tangles. Her full lips were parted slightly and her face looked angelic (ha) in the relaxed state of sleep. Her arms were wrapped protectively around my thigh with her right hand settled rather...high, an action I had been unsuccessfully trying to ignore for the last hour.

"Let's get you to bed." I whisper as I gently slide my arm under her knees. My other arm supports her back and tucks her head into my neck. She sighs softly as she nuzzles into my neck. My face flushes at the contact and I take my time wandering through the bunker to her room.

"Where do your wings even come out?" She mumbles sleepily, running her fingertips in between my shoulder blades. I suck in a breath as her fingers brush exactly where my wings would come out, almost dropping her. Her fingers keep dancing along the spot and I speed up because I know I'll drop her if she keeps it up.

"I just wanna see them." She pouts as I settle her into bed.

"That will not be happening."

"Oh cmon Cassie I bet they're beautiful." She pleads. I sigh as my resolve instantly crumbles. The boys had seen my wings before, but that was different. This was intimate. I take a few steps away from the bed and loosen my tie and unbutton my shirt. I drop both to the floor and try not to overthink her eyes wandering my bare torso. I swallow as I face the door, closing my eyes as I feel my wings unfurl and pop into place. I sigh in relief as I shake them out slightly and avoid knocking things off the wall.

"Holy fuck." She whispers in awe. I barely have time to register how close her voice is before her fingers are in my feathers.

"Oh christ." I moan. In one fluid motion I have her pressed against the wall, wings closing around us. Her eyes are wide as she stares up at me. "You really don't want to do that."

"I just wanted to touch them. I didn't think they'd be so... big." She whispers. Her fingers lightly trace the joints along my wings and my breathing gets heavy. I lay my forehead on her shoulder and try my best to keep my body still.

"Y/n, I don't think you get what you're doing." I mumble in her ear.

"Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea." She laughs. In an instant, her fingers are tangled in the soft feathers at the base of my wings. I moan embarrassingly loud, lips attaching to her neck as I roll my hips against hers. She gasps and tugs at my feathers, making me suck harshly at her neck.

"I didn't think you'd want this." I say as I pull back and stare into her eyes.

"Cas, it's all I can think about."

That's all the permission I need and I crash my lips onto hers. She tastes like cinnamon and I can't get enough of it, hungrily trying to get as much of her as possible. Her hands keep running along my wings and I can't control myself as I grind against her, resting my forehead against hers as I desperately try to catch my breath.

She drops down to her knees, resting her hands on my belt and looking up at me for permission. I swallow and give her a slight nod. She smiles and hastily undoes my belt, pulling her hair into a bun as I kick my pants aside.

"Good lord, first the wings and now... is everything big when you're an angel?" She mutters to herself. My cheeks flush and I look away about to apologize, but the words are lost when I feel her tongue travel up my length. I let out a shuddering moan thats quickly cut off when her lips wrap around the tip and her tongue traces sinful circles around it.

"Jesus, y/n." I choke out. She takes this as encouragement and takes more of me in her mouth, wrapping her hand around whatever she can't fit. My hands have a mind of their own as they tangle in her hair, helping guide her pace as she makes my legs weak. She looks at me with her big eyes and I have to pull back or I'm sure I'll come right there.

"Fuck me, Cas." She begs and I groan, immediately picking her up and bringing her to the bed. She starts undressing but I snap and her clothes are off, desperate to feel her. She giggles at that and pulls me towards her.

"You want this?" I confirm, giving her a chance to back out if she's nervous.

"Of course."

I've learned a fair amount about humans and sex over the years. I know normally there's a thing called foreplay where you build up to actual sex, but I can see my own impatience reflected in y/n's eyes and my own self control is nonexistent as I line myself up with her.

"You're so beautiful, y/n." I whisper as I slide into her. I start slow so as not hurt her, but she pulls against my waist and I push all the way in. I groan at the sensation of her wrapped around me, my own sounds in sync with the moan she lets out as I fill her completely. My lips go to her neck as I start a slow rhythm, her hips rising to meet each of my thrusts.

"Cas please, harder." She gasps. I obey and pick up my pace to give her exactly what she wants. I study her face as she throws her head back, breasts moving along with each hard thrust. I pull her legs over my shoulders as I pound into her, rewarded almost instantly by her cries of pleasure.

"Fuck, look at you. You're so fucking perfect." I growl. Her eyes snap open at my uncharacteristic swearing and I can see the slight surprise in her face at the borderline animalistic look in my eyes as I fuck her. She reaches down and grabs one of my wrists, pulling it up to her neck. My hand wraps around her throat and I apply pressure to the sides.

"Cas, I'm gonna come." She cries.

"Do it. Come for me." I demand, picking up my pace. Her legs start to shake and I bring my other hand to her breast, pinching her nipple as her orgasm overcomes her. I may be an angel, but even I can't hold out any longer when I feel her tighten around me.

"Fuck y/n." I groan as I pull out, covering her stomach with cum. We stare at each other for a second, chests heaving as my wings slowly pull back into my back.

"That was pretty great. Some might even say heavenly." Y/n teases. I chuckle as I lay down next to her.

"Unfortunately y/n it was a one time thing, because Dean is going to kill me."

Sup yall, my job is killing me!

I worked 88 hours last week. I don't know who I am lol. I didn't edit so if you see spelling errors, no you didn't.

Question of the story: How tall are you? I'm 6'

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