Sunflight; The New Girl

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Starflight waltzed around in the Rainwing palace with Fatespeaker talon and talon. " Hello Sunny." Starflight said sassily. " Hi Starflight!" Sunny said cheerfully, she was of course standing with Egypt, who had his wing around Sunny. They kissed and Starflight almost threw up in his mouth a little. Fatespeaker said, rather meanly to Sunny, " Starflight realized he shouldn't be head over heels over a, ahem, Sandwing. Instead, he should love a AMAZING dragon from his own tribe." " Well, okay..." Sunny said, sounding rather hurt. " We love each other so move along." Egypt snarled raising his toxic barb menacingly. Fatespeaker backed up, scared. " Well, then we will." Starflight said, and then, rather reluctantly, kissed Fatespeaker. Sunny looked astonished but tried not to show it. Starflight pulled away rather fast. Fatespeakers purple eyes stared deep into his eyes. What if Fatespeaker was his true love after all...

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