Sunflight; Breaking Love

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Starflight was so upset he couldn't bare to watch anymore. He flew away quietly crying to himself. The only one who knew his secret was Clay. He dried up his tears and went over to Clays normal sized hut. Clay was talking to Peril. Clay normally talked to Peril so his hut was enforced with obsidian around the wood. " Hi Clay." Starflight grumbled. " Is this a bad time?" Peril asked. " I will pick you up later, see you at the ceremony tonight?" Clay said in a friendly way. " You got it!" Peril replied cheerfully. " Okay, spill it." Clay said as soon as Peril left. " Okay, some really hot Sandwing came into town named Eygpt. I think he and Sunny are in love." Starflight said in a hurt tone. " Well, 2 can play that game." Clay snarled, " I say you date Fatespeaker and make Sunny SO jealous!!!!!" " Wow, I did not think of that." Starflight said, " Oh it's ON Sunny."

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