The sun is blinding as we walk down the narrow path to the beach. I feel the warmth on my skin, but it does nothing to lift the weight pressing on my chest.
I didn't want to come here.
Lilly had insisted, practically dragging me out of the house, talking about how nice it would be to relax by the water. I didn't have the heart to tell her the real reason I'd been holed up in my room for the past few days.
I haven't spoken to him since that day I saw him with... her.
The girl with the perfect hair and the too-small bikini.
I know it's stupid to care. I know I barely know him. But that doesn't stop the irritation from bubbling up inside me every time I think about it.
"This is the perfect spot!" Lilly announces, spreading her towel out on the sand. Jack is right behind her, carrying way too much stuff for a simple beach day.
I linger a few feet back, pretending to adjust my sunglasses as Noah trails behind Jack, tossing his bag down next to Lilly's. He doesn't look at me.
I slide my towel further away from his and sit down, pulling my knees to my chest. Maybe if I don't say anything, he'll forget I'm here.
"You're so quiet today." Lilly plops down beside me, nudging me with her elbow. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired." I offer a small smile.
She seems to accept that answer, too busy digging through her bag for sunscreen to notice the way I keep glancing toward Noah when she isn't looking.
Jack stretches out on his towel, pulling his sunglasses down over his eyes. "It's way too hot. We should go in the water."
Lilly sits up. "Definitely."
I don't move.
"You coming, Em?" Jack asks, already pulling his shirt over his head.
"Nah, I'm good here." I wave them off, sinking further into my towel.
"What?" Noah's voice cuts in, making me stiffen. "You're not swimming today?"
I shrug, eyes fixed on the ocean. "I just don't feel like it."
Lilly and Jack exchange a glance but say nothing, jogging toward the waves without us. I hope Noah follows them.
He doesn't.
Instead, I feel him drop onto the towel next to mine, the warmth of his skin radiating too close.
For a long moment, neither of us says anything.
Finally, he breaks the silence. "You've been avoiding me."
I scoff. "Why would I avoid you?"
"You tell me."
I can feel his gaze on me, but I refuse to look at him.
"Emma." His voice is softer now. "What's going on?"
I sigh, finally turning to face him. "I don't know. Maybe I just don't like watching you flirt with half the beach."
His brows pull together, confusion flashing across his face. "What are you talking about?"
"That girl. The one you were with the other day."
Realization dawns on him, and to my surprise, he laughs.
I glare at him. "What's so funny?"
"She's my ex, Emma." He shakes his head. "I'm not interested in her."
I cross my arms. "Well, she seems pretty interested in you."
"Yeah, well, I can't control that." He leans back on his elbows, watching me carefully. "Why do you care, anyway?"
I open my mouth to respond but immediately close it. I don't have an answer that doesn't make me sound ridiculous.
"Forget it." I grab my towel, shaking the sand off as I stand up. "I'm going home."
Noah sits up straighter. "Emma—"
"I'll see you later, Lilly!" I call toward the water, ignoring Noah as I walk away.
I can feel his eyes on me the whole time.
But I don't look back.
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