chapter 15

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The sun warms my skin as I walk along the beach with Sophie. She's rambling on about something from school, but my mind is elsewhere. To be more specific—on someone else.


I haven't seen him since the party. The memory of that almost-kiss keeps replaying in my head, and part of me hopes he'll be here today.

"Are you even listening to me?" Sophie's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

"What? Of course." I push my sunglasses up my nose and give her a smile.

"You're so distracted." She grins knowingly. "Is it about that Noah guy?"

I roll my eyes. "No."


I don't say anything else and instead focus on the sound of the waves lapping against the shore. But the closer we get to the main part of the beach, the louder the laughter and music become.

And then I see him.

Noah is lying on one of the big beach towels, arms behind his head, with Jake beside him. They both look like they're having the perfect day.

But that's not what makes my stomach twist.

It's the group of girls sitting around them. And more importantly—her.

She's hard to miss. Long black hair, skin that glows like she's spent every waking second in the sun, and a bikini that barely qualifies as clothing. She's leaning just a little too close to Noah, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger as she laughs at something he says.

I slow down without realizing it.

"Who's that?" I try to sound casual, but Sophie immediately picks up on it.

"I don't know. Maybe his girlfriend?"

My chest tightens. "They're probably just friends."

"They don't look like just friends."

I force myself to keep walking, pretending I don't care.

But I do.

I can't help but steal glances over my shoulder as Sophie tugs me toward the water. Noah doesn't seem to notice me—or maybe he does and just doesn't care. Either way, I suddenly feel stupid for even hoping he'd be here.

I spend the next half hour trying to enjoy the beach with Sophie. We build sandcastles, splash in the shallow water, and collect shells, but I can't shake the image of Noah and that girl from my head. Every time I glance back at them, she's still there—leaning closer, touching his arm, laughing like he's the funniest person alive.

I shouldn't care.

I barely know him.

But I do care.

"Emma, you're doing it again." Sophie's voice snaps me back to reality.

"Doing what?"

"Staring at him."

I sigh. "I'm not."

"You are. Just go talk to him."

"Why would I do that?"

Sophie shrugs. "Because you obviously like him."

I open my mouth to deny it, but the words don't come out. What's the point? She's right, even if I don't want to admit it.

But instead of walking over, I grab my towel.

"Let's go home."

"Already?" Sophie frowns. "We just got here."

"I'm tired."

She doesn't argue, but I can tell she's disappointed as we head back up the beach.

Before we leave, I glance one last time in Noah's direction.

He still hasn't noticed me.

Or maybe he has.

But either way—he doesn't stop her hand when it rests on his chest.

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