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We went to the hospital to have my injury checked. Of course I persuaded Mr Montgomery to stay in the waiting room. If he's going to find out about me being a woman it wouldn't be like this.

The good news was that I didn't have a concussion. The bad news was I had to get stitches and blood got on my favourite leather jacket.

"This wasn't really necessary sir, I could have taken my bike back home." I chuckled nervously as Mr Montgomery drove me home.

"I'm not allowing you to drive a dangerous vehicle that doesn't provide sufficient support after you just got attended to in the ER." He said sternly not taking his eyes off the road.

Of course, that was enough for me to shut up. I gave him the direction to my residence and it wasn't like I was ashamed of the place I live in. My neighborhood isn't a rich and fancy one but it's a good one and I love my apartment.

Mr Montgomery helped me down from the car even when I told him it wasn't necessary. If this is how he is when he thinks I'm a guy, how would he behave when he learns I'm a girl.

Probably fire me for lying to him, ending my career before it even starts.

"Thank you sir. It's fine, I can take it from here sir." He looked at me sceptically.

"I have four roommates, so I have all the help I can get." I added to convince him but he shook his head in refusal.

"I wouldn't be satisfied until I know that you are absolutely settled Mr Skyler. That was a nasty accident and you just got stitches in. Come on, let's go."

Okay there's no talking him out of this but the fact is that the guys don't know I'm coming home or that he's coming. Not that they treat me differently or specially because I'm a girl, honestly they don't. I'm pretty sure that they think I'm made of titanium steel and a total badass indestructible woman. It's why they never hold back when they are with me. But the pronouns. I'm still a girl. If they use words like 'she' and 'her', there's no way he's not going to figure it out.

But now we were already going up the elevator and I was secretly praying that none of my neighbours come in and see me. I should really tell him the truth and tell him that there's a misunderstanding about my gender or if he finds out by himself, he'll think that I'm a total fraud and wouldn't blink before firing me but how exactly do I go about telling him. Keeping up this sham is exhausting. I'm not a bad liar, in fact I'm good at it. I don't just do it because it's exhausting and I see no importance in it.

Before I could put my key in or knock the door suddenly opened with Taylor looking as shabby and shaggy as possible in nothing but a sweatpants and a stretched white tank top with his hair ruffled as hell with a bored to death look on his face.

Gah... He's such a pig.

As he saw us his eyes widen and the bored look was replaced with that of surprise as he looked at me and Mr Montgomery then his eyes drifted to the bandage that was around my head and wrist and then his expression shifted to that of concern and worry.

Aww... If he isn't always so annoying...

"Sky? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Get out of my way dumdum." I said brushing him aside and walking into the apartment with Mr Montgomery behind me.

"What happened Skyler? Are you okay?'

"I'm fine. Just a little accident." I shurgged it off.

"An accident?"I ignored his question and motioned to Mr Montgomery.

"Taylor this is my boss Mr Fredward Montgomery. Mr Montgomery, this is one of my roommates, Taylor." I introduced in one breath, praying whatever next three scenes that wanted to happen should be forwarded so I could go to sleep. I might have told Mr Montgomery that I was fine but I'm hurt and my body is about to collapse from the pain.

"Its nice to meet you Mr Montgomery. I've heard lot of things about you from sky." Fredward replied stretching his hand forward and Mr Montgomery shook it briefly.

A lot of things about him? When? Even if I did tell you many things, I don't expect you to tell him to his face.

And like little toddlers in preschool getting ready to go on a small school trip to the museum, the other guys filed in one after the other that I had to muffle my groan. Out of all the days they decide to all stay home, it's the day my boss brings me home?

They know that my boss thinks I'm a guy right?
They won't say anything stupid right?

Oh goodness, who am I kidding. My roommates can sometimes be the epitome of stupidness and stupidity.

Now I have to introduce all of them. Like the body aches weren't enough. Thank you universe. This is a very fine day. I thought sarcastically.

"Guys." I started, better to go straight to the point. "This is my boss, Mr Montgomery. Mr Montgomery, the rest of my roommates. That's  Albert, Aaron and Hassan." I motioned. I feel like I'm introducing my kids.

"It's nice to meet you Mr Montgomery."
"Nice to meet you."
"Hello." They all said concurrently.

"Sky had a little accident on set and Mt Montgomery was kind enough to send her home." Taylor explained.

Oh oh. Here comes the fawning.

In a flash, they were already by my side.

"Goodness. Are you okay?"

"Are you hurt?"
"You need to go to the hospital."
"How bad is it?" They all said at once with worry in their eyes. These guys are sweet, if they weren't getting on my nerves right now. No one fawned over their male roommate like this.

Even though one could describe me as tough or tomboy. It won't change the fact that I'm female and for some reason these guys are treating me like a delicate female. Somehow according to the patriarchal preconceived mindset that females are delicate and should be treated like fragile beings.

"It's fine guys." I immediately shut them down and moved slightly away from their grabbling tentacles. "I've seen the doctor, got some stiches in. I have my medication and Mr Montgomery was kind enough to help me through it." I explained at once.

The boys attention went back to Mr Montgomery.

"Oh. Thank you for taking her to the hospital." Aaron said.

"Awful lot of accident for being an assistant, isn't it?" Albert stupid face said not knowing when to shut up and what not to say. "This is like what? The second accident now, it's not even up to two months since Sky started walking." And he doesn't know when to shut up too.

Accident or not. I still want this job, Mr Montgomery can afford to fire me but can't afford to be fired.

"Mr Skyler got hurt under my watch and I intend to compensate for it." Mr Montgomery said with hint of remorse in his voice.

"Compensation?" Albert and Aaron asked at the same time.

Albert is an idiot for asking who was the Mr, when it's obviously me and Aaron was beginning to get on my nerve by being overly protective.

"It's okay guys. It's actually my fault this time. I was careless. Mr Montgomery was nice enough to send me to the hospital. And the doctor said I need rest and I'm on painkillers." I said dropping enough hint to tell them that it's time to round up or I'll round thirty asses up.

"That was nice of you Mr Montgomery." Taylor said giving him his full playboy smile.

I immediately turned to Mr Montgomery. "Thank you for taking me home and I'll love to entertain you but I need rest. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"You don't need to come to work for the rest of this week."

"What?!" Was that panic in my voice? Yes, definitely.

"Don't worry. It's a paid sick leave." Mr Montgomery assured sensing the panic in my voice and the loud and obvious sigh of relief I let out was enough to show what I had been thinking.

"Get a lot of rest Mr Skyler. I'll see you on Monday." He gave me a smile that made my heart skip several beats. It's a miracle I'm alive.

"O-Oh O-Ok." Shit. I'm stammering like a highschool girl talking to her crush for the first time.

"Thanks again Mr Montgomery for bringing Skyler back." Aaron the ever responsible one amidst us said as he shook Mr Montgomery's hand.

I watched as Mr Fredward left the house and my eyes still stayed at the door still.

"He's hot. No scratch that, he's very handsome and beautiful" Albert said giving me one of his creepy looks that looks like he knows something when he's clueless as fuck.

"I'm in too much pain for this." I waved my hand dismissively to show that I was not interested.

"I'll make you some light dinner." Aaron said.

"Thanks Ron." I said walking to my bedroom without giving the rest of them attention.

"This better be the last time she comes home injured." Taylor said protectively. I heard that but I didn't react, all I could think about was Mr Fredward and how close he held my body to his when he was helping me to the ER. And how loud my heart was sounding in my chest.

This better be because of the pain or else I'm in trouble.

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