52- Ace

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(Season 1 x 23)

Barry and Katrina stand in front of Wells, who was currently in one of the containment cells, "What" he says to the two of them, "No Big Belly Burger, it's one of the few perks of living in this time. We're out of cows where I come from. You two don't care about that, you both have questions, go ahead" he says as he paces around the cell.

"We're not sure where to start" Barry says to him, "Thawne, that is your real name. Eobard Thawne" he adds.
"Since the day I was born" he tells him.
"When was that exactly?" Katrina asks him.
"One hundred and thirty-six years from now. This is not what you two wanna know, go ahead Barry, ask it" he says as he stops pacing and looks at Barry.
"Why did you kill my mother?" Barry asks him.

"Because I hate you" Thawne says to him, "Not you know, you years from now" he says to him.
"In the future" Barry says.
"In a future, yes. We're enemies, rivals, opposites, reverses of one another" Thawne tells him.
"Why, why were we enemies?" Barry asks him.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore. What matters is neither of us was strong enough to defeat the other, until I learned your secret, I learned your name, Barry Allen. And finally, I knew how to defeat you once and for all. Travel back in time, kill you as a child...wipe you from the face of the earth. But then you, future you, that is, followed me back and we fought. We both landed some pretty solid shots. And then you, future you, got your younger self out of there.  I was so mad. But then I thought...what if you were to suffer a tragedy? What if you were to suffer something so horrible, so traumatic, that your child self could never recover? Then you would not become the Flash. So, I stabbed your mother in the heart, and I was free. Finally, able to return to a future without the Flash, only to realize that in travelling back, I lost my way home. Lost my ability to harness the Speed Force, and without it, I was stuck here, stranded in this time, unable to return to my home, and the only way back was the Flash, but the Flash was gone, and so I created him" he says to Barry.

"How do I fit into this?" Katrina asks him.
"You were just an accident; you were never mentioned in my future" he says to them.
"Why train us? Why help us save so many people?" Barry then asks him.

"Because I needed you to get fast. Fast enough to rupture the space-time barrier and create a stable wormhole, through which I could return home" he explains to them.
"Why would I ever do that?" Barry asks.
"Because, Barry Allen, if you give me what I want, I'm gonna give you what you want. You can go back and save your mother. You can prevent your father from going to prison. You can reunite the Allen family" Wells says to him.

"No" Barry says shaking his head, "No, I don't believe you". Wells just smiles at him, and Barry bangs on the glass, "I wanna kill you right now" he says anger in his voice.
"I know that rage. I used to feel that rage every time I looked upon you and now somehow, I know what Joe and Henry feel when they look on you with pride, with love" he says, and Katrina can tell his words are making Barry angrier.

"You have no right to say that to him, you can never say that to him" Katrina says anger rising in her voice as well.
"I know you're both upset, but I'm giving you a chance. I'm giving you a chance to undo all the evil I've done. Don't you want that chance?" Wells says
Barry just stares at him, before stepping away, Katrina following him, as they walk out of the pipeline, and Barry closes the door.

"Hey...come here" Katrina says to Barry, as she puts her hand on his arm and pulls him close to her, wrapping her arms around his waist, and he places his around her neck. "You don't need to listen to that man, Barry. He's antagonizing you, trying to get under your skin, for his sick game" she says looking up at him.

"I know, I know" he says to her.
"We should go talk to the others see what they have to say" she then says.
"Can we just stay here for a minute please, just the two of us" he says to her, "I mean, just being here in this moment right now, helps calm me down" he tells her.

"We haven't really gotten these moments lately have we" Katrina says to him.
"No, we haven't once this is all over, I am taking you out for a nice fancy dinner, anywhere you want" he says to her.
"Anywhere?" she asks him.
"Anywhere" he says as he gently kisses her.

"Umm guys hate to ruin the nice moment, but we've got more important matters right now" they hear Cisco say through the PA. Barry and Katrina look at one another a smile on their faces as they then head back to the cortex to join the others.

"A rare opportunity to go back in time and right a wrong, and save your mother's life, quite the paradox Harrison has presented you with, Mr. Allen" Stein says to Barry.
"The chance to be with someone you love" Caitlin says as she goes to stand beside Ronnie. "Seems pretty cut-and-dry to me" she says.
"At first blush, Dr. Snow, it would appear so, but this gift has unparalleled risk" Stein tells her, "Barry, the night your mother died, the night you saved yourself from being killed...that event altered the timeline you were already on, and changed the course of history" Stein says to him.

"So what you're saying is we're living in a parallel universe?" Cisco says.
"Just like when I time-traveled before" Barry says to them.
"But he only changed one day that time" Joe says.

"Exactly, no imagine 15 years of compounded experiences. One different decision, no matter how big or small, impacts everything that follows. Moments upon moments, choices upon choices, new relationships. Nothing would be as it is today, and you'd never know the difference, because you'd never remember any of it" Stein says.

"So if I go back and save my mom, my dad doesn't go to prison. I never live with Joe and Iris" Barry says.
"You might never meet me or Caitlin or Ronnie" Cisco says.

"I might have never met you in collage, or even come here to Central City, and we wouldn't be what we are" Katrina then says taking Barry's hand in hers.
"Truth is....there's no real way of knowing what your life will be" Stein says to Barry.

Barry just looks around at them, then at Joe, who shakes his head at him, "There's no real choice here, Barry. You have to do this, you gotta change the past" he says as he grabs his coat and walks out.

Barry then walks away following Joe out, with Katrina following right behind him, "Joe, so that's it. You think I should just do it?" Barry asks him.
"Yeah, I do" Joe tells him as they stop walking.
"Which means I will never come to live with you...and you're okay with that" he asks him.

"Barry, you get the chance to grow up with both parents. You don't have to grow up without a mother" Joe says to him.
"What about without a father?" Barry asks him.
"You will have a father, your real father" Joe tells him, "Wells has messed with our lives long enough. This is why you became the Flash, Barry. To put things right. You saved a lot of people's lives this past year, now it's time to save yours" Joe says to Barry as he then walks away. Barry looks at Katrina, rubbing the back of his neck, confusion on his face.

"What do you think?" he then asks her.
"This is your decision Barry. You have been given this opportunity to go back and save your mom, have both of your parents. I never got to even know mine, no matter what you choose to do Barry,  I will stand by you. I..uh..don't know if this is the right time to say this but I love you Barry, and if you changing things changes us, I just wanted you to know" she says to him.

Barry then pulls her close to him, "I love you too, I just don't know if I want to lose you if I do this." he says to her, as he then kisses her on the top of the head.
"I think there is one person you need to get their opinion on this"  she says to him.
"Who?" he asks her.

"Your dad, come on lets go to Iron Heights" she says pulling away from Barry and taking his hand, as the two of them go get their jackets and head off for the prison.

Once there and they get through to visit Henry, Barry takes the phone as his dad sits down across from them, and once he takes his phone, Barry explains to him everything about going back to save his mom.
"Dad, look I know this sounds crazy" Barry says to him.
"I think we're way past crazy, slugger. Look you're fast, I get it, but turning back time" Henry says.

"No, I wouldn't be turning time, back.  I would be going back. To that night, to save her" Barry tells him.
"And what does Joe think about all this?" Henry asks him.
"He thinks I should do it" Barry tells him.

"No...you can't" Henry says to him.
"Dad..I can make it so that night will never have happened. We'll be a family again" Barry says to him.
"We are a family" Henry says.
"Not like this, not without Mom" Barry says back.

"Barry, there's a natural order to things" Henry tells him, "Okay things happen the way they do. We may not know why at the time, but there must always be a reason. Now I believe that, I've had to believe it" he adds.
"I—I can save Mom" Barry says holding his tears back.
"At what cost?" he asks him looking at Katrina, "You said time would change, what if it changes you?" he asks looking back at Barry.

"Well, I don't care" he says to his father.
"I do" Henry says, "I am in awe of the remarkable man that you are becoming. All the things you've achieved, and not just as the Flash...but you, Barry...your honesty, your heart. You were always a hero. And your mom would be just as proud. And if she had a say in this, if she thought for one second you going back to save her would mean you losing what makes you so special, and possible losing someone who is special to you, she would never want that" Henry tells him this and Barry breaks down. Katrina wraps her arms around his neck hugging him, "Barry, what I hope for you... maybe the greatest thing that a father can hope for his son is that one day you will become a father yourself. And then you will know how much I truly love you" he says to Barry, who just shakes his head at his father.

Katrina and Barry leave Iron Heights, "Come on" Katrina says taking Barry's hand in hers as they walk away from the prison, "I want to take you somewhere" she tells him, "As long as you can keep up" she tells him as she runs off. Barry gives a light smile as he follows behind her. Katrina races through the city, and goes toward another city one that Barry had never been to yet. Katrina goes to the one place that she had on her mind and after glancing behind her, seeing that Barry was still following, she races to the top of the structure she wanted to go to. Katrina finally comes to a stop on the roof of the house, and Barry appears beside her. "Where are we?" he asks looking around below them, and seeing the manor below, "I feel like we are somewhere we don't belong" he then says.

"Barry Allen, welcome to the Wayne Manor, this is the one place I always went to when I had a lot on my mind" she tells him as she goes to the edge of the roof top.

"Umm...should we be here?" he then asks her.
"Barry, this was my home, it's fine to be here" she tells him.
"Okay, why are we here exactly?" he asks her.
"I figured going here, we could talk away from everyone back home, talk about what is going on in your head right now?" she says to him.

"Honestly Kat, I've got no idea what I am going to do. One hand I want so badly to go back and save my mom, have my dad out of jail and living a happy life with them. But on the other hand, I've got a lot to possibly lose" he says to her.

"Including me" she then says to him.
"Yeah...yeah including you" he then says to her, "and I don't know if I want that" he says to her.
"Barry, I know how much saving your mother means to you. I just want you to really think about what your dad said too, would giving up being the Flash and giving up us worth it. Would your mom really want you to do that?" she asks him.

Before Barry could answer they hear a noise, and Katrina looks to see a Great Dane come running toward them, and he jumps at Katrina, who just laughs, "Ace" she says to him petting the dog. The dog then sees Barry standing there and stands guarded in front of Katrina, growling at Barry. "Ace..he's okay" Katrina tells the dog, as the dog looks at Katrina then at Barry, "go ahead" Katrina tells him and the dog runs at Barry.  Barry bends down to pet the dog, "I figured it had to be you up here" Katrina then hears a voice and turns around to see Bruce standing there. "I'm guessing you must be Barry Allen" Bruce says to Barry.

"Uh..yeah...yeah I am, it's umm a big honor to meet you Mr. Wayne" Bruce says as he walks away from Ace and comes over to Katrina.
"The honours mine, and please call me Bruce" he tells him, "May I ask what this visit is all about?" he then says.
"I thought it would be nice to show Barry, where I called home" she says to him, "we've had a problem arise and needed to get away for a minute or two to think about how to solve it" she explains to him.

"Right is there anything I can help you with?' he asks them.
"No, it's uh something we've got to figure out on our own sir" Barry says to him.
"Alright, well I will leave the two of you too it, come on Ace" Bruce then says as the dog goes over to him. "Mr. Allen it was nice to meet you" he says to him.

"You too Mr. Wayne" Barry says to him, as Bruce then walks away from them, Ace following along.  "Thanks Kat, for doing this" Barry then says to her.
"You're welcome, but I can tell looking at you, that this still didn't help you think about your decision to make. Come on, let's head back to Central City, I know the one other place that might help you, and I know who might find us there" Katrina tells him as they head back to Central City.

The two of them stand on the roof of Jitters, looking up at the night sky, as they hear the busy traffic below, "I thought I might find you two here" they then hear Iris say as they step down from the ledge.

"I knew you would, we had to get away from everything for a little bit" Katrina tells her.
"We thought this would be another good place to think" Barry tells her.

"Oh, it is, trust me. I've done a lot of thinking up here. When I wasn't having clandestine meetings with the mysterious Streaks" Iris says and the three of them chuckle.

"Yep, not mad we lost that name" Barry says to her.
"Hey, I thought that had pizzazz" Iris says.
"Yeah but could you imaging calling two heroes the same name , it would have been so confusing" Katrina tells her.

"Hey, I tired okay" she says to her and they all chuckle.
"So are you gonna do it?" Iris then asks Barry.
"It's just so huge" Barry tells her as Katrina wraps her arm around his and leans her head on his shoulder, "it's the biggest decision of my life, and if I'm wrong, I can't undo it" he tells them.

"Why would you want to? I mean...you'd get to see your mom again..your dad. Have a great career, possible get married, Katrina Ivory- Allen, huh. I heard about that, congrats" she smiles at them.
"We don't know if that will happen" Katrina tells her.

"I don't want to lose what I have here, with you both. I know I've had a great life here, and I would love to get my mom back, but losing what Kat and I have is a big risk" Barry says to them.
"I don't want to lose this either Barry, but this is your decision, and whatever you want to do, that is up to you, I love you no matter what" Katrina tells him.
"I know, but I want to know what you both think I should do, I need someone to tell me" he says to them.

"I think, for once in your life Barry Allen, you should stop thinking about other people. I think you should do what's in your heart. Do what you need to do for yourself" Iris tells him.
"I couldn't have said it any better" Katrina smiles at Iris, "That's why you are our best friend" she adds.

Barry and Katrina head back to STAR Labs, and Barry starts to head toward the pipeline, "You sure you want to talk to Wells again Barry?" Katrina asks him.
"I need to" he tells her.
"Well, I'm not letting you talk to him alone" Katrina tells him.

"No, I don't want you there, whatever Wells wants its between him and me, and I want you safe" He says to her.
Katrina takes his hand in hers, "I love you Barry, and I am not letting you do this alone" she tells him.
"Okay" he agrees and the two of them go to the pipeline as Barry unlocks the door.

"Ah, well if it makes you feel any better...it took you a whole hour longer to decide than I thought it would" Wells says when he sees them.

"So how does this work?" Barry asks him, "Your grand plan?" he adds.
"Well, it's really not that grand at all, Barry. In fact, it's rather simple. We use the particle accelerator" he tells him.

Barry scoffs, "The particle accelerator-the last time that happened, you caused an explosion that hurt a lot of people" he says to him.
"This time, the accelerator will operate exactly the way it was designed to. Except instead of two particles moving in opposite directions, colliding at the speed of light in the inner ring, we're only gonna inject one particle into the accelerator" Wells explains to them.

"And I'm what it collides with" Barry says.
"And if you can go fast enough, Barry...if you can hit that particle with enough speed...you will punch a hole right though the fabric of reality. And you will create a portal...connecting this time....to infinite times" he goes on to explain to them.

"A wormhole" Barry says.
"Through which one might travel back to the past, say to the night your mother died, or forward to the future to , say, my time" Wells says to him.
"You said if he runs fast enough, what happens if Barry doesn't?" Katrina then asks.
"If he doesn't achieve the desired velocity, Katrina, he'll die" he tells this to them and Katrina squeezes Barry's hand.

Barry and Katrina walk away, as Barry closes the pipeline, "You are not going to die" Katrina says to Barry as they walk toward the hallway.
"You heard Wells, if I can't go fast enough then I will" he says to her.
"Then I will run with you, the two of us combined would have enough speed to do this" she says to him.

"No, Kat, I am doing this alone, because if I don't make it out, I need to know that there will still be someone here, saving the city" Barry says as he wraps an arm around Katrina's waist pulling her close to him.
"I can't lose you Barry" she cries, "I won't be able to do this without you" she adds.

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