51- Just On Time

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The headed back to STAR Labs, where Barry informed Caitlin, Cisco and Joe about their meeting with Snart, "Are you out of your mind? What do you mean you talked to Leonard Snart?" Joe says anger in his voice.

"We asked him for help" Barry tells him.
"Barry, why would you do something so stupid?" Joe then aks.
"Because, Joe we have already tried everyone else" Barry tells him.

"We tried the CCPD, Barry tried getting Oliver's help, and we even tried getting a hold of Ronnie, and Professor Stein, and got nothing"
"What about your Gotham friends?" Joe then asks Katrina.
"Wait..what..no I am not getting you know who involved, but I did send an SOS out to my other friends, and they haven't said anything. We are out of options, and the particle accelerator is suppose to come online in how long Cisco?" Katrina asks him.

"Sixteen hours" Cisco says.
"Sixteen hours, Joe. We're not willing to let the meta's die and we can't let them escape either. So like it or not, Snart, with his cold-gun..is the only one that can stop them if Cisco's transportation does not hold" Barry tells him.

"Then lucky for you, I figured out what it is you can get me" they then hear Snart say, and Joe takes his gun out, "Hello, detective, nice to see you again" Snart says as he walks into the cortex, "Caitlin, Cisco" he says looking at them, "I thought about your proposal. You want my help..this is what I want. My fingerprints, dental records, DNA, criminal records, family tree. Everything there is in this world concerning Leonard Snart, I want it destroyed, all of it. At CCPD, online, everywhere" he tells them.

"The brass on this dude" Joe says, "You really think we'd do that for you?" Joe asks him.
"I'll do it" Barry then says, "if it's the only way, fine" Barry tells him.
"You and me need to talk right now, Katrina come too" Joe says to them and they follow him to the training room, Barry closing the door behind them.

"What is wrong with you? You can't just erase Snart's criminal records" Joe says shouting at Barry.
"Yeah, I can, and I'll do whatever I have to do" Barry tells him.
"Barry, there's other ways for us to do this" Katrina then tells him.

"What is it then Kat? Tell me what it is and we will do it, but we're running out of time!" he shouts at her.
"What is going on with you, you working with that killer? This isn't who you are" Joe says to him.

"Who I am is the guy who's not fast enough to stop Wells" Barry says as he steps closer to Joe and Katrina, "He hasn't been one step ahead of us, Joe, He's been a thousand. I can't catch him, I can't beat him. What I can do is save those people down there. Wells turned them into what they are and I'm pretty sure he does not care if they live or die, I do" he says to Joe as he walks out of the room.

"You agree with this crazy arrangement?" Joe then asks Katrina.
"Snart is the only one who is coming to help us right now Joe. I might not agree with doing deals with villains, but a situation like this we just might have to" Katrina says walking away following Barry.

Barry and Katrina race to CCPD in their Flash and Bolt suits, and enter building, where Barry plugs a flash drive into one of the computers, erasing all the information the police had on Snart. "Bye, Bye Leonard Snart" Katrina says once it's done deleting. The two of  them then go around gathering all the file boxes that contained any other information on Snart. They meet up with Snart, placing the boxes down, "We've deleted everything the CCPD, ARGUS and the FBI had on you, and sent a virus to erase every digital record of you online. And this is every single piece of physical evidence the police had" Barry tells him.

"Good" Snart says to him, when out of nowhere it's blasted in gold.
They watch as Snart's sister comes walking over, "I hear we're all going to be working together" she says looking at Barry and Katrina.
"That's right sis, partners" Snart says also looking at Barry and Katrina, and they both do not look pleased about his sister being there.

They head back to STAR Labs, where Caitlin, Cisco and Joe are not impressed Snart brought his sister in on this either, "Please tell me this is a joke" Caitlin says to them.

"Oh, you were right, Lenny, she is very uptight" Lisa says to Snart.
"I am not uptight" Caitlin says and she looks at Barry and Katrina who both don't say a word, "you can't call me uptight" she then says to Lisa.
"Look, guys we need their help if we're gonna pull this off" Barry says to them.

"Why are you wearing your masks, Snart already knows who you two are" Caitlin says to them.
"And I promised I wouldn't tell anyone, and that includes my sister" Snart tells her.
"Jerk" Lisa says to him.
"Train Wreck" Snart says back at her."Don't look so surprised, detective. I am a man of my word" he says looking at Joe.

"Yeah, you better be, or I'll make sure you're on that damn plane too" Joe says as he walks away, followed by Snart, Barry and Katrina.
"Hey Flash can I talk to you" Katrina then says and he nods at her and they head to the  training room.

"You really think this is gonna work" Katrina asks him.
"It's got to Kat" he says to her.
"I know..it's just working with the bad guy just never ends up going the right way" she tells him, as she then hears her phone going off from the change room. Katrina walks over opening the room, and going into her bag. She takes her phone out looking at it, "Looks like Babs and Grayson won't be able to help, apparently they are busy handling their own villains" she says putting her phone back.

"Please tell me we are doing the right thing" Barry then says to her.
"We are saving these people's lives Bar, it's the right thing" she says to him as she wraps her arms around him, pulling him close and gently kissing him on the lips.

They pull apart and Barry smiles at her, "What?" she asks him.
"That's the first time we have kissed with our masks on, it was different" he says to her.
"Not the first time I've kissed someone in a mask" she says as she walks away from him.
"Hey, not cool" he says to her as she leaves the training room.

"Hey, Cisco, have you found a way to transports the metas to the airport?" Katrina then ask going over to him.
"I have actually" he says looking at her, "and it's pretty dope" he smiles. 

They head down the garage, where Cisco has a transport truck set up in, that he has done some upgrades to, " Okay, so I've retrofitted the cooling system with the wheelchair's power source to create an energy damper" Cisco explains to the group.

"Which means what, exactly?" Joe asks him.
"Basically, the back of this rig is being flooded with so much power that it's effectively creating a transient pulse strong enough to disrupt the meta-human's powers. So we can get them to the airport and on the place without them getting fresh on us" Cisco explains to him, "Technically we need somebody with a Class A commercial driver's licence to drive this though" he adds.

"I can drive it" Lisa then says and they all look at her, "What? I have a Class A CDL" she says .
"You do?"  Caitlin asks her.
"We all can't be doctors" Lisa says to her.
"All right, let's do this, plane's gonna be here in two hours" Barry tells them, and they put their plan in motion. Caitlin knocks all the meta s out and they move them to the transport truck.

"The dampers are fully functional" Cisco informs Barry and Katrina.
"All right,  we'll make sure the roads are clear, do not stop for anything" Barry tells everyone.
"Let's move out" Snart says as he pulls his helmet on and starts his motorcycle up, "After you"  he says looking at Katrina and Barry and the two of them take off ahead of everyone, making sure nothing is in the way.

"Hey, we've got traffic up ahead" they hear Snart say.
"We're on it" Katrina replies as her and Barry set up roadblocks, and they continue on.
"How's our cargo doing?" Joe then asks.
"All quiet so far" Cisco replies and they all continue on. Barry and Katrina arrive at the airfield first, watching as the others come rolling in. Snart rolls up on his bike bringing it to a stop and gets off it.

"Ferris Air? I thought this place got shut down" he says to the speedsters.
"It did, one of their test pilots disappeared" Barry tells him.
"So, where's the plane? I want to get this over with" Joe comes over saying.
"Should be here any minute" Barry tells him, "Look, Joe, I know you don't agree with this"
"Save it, Bar, I just wanna get it done" he says to him as he walks away.  They continue standing there waiting for the plane, but it still isn't showing up.

"You're ARGUS friends aren't very prompt. Maybe that's why they've never been able to catch me" Snart says to Barry, as they hear a noise.
"Oh, there it is" Caitlin then says pointing to the sky, where they see a plane coming in.
"Guys, guys we have a problem" Cisco comes running over to them, "The dampers fluctuating, the rig's losing power, I don't know why" he says panic in his voice.

"Can you do something?" Barry asks him.
"I'm trying" he says as he continues to scramble with his tablet. Just then they start to see lighting in the sky, and look at the plane.

"Oh, god" Caitlin says as they see lighting striking the plane.
"Mardon" Joe says as the plane is hit, and the one engine bursts into flames, and they watch as it goes past them and crashes. The back of the rig then bursts open and all the meta's stand there, "Trip's  cancelled" Mardon says to them.

"Take your last breath" Nimbus then says and he turns into gas.
"Go, I've got them" Katrina tells Barry who goes after Nimbus. Katrina stays with Joe, Cisco, and Caitlin as Joe continues to fire at the metas.

"Caitlin get down" Katrina then says as she had looked over the car, and she pulls Caitlin down. Suddenly Caitlin looks at Cisco, and shoves him down.
"You locked Ronnie in the pipeline, and you killed Ronnie" she says as she starts to attack Cisco.
"Caitlin" Katrina says as she tries to pull her off Cisco.
"He killed Ronnie! He killed Ronnie!" she shouts as Joe and Katrina hold her back.

"This isn't you Cait" Katrina says to her. Just then Katrina looks over as Barry takes care of Nimbus, but one of the other meta's starts to attack him.

"Go help Barry" Joe says to Katrina, and she let's go of Caitlin and races over beside Barry. The two of them look at the remaining meta's. They weave in and out of the attacks coming from the meta's when Mardon creates a lighting blast that knocks both Barry and Katrina down.

Before another meta can attack, Snart uses his cold gun killing one of the meta's, "How about we call tonight a tie?" he says to the two remaining meta's.
"I'd power down if you don't want me to melt your face" Lisa says to Rainbow Raider.
"Let's all go our separate ways" Snart then says, "My name is Leonard Snart" he tells them.

"I know who you are" Mardon tells him.
"Always please to meet a fan. Just remember who it was that made sure you didn't get thrown on that plane bound for nowhere" Snart tells him.
"You're just letting us go" Mardon says, "Why'd you shoot that guy?" he asks referring to Deathbolt.
"He owed me money" Snart tells him.

"Hmm, what you want a thank-you" Mardon then says.
"Who doesn't like a thank-you" Snart says to him.
"Thank You" Rainbow Riader says.
"You are so very welcome" Snart says as he walks back over toward Barry and Katrina, who are still in pain on the ground.

"You sabotaged the truck didn't you" Barry asks him.
"Why the hell did you let them go" Katrina asks.
"Because now they all owe me, and something tells me they'll be a lot more use to me as part of my Rogues than rotting away in the North China Sea" Snart tells her.

"You gave us your word" Barry groans to him.
Snart chuckles, "It's true, I did, but here's the thing: I'm a criminal and a liar, and I hurt people, and I rob them. What did you expect me to do? Not be what I am? I saw an opportunity to turn things to my advantage, and I did. Who you're really mad at is yourself. This is on you Barry, even she knew this was a bad idea" Snart says looking at Katrina.

"Then why don't you just kill us" Barry says to him.
Snart then stands up, "Well, I guess you owe me one now too" he says to him, "Good luck with all of this. I'm actually really excited to see how it all turns out" he says as he gets on his motorcycle. Cisco then comes running over to the two of them.
"Hey, hey, hey" he says to them.
"Bye, Cisco" Lisa says as she sits on the back of Snart's motorcycle and they take off.

Back at the lab, Barry and Katrina sit in the entrance to the pipeline, Katrina leaning her head on his shoulder as they think about what had just happened. "Tell me 'I told you so'" Barry says to her.
"I'm not going to" she says to him, "you had a plan, thought it would work, don't beat yourself up Barry" she says to him, as they hear footsteps and see Joe approaching.

"Hey, Cisco told me you two were in here" he says to them.
"How is Caitlin doing?" Katrina asks him.
"He used that light thingy on her, she's fine, mostly embarrassed" he tells her.
"Yeah" Barry says looking away, "Thanks for also not saying 'I told you so'" he says to him.
"But I did tell you so, repeatedly" Joe says to him.

"I just—man I've seen the way Oliver does things, how Kat's done things, and the two of them are not afraid to just do whatever it takes to get what they need and I thought that I could do that too. I thought that I could just use Snart, but instead he used me" Barry says to them.

"You're not the Arrow, Barry, and nor is Katrina the Red Cardinal anymore, yeah I know about that," Joe says to him,
"No" Barry says quietly, "That's not the kind of hero you two are" Joe says to them.
"Then what kind of hero are we?" Katrina asks as Joe sits down beside them.

"The kinds that care about whether or not those criminals lived or died. I mean whatever Mardon and Nimbus and Shawna did, they're human beings, and you knew letting Wells use then as pawns was wrong. You know the difference between right and wrong, and you two weren't willing to blur the lines between the two. That's the kind of man and woman you two are. And that's what makes you  different than the Arrow" Joe says to them.

"And Batman" Katrina adds, "although unlike Oliver, Batmans' one rule is not to kill" she adds to them.
"Please, no more walks on the dark side you two" Joe then says to them, "Agreed" he adds.
"Yeah" the two of them say to him, when suddenly they hear a noise, and alarms going off.
"What the hell is that?" Joe asks.

"Guys" they hear Cisco say over the PA, " The particle accelerator is fully charged and online, Whatever Wells needs it for, it's ready" he tells them and the three of them head off for the cortex.

Barry and Katrina stand side by side staring at the security camera that was showing outside the lab, as the alarm continued to go off. They watch as Wells comes walking up, move the one gate that was blocking the entrance to the lab, " Barry, Kat don't even think about it, Bar, no" Joe tells them.

"You two can't go out there by yourselves" Caitlin says to them.
Katrina and Barry look at one another, nodding, "Yeah, we can" Barry says and the two of them race off to face Wells.

"Well, I heard your prison transfer didn't go so well. I'm so sorry" he says to them.
"All a part of your plan, I assume" Barry says to him.
"Actually that didn't factor into my plan at all. But I'm impressed you went to such great lengths to keep those people from harm, especially you Katrina, since you use to never care that much about villains., but ever the hero, right Barry" he says.

"You've hurt enough people" Barry says.
"I know, you see me as the villain, but Barry, Katrina, if you two were to look back...look back carefully at everything I've done..." he continues to walk closer to them, "every wheel...I have set in motion, you would realize, I have only done what I had to do. Nothing more, nothing less" he says to them as he stops.

"The particle accelerator, what does that have to do with your grand plan?" Katrina asks him.
"Why don't you two go on inside, let me show you" he says to her.
"You know, we just learned the hard way, not to trust the bad guy" Barry says to him.

"And yet, I've shown you two time and time again, you can't beat me, Barry, Katrina" he says, and they hear a noise from above, looking to see Firestrom come flying in.
"Wow, you brought yourselves a friend" Wells says as they then hear a zipline and Oliver comes sliding in, then there's another noise, and Katrina looks to see Dick, flying down from his grapling hook.

"Welcome, Mr. Queen, Mr Grayson" Wells then says to them.
"Hope we're not too late" Oliver says to them.

"You're just in time" Barry says to them.
"Thanks for coming Grayson" Katrina says to him.
"You needed help, I'll always come" he smiles at her.

"We don't care how fast you are, you can't fight all five of us at the same time" Barry then says to Wells.

"Oh, I can't. Trust me, this..this is gonna be fun" Wells says to him.

 He then puts his hand out infront of him, getting his suit to come flying out of his ring. Barry and Katrina put their masks on, as Ronnie flames up, Oliver gets his bow and arrow ready, and Dick had his Bo stick in his hand, and a batarang in the shape of an R. Barry and Katrina race after Wells, running circles around him, trying to get him pinned but he's fast. He finally pins the two of them up against a fence, before tossing Barry, then Katrina into the STAR Labs sign, the glass breaking around them.  The land hard, as they look to see Olive shoot Wells with an arrow, Ronnie throw fire at him, and Dick tosses one of his Robin symbols at Wells.

"Come on!" Ronnie shouts getting Well's attention. Well then spins his arm around creating enough Wind, to cause him to go flying back, and Barry races off to catch him. Katrina slowly gets up as Dick rushes over to check on her.


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