42- Bee Careful

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(Season 1 x 18)

Katrina and Barry had been having a night in at Barry's when they kept getting calls from Joe about attempted robberies. They had just sat back down on his bed, when Barry's phone starts to ring, "Joe again" he says as he answers the phone. Within minutes of answering the call, Katrina and Barry take off, stopping a criminal and bringing him along with them as they appear in the back of Eddie's car.
"Hello" Barry says.
"Hey" Katrina say to them.
Joe turns back and looks at the two of them, "Eighteenth and Olive" he tells them.
"Got it" Barry tells him.
"Who's this?" Joe asks.
"Oh yeah Indecent exposure, at Powell Park" Katrina tells him.
"That ain't something you should be showing people" Joe says to the man.

"They're getting away guys" Eddie then says as he continues to follow the robbers.
"They're not getting away" Barry says to Eddie.
"Let's get these Bozos up ahead of us first" Joe says handing Barry and Katrina each a set of cuffs, "Then we'll worry about the idiots at the Shiny Diamond" Joe says to them.
"All right" Barry nods.
"We're gonna run out of room, though" Joe says.

Katrina and Barry look at one another smiling, "We'll take care of that" the two of them take off, but not before Barry grabs Joe. The speedster switches Joe out with the driver of the getaway vehicle, as Katrina places the handcuffs on the other robber, before they all take off for the other robbery. Katrina and Barry arrive moments after Eddie and Joe, and rush in taking the guns away from the jewel thieves.

"Missing something boys" Katrina says holding up the one gun in her hand, as Barry holds the other.
"On the ground. On the ground!" Eddie shouts at the thieves.
"So, uh, we're just curious" Barry says as the two of them walk back toward Eddie and Joe giving Joe the weapons, "but um, have you guys not heard of us or what?" Barry says to the criminals, as Joe chuckles and the two of them fist pump.

"Nice work, detective" Katrina says to Eddie, "Now if you two don't mind we would like to get back to date night" she adds, as her and Barry zoom away.

They both change back into their normal clothes and crash down onto Barry's bed, "This has been an exhausting night" Barry says.
"Yeah it has, wonder why so many robberies were going down tonight" Katrina says to Barry.
"Meh, who really knows, but from all that running, I am famished" Barry says as he zooms away and comes right back with a stack of pizzas. Katrina smiles at Barry as she gets his laptop out and puts a movie on for them to watch while they eat. "So what shall we watch tonight, musical, comedy, horror, sci-fi?" she asks Barry.

"I'm up for anything" he tells her as he opens the first box.
"How about The Mummy?" she asks him.
"How many times have you seen that movie?" he says to her.
"Too many to count, but it's a fave and you said you were up for anything" she smiles as she takes a slice of pizza, and presses play on the movie.

"Do you think we should tell Cisco and Caitlin about Wells?" Barry then asks her.
"I dunno, Barry, I mean that's going to be hard on them to understand" Katrina tells him.
"I know but wouldn't you want to know that the man you have been working with for years, isn't who they say they are" he says to her.

"We'll run the idea by Joe" she tells him as they then spend the rest of their night eating pizza and watching the movie. Before long they are both getting sleepy, and Barry cleans up the empty boxes, as Katrina goes to put on the second movie. "You know we could just go to sleep" Barry says when he comes back.

"I guess, but that means I gotta head home" she says to him.
"You can burrow one of my shirts, and a pair of sweats, then run off to your place in the morning to get changed" he says to her.
"Umm are you sure? I mean Joe won't be too you know, mad, that you have a girl staying the night in your room. I mean you've stayed some nights at my place, but we've never really stayed here before" she says as Barry goes to his dresser and takes clothes out for her.

"Joe's..Joe, he's gonna have to just deal" he says tossing her the clothing.
"Thanks" she then super speeds down the hall, changing in the bathroom before coming back to Barry's room. She sees Barry already laying down in his bed, Katrina gets into the bed beside Barry smiling at him as he puts his arm around her pulling her body close to his.
"Good Night Kitty Kat" he says kissing her.
"Good Night BarBar" she say's kissing him back, before they both close their eyes and get some sleep.

Katrina woke up in the morning, quietly trying not to wake Barry up, she leaves him a note, saying she would see him at work, before zooming away back to her apartment. Katrina gets changed into jeans, a white blouse and red jacket when her phone vibrates, she grabs it seeing that it's Barry and that they have a case to get to. She finishes getting ready, then heads off for the crime scene, meeting up with Barry, as he is examining the body.

"Morning" she says to him.
"Morning" he replies smiling at her.
"What do we got" she asks as she goes over beside him checking the body that is inside the car.

"Lots and lots of little puncture marks" he says as she then starts to look over the scene. As the coroner is placing the body on the gurney, and closes the bag partly up, Eddie and Joe arrive.
"Hey so her whole body is covered in these puncture wounds you see on her face" Barry tells them.

"Possible bite marks, but whatever it was looks like she must have gone into anaphylaxis" Katrina tells them.
"Damn" Joe says getting a closer look at the body.
"Yeah" Barry says, "The blood samples should tell us everything we need to know, we'll run tests back at our lab" Barry tells them.
"They can do it faster at STAR Labs" Joe quickly says to them.

"Yeah, well we could, it's just that" "Just what?" Joe asks Katrina and him and Barry walk away from the body.
"It's weird to be there right now" Katrina tells him,
"Kat, Barry you know we have to play it cool with Wells. If he finds out we suspect him" Joe says.

"We know, we get it, it's just we think that we should tell Cisco and Caitlin" Barry tells him, "They could help us" he adds.
"The more people who know, the more chance Wells is gonna find out we're onto him. I mean what if one of them slips up or panics?" Joe says to them.
"Or what if..?""What?" Barry asks him
"What if they're not on our side?" Joe then asks the two of them.

"Absolutly not, no way,those two are not involved in whatever he's planning" Katrina says to Joe.

"I mean, Wells is their boss, their mentor. They've been with him for a long time. I've seen plenty of people make the wrong choice for loyalty. Please do not include them until we can be sure" Joe says to them both.
"All right" Barry says as Joe walks away.

"Hey, if you want I can have you know who look into Cisco and Caitlin, see what he can dig up. Maybe he can find something that could assure us they would be on our side" Katrina says to Barry.

"No, Joe's right, we just need to keep them out of this for now, come one lets head to STAR Labs, get Caitlin to run the blood" he says to her and the two of them take off for the lab.
"Death by apitoxin" Caitlin comes over telling them.
"Honeybee venom" Wells says to her.

"Bees, why did it have to be bees?" Cisco says, "Y'all I don't do bees. Ain't nobody got time for bees" he goes on to say.

"When a honeybee stings, the stingers are torn from their abdomen and they die" Wells says.
"Yeah, but we didn't find any stingers in the body, and there was no dead bees in the car" Katrina tells him.
"A honeybee can only deposit 0.1 milligrams of apitoxin when it releases its stinger" Caitlin says to them.
"And yet, Ms. Kang was found with enough venom in her system to kill a heard of elephants. It appears not only is a meta human controlling these bees...but also increasing their toxicity" Wells explains .
"Bees communicate by realizing pheromones, maybe this meta is controlling them through secretion?" Barry asks.
"Anyone wanna join me in getting a beekeeper suit?" Cisco then asks.
"I'm pretty sure Barry and I can outrun a bee" Katrina says to him.

"Just don't run into a lake" they then hear a familiar voice, and all turn to see Felicity standing in the doorway. "The bees will wait for you to come up for air. Then they'll sting you. Discovery Channel, turns out there's a lot to discover" she says to them.
"Cousin, what are you doing here?" Katrina asks surprised at seeing her.
"Can you guys come outside for a sec?" she says to them.
"Uh, yeah sure" Katrina says and they all grab their jackets and head outside the lab. The five of them stand there with Felicity as she is looking up at the sky. Nothing is going on and the all share awkward looks.

"What exactly are we waiting for, Ms. Smoak?" Wells asks her.
"Up there" she then points up to the sky and they see something flying.
"Is that a bird" Caitlin asks.
"It's a plane" Cisco says as they then watch a man come landing hard on the ground in front of them.
"It's my boyfriend" Felicity says to them.

The man stands up, taking the helmet of his head, "Hi, I'm Ray" he waves at them.
"Uh, cousin you have some explaining to do" Katrina says to Felicity.
"Yeah, yeah I know" she says, "later okay" she says as Ray comes over to them and they all head back inside STAR Labs. Once out of his suit Ray goes with Caitlin as she checks over his vitals.

Felicity stands outside the room, with Katrina and Barry as she watches them, "So, he seems a little tall for you" Barry says to Felicity.
"Barry Allen, are you jealous?" Felicity asks him.
"He better not be" Katrina says smiling at Barry as she places her hand on his arm. "I wish you had called us first though, before you came flying in" Katrina tells her.

"Oh, no, he flew, I drove" she tells her.
"We're serious, all right? Now is not the best time" Barry tells her, as he shares a concerning look with Katrina.
"Why? What's going on?" she asks seeing their expressions.
Before they could answer, Ray and Caitlin come walking out, "Ahh, my ears popped, so that's something" Ray says.

"You're lucky you didn't break your neck. What is it with billionaires being superheroes?" Caitlin asks, and Katrina can't help but let out a light laugh at that question.
"So have you picked a name yet?" Cisco asks as he finished looking over Ray's suit.
"Ahh, I'm kind of partial to the Atom, sheww" Ray tells him.

"Are you married to that, or...?" Cisco asks him not impressed with the name.
"You're ATOM suit" Wells says wheeling around to face Ray, "Quite the technological achievement, Mr. Palmer, I'm impressed" he tells him.
"And he is never impressed" Caitlin tells Ray.
"Well thank you, but I can't quite seem to keep it up" Ray says and Caitlin gives him a questionable look.
"He means the suit" Felicity walks over beside Ray saying.

"Yeah I mean the suit" Ray says, and Barry and Katrina both rub their faces from embarrassment.
"Yeah I can attest that everything else works fine. There's nothing we need to fix in that area" Felicity then says.
"The sex is great" Ray suddenly says.

"Oh God, there is two of them, I can see why you two are a couple" Katrina says.
"I know from Felicity that you have been very helpful with Barry and Kat and the Flash and Bolt suits. And I was hoping to get another set of eyes on my" Ray looks at Felicity, "Problem" they both say together.
"Any friend of the Arrow's is a friend to-" Wells says.
"Hell yes" Cisco quickly says.
"Umm guys, remember we already have a lot going on. You know the meta-human killer that can possibly control a whole swarm of bees" Katrina says to all of them.
"Cool" Ray smiles looking at Felicity, "I mean awful" he says seeing the look of her face.
"I'm sure Caitlin and I will provide ample support, Katrina" Wells says to her.
"And I will be happy to sit this one out" Cisco says to her.
"You-?" Barry starts to say but stops, not happy about the situation.
"Ray, why don't you stay here and work on your suit, while Kat, Barry and I run to Jitters for some java?" Felicity says to him.

"Sounds like a plan" Ray says looking over at Cisco.
"Coffee?" Felicity says to Barry and Katrina.
"Yeah sure" they both agree and the three of them leave the lab.
They arrive at Jitters, ordering their coffee, and each of them grab their mugs once their orders are ready, "You know I left Starling City to get away from the mood and brood, but it looks like it followed me here" Felicity says to them as they go to sit down at a table.

"We know, and we're sorry" Katrina says to her, "it's like Barry said before now is not the best time" she says as they sit down at a table.
"Kat, Barry, I have been through enough with you two to know when you're both holding something back" Felicity tells them. "Is this because I told Ray your secrets? Because he is trustworthy, Kat, Barry, he wants to help people, like you two" she tells them.

"Yeah, we know, that's not what we are worried about, it's just...we really don't want to put anyone else in danger" Barry tells her.
"In danger of what?" she asks them.
"Barry, Kat, hey"they then hear Eddie say as he comes over to their table.
"Eddie, hey you remember my cousin Felicity" Katrina tells him.

"Hey" she says to him.
"Of course, great to see you" he says to her.
"Yeah" she says to him as Eddie looks at Katrina and Barry. "What is wrong with you? Is everyone in Central City in a bad mood?" Felicity then asks, "I thought Central City was supposed to be the fun one?" Felicity says to the three of them.
"It's just, umm" Eddie looks at Barry and Katrina, "It's not" he says.
"Felicity knows" Barry tells him.
"Wow" Eddie says to them.
"Yeah" Barry says.

"So, everyone but Iris" Eddie says.
"Yeah, kinda feels that way" Katrina says to him.
"How do you two lie to everyone you care about?" Eddie asks them.
"For starters, don't think of it as lying" Felicity says to Eddie, "Think of it as protecting her from getting hurt, with a fib" she adds.

"But Iris can tell I'm hiding something" Eddie says to her, "And it's putting this distance between us" he adds looking at Barry and Katrina.
"I have an idea, why don't we all go to dinner tonight. A little wine and dine is sure to bridge the gap" Felicity says looking at the three of them. "Come on we had fun last time" she adds.
"Sure, why not" Eddie agrees.
"This time I get to come along" Katrina says to them as she takes a sip of her coffee.

Just then Barry and Katrina's phone start buzzing, "looks like another bee attack" Katrina says.
"Folsen tech" Barry reads.
"I'll see where Joe is" Eddie says as he gets his phone out and takes off out of Jitters.
"Bee careful" Felicity says to Barry and Katrina.
"Really?" Katrina says to her.
"Bad pun, sorry, just don't die" Felicity says to her, as the two speedsters then take off, changing into their suits as they make their way for Folsen Tech.

Barry and Katrina arrive at the building to see people fleeing, as they enter the get to an office to see a man already dead. "We're too late" Katrina says into her comm. Link.
"Where are the bees?" Cisco then asks them.
"We don't know, there's no sign of them" Barry tells him. Just then they both hear a buzzing noise, and watch as a bee comes out of the man's mouth, followed by a whole swarm.
"Uh guys, we found them" Katrina says, and her and Barry start running around the building trying to get away from the bees.
"Hey, how do we get out of here?" Katrina asks as she continues running alongside Barry.

"Uhh take the northeast crossways, the quickest way out of the building" Cisco tells them. The two of them take off that way, but come to a stop when another swarm is in their way.
"Guys they're everywhere, we're surrounded" Barry says to the team. The bees then start to attack the two of them, and they fight them off, as they run outside. Barry shoves Katrina away, and she runs off through the parking lot, coming to a stop when she sees all the bees attacking Barry, then taking off.

"Oh God Barry!" she screams as Joe pulls up in his car. He gets out, sees Katrina then sees Barry.
"Barry!" he calls out and the two of them go over to him.
"No, no no, Barry don't do this, stay with me please" Katrina cries, "Cisco he's got no pulse" she says as Joe starts to try and do CPR.
"Step away from the suit" Cisco tells her.
"What? Why do we need to step away" she says as she does so, and Joe steps back with her.
"We need to jump start his heart, there's a defibrillator in the suit" Cisco tells her.

"You could have told us this before. Joe there's a defibrillator in the suit" Katrina tells him. Joe and Katrina stand there, as they watch the team try and bring Barry back. Katrina tries to hold the tears in as Joe places a hand around her shoulder. They watch as Barry is shocked, and nothing

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