The next day, Barry, Joe and Katrina meet up with the team at STAR Labs, "We were able to identify the other Trickster. His name's Axel Walker, age 25. Apparently, him and James have been corresponding through snail mail for over a decade" Joe tells them.
"We should have been there" Barry says looking up at Katrina.
"We'll find him, Barry, you know we will" she says placing a hand on his shoulder, and kissing the top of his head.
"Definitely" Cisco says looking at the two of them.
"I guess we should've listened to you" Barry says as he gets up and walks away, Katrina following behind him.
She catches up to Barry taking his hand as he just walks through the lab, before heading to the pipeline, and taking a seat on the ground in there. Katrina sits down beside him, placing a arm around his waist, as he puts on around her shoulders, and she leans her head against his shoulder. The two of them just sit there, not saying a word, when they hear footsteps.
"You okay?" they hear Joe asking.
"Do you think my dad is still alive?" Barry then asks him,
"Yes, yes, he is, of course" Joe tells him, "Jesse only took your pop to use as leverage. He might be crazy, but he's not stupid. And everyone upstairs is looking to find him" Joe says.
" I'm supposed to just leave my dad's fate in the hands of a man who may have had something to do with my mom's murder" Barry says as he tries to keep the tears back, "Kat, Joe, I can't so this" he says to them.
"You can, Barry, you can do this" Katrina tells him as Joe sits down with them.
"This just doesn't make any sense. I mean, if Wells is a murderer then why does he wanna help us? Why has he helped us stop so many criminals, or saved Ronnie? Why didn't we see this" Barry says to the two of them.
"I spent a tenth as much time with him as you two did. And he almost had me believing in him" Joe says to them.
"Almost" Barry says.
"Look, whatever else he is...he is Harrison Wells. You love science, he is science. It's like you made best friends with Einstein" Joe says to Barry.
"You're saying I wanted to be tricked" Barry says to him.
"What he is saying is you always wanna be the kind of person who sees the best in people" Katrina tells Barry.
"I've been a cop for 25 years, all I can see is the flaws, the lies. The dark thoughts that people think I don't see. I wish I could be you. As fast as you are that is your real power. Don't let Wells take that from you. I don't know..why he's helping us. All that that he is" Joe tells him.
"I can't lose my dad, Joe, Kat" Barry breaks down crying.
"Barr..Barr...come on...come on" Joe says as he gets up and pats Barry on the back.
"Barry, we are going to go put on a brave face, and we are going to go back in there, and get your dad back" Katrina tells him as she stands up, and holds her hand out for him to take. He nods at the two of them, and wipes his face with his hands, before taking hers, and she helps him get up.
"Anything" Barry asks Cisco, as they have been trying to locate the two Tricksters all day, and Henry.
"I'm scanning all the traffic cams in the city. I got nothing" Cisco tells him as Joe's phone starts to ring.
"Hey, Baby" they hear him answer and know its' Iris, "Iris?" Joe says as she's not responding. He then looks at all of them, before putting his phone on speaker.
"How many of you feel the trimethylene-32 coursing through your veins, hmm" they hear an all too familiar voice say.
"That's him, that's Jesse" Barry says.
"Cisco, can you ping her phone?" Joe asks.
"I'm on it" he says as he starts typing away on the computer.
"Trimethylmercury-32 is a relatively fast-acting poison" Caitlin tells them.
"Is there a possible cure?" Katrina asks her.
"Yes, we can start synthesize the antidote right now" Wells says to her.
"Cisco, where is she?" Joe asks.
"City Hall" he responds.
"The mayor's having a fundraiser there tonight" Joe then says and Barry and Katrina nod at him, as they get ready to change into their suits.
"Barry, Katrina, do not underestimate the Trickster" Wells shouts at them, as they take off for City Hall.
They arrive, both of them grabbing James Jesse, "Where's Henry Allen?" they demand from him.
"He's where you two will be soon, Heaven" he laughs at them as Axel comes over placing a device on each of their wrists.
"Are you familiar with the movie Speed, Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock? See you two are the bus, and that's the bomb" James says to them and they look at the devices on their wrists, "Kinetic bomb actually. If you go below 600 miles per hour, it'll explode. Same thing happens if you try and remove it" he adds, as Axel flips the switch on each, "Ooh! It's active, run, run, run" James says and the two of them take off running.
"Cisco!" Barry says through the comms.
"He wasn't lying those things are linked to a speedometer, and it will blow if you two stop moving" they hear Cisco tell them.
"We can't freaking run forever!" Katrina tells him.
"There's got to be a way to get it off them without damaging it" they hear Caitlin saying as they continue to keep running, tying not to get exhausted.
"Barry, Katrina do you see any walls nearby?" they hear Wells say to them.
"Why?" they both ask him.
"Because I need you two to run into one, or more accurately, through one" Wells says to them.
"What?" they hear Caitlin and Cisco say together.
"If you two vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your bodies, your cells, will be in a state of excitement that should allow you two to phase right through that wall. Leaving the bomb on the other side" Wells explains to them.
"Should?" Barry asks.
"You two can do this, I believe in the both of you" Wells says to them.
"We can't do this" Katrina says panic rising in their voice.
"Listen to me Katrina, Barry, breathe, breathe, feel the air. Feel that wind on your face, feel the ground. Your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward and the lightning, Barry, Katrina, feel the lighting. Feel its power, it's electricity pumping through your veins. Crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock. You two are no longer yourselves now, you both are part of something greater. You two are part of a Speed Force, It's yours" Wells says this and two of them start to focus on his words, and start breathing slowly, "Now do it" he tells them, and the two of them look at one another before letting Wells words course through their bodies. They continue to run when they spot a tanker truck nearby, and they both run through the truck, the devices coming off their wrists. They come out the other side of the truck and stop, looking at one another, then at their wrist, when they hear the bombs explode behind them.
"How?" Barry says.
"Barry? Katrina" they hear Caitlin say.
"God, that felt so weird" Katrina says.
"We're good...we're good" Barry then tells the team.
Barry and Katrina take a pit stop at STAR Labs, grabbing the antidote, before heading back to City Hall, and distribute it among all the guests.
"It's okay, you've all been given an antidote" Barry tells the crowd.
"That wasn't very sanitary" James says to him.
"Now tell us where Henry Allen is, you're going to be heading to prison either away, James" Katrina tells the Trickster stepping closer to him. He gives them the location of Henry and they both take off saving Barry's dad in the nick of time.
"All right" Henry says looking at Barry and Katrina outside the building.
Barry smiles at his dad as he pulls his mask back, and Henry smiles back at him, placing his hands on Barry's shoulders, "You always did look good in red" Henry says hugging his son. Katrina then takes her mask off as well, and Henry looks over at her, "You've been keeping my boy safe right" he says to her.
"Yes, I have Mr Allen" she says smiling at him.
"Please call me Henry" he says and the two of them leave the street.
The next morning they gather at STAR Labs with the team, Joe and Henry, Barry wanting to show his dad what he was doing. "Wow, half of this stuff didn't even exist when I was practicing" Henry says amazed by everything.
"Well I'd be happy to give you a crash course on all of it if you get out" Cisco says earning a look from Henry, "I'm gonna shut up now" he says to him.
Henry laughs, "That's okay" he says patting Cisco on the shoulder.
"Dr. Allen" Caitlin says as she walks toward him.
"Yes" he says to her.
"I'm feeling the need to give you a hug" Caitlin says to him.
"Absolutely, I will always accept a hug" she says to him as they hug. Katrina stands beside Barry who is looking at their suits as Henry comes over and joins them.
"You gotta tell me, what does it feel like when you two are running down the street like a bat out of hell?" he asks them.
Barry looks over at Wells, before looking back at his dad, "There's no feeling like it" he tells Henry.
"I agree with Barry" Katrina says as she places her hand in Barry's.
"I bet" Henry says to the two of them" Actually," he then says turning toward the team, "You're all heroes in my book. Especially you, Dr. Wells" Henry says as he walks toward the man, "Thank You for everything that you've done for my son" he syas shaking Wells hand.
"Well, your son is an extraordinary man, Dr. Allen, and Katrina is an extraordinary woman. I will do everything in my power to ensure Barry and Katrina's future" Wells says this and Katrina and Barry share a look and Katrina lightly squeezes Barry's hand. Henry then turns back toward his son, and Katrina let's Barry hand go as she watches father and son hug good bye.
Once they break apart, Henry turns toward Joe, "It's time, Joe" he says hold his hands out to be cuffed.
"No" Joe says to him.
"No?" Henry asks.
"No" Joe shakes his head as he just places a hand on Henry's arm.
"Okay" Henry says as the two of them leave the Lab.
Katrina and Barry watch them go, as Caitlin comes over and hugs Barry, "Felt like you needed a hug too" she says, "hope you don't mind" she then says looking at Katrina.
"Not at all" Katrina says to Caitlin as Caitlin walks away from them.
"Your father's an extraordinary man, you're lucky to have him" Wells says to Barry.
"I'm lucky to have you too, we both are" Barry says as he holds his hand out for Wells to shake. They do so, and Barry and Katrina then turn away leaving the Lab, Barry's face changing from smiling to mad, wanting so badly to say something about Wells being a liar.
Later that night Katrina and Barry talked to Joe, about Iris, and how she wanted them to look into Mason Bridge's disappearance, but they both had a feeling it was Wells who had a part in it. They were worried that she was going to get mixed up in something that would lead her to danger, so they all agreed to bring someone in on their secret, someone who they could trust, and could try and keep Iris safe. Katrina and Barry arrive at their lab at CCPD in their Flash and Bolt suits to see Eddie sitting in one of the chairs. He spins around to look at the two of them, "Detective" they both say, before the two of them take off their masks revealing their true identities to Eddie. Eddie stands up looking at the two of them in shock, unsure how to understand this.
"Eddie, we need your help" Joe tells him.
Katrina, Barry and Joe head to the West household, where they walk inside to see Eddie talking to Iris, giving her the made-up excuse, they created to keep her from not looking into Mason anymore.
"Hey, Baby, everything good?" Joe asks looking at Iris.
"Yeah, yeah, of course, um...dinner will be ready in a jiff, okay?" Iris says as she gets up from the couch, and walks away.
The three of them watch her leave the room, before Joe looks at Eddie, "She buy it?" he asks him.
"I think so" Eddie tells him.
"Keeping her in the dark, it's for her safety" Joe tells him.
"That is debatable and we will have that debate" Eddie says and they all look at him, "but for now, what's our next move? How do we figure out what Wells is up to?" Eddie asks them.
"When Wells was talking us through phasing so we could get the Trickster's bomb off our wrist the way that he described us being the Flash and Bolt, running, feeling the wind... and the's like he was talking from experience" Barry says to them.
"What are you saying?" Joe asks him.
"What Barry is saying, and we don't know how exactly, but he's the man in yellow. Harrison Wells is the Reverse-Flash" Katrina tells them. "Now I know that sounds crazy, but I got a friend in Gotham, that I am going to have look into everything that has happened with Wells in the past 15 years, any odd occurrences, and if he comes across a single thing he is going to let me know" Katrina tells them.
"Who do you know in Gotham?" Eddie asks.
Katrina looks at Joe, then at Barry, who nods, "Umm a certain dark knight that has a lot of technology" she tells him.
" know Batman" Eddie says to her, and she just nods.
"What other secrets are you guys keeping from me and from Iris?" Eddie asks.
"Iris cannot know about my time with Batman, Eddie, I'm sorry we are just dropping this all on you, but we needed someone who can keep Iris safe" Katrina tells him.
"I know...I know" Eddie sass.
"Dinner's ready" they then hear Iris say and all four of them look over at her, "Why do I feel like I just walked in on something?" she asks them.
"It's nothing, work stuff, let's eat" Joe says and the four of them head for the dining room.
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