31-Likes To Wear Leather

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Katrina arrives at the address Barry had sent her, to see him helping Caitlin who had just finished getting sick from what Katrina could see.
"Someone had a little too much" Katrina remarks getting Caitlin and Barry's attention.
"Oh..Barry..look its Kat...Kat our speedy little friend who apparently likes to wear leather" Caitlin drunkly says.

"I didn't have time to change, Let's get her home" Katrina says as they both take Caitlin and race her back home to her apartment.
"Are we still running?" Caitlin asks.

"No, we are back at your home" Katrina tells her.
"Ugh, vodka and superspeed, not a good combination" Caitlin says as they take her to her bedroom.
Both Katrina and Barry let out a light laugh, "Come on lightweight" Katrina says as they get her to the room, and Barry turns on the light.

"So are you gonna call that girl?" Caitlin asks Barry and Katrina gives him a look.
"What girl?" Katrina then asks as they watch Caitlin struggle to get undress.
"The one who gave Barry her number" Caitlin says to her.
"I'm not gonna call her" Barry says to her.
"Obviously, cause then you would ruin what you have with Kat, cause she's your special one" Caitlin says as she starts to unzip her dress and Barry quickly looks away. "Kat and you are so special, I wish I had someone special, someone who can save me" Caitlin continues getting herself stuck in her dress, "A little help please" she then asks looking at Katrina.

"Yeah, okay" Katrina then speeds off grabbing pjs for Caitlin and using her superspeed to change Caitlin.
"There you two go again, saving me from that evil dress" Caitlin says.
"Get in bed" Barry tells her, as they both help her to her bed.

"Did you sneak a peek at my goods?" Caitlin then asks Barry.
"He wouldn't be a very good hero if he did" Katrina says helping Caitlin get settled into her bed.
"Yeah, but that's okay if you peeked a little. You deserve a peek for all the good stuff you do" Caitlin says and Barry and Katrina give her a light smile.
"Make sure you drink lots of water" Katrina tells her.
"Thank you for tonight" Caitlin says to Barry, "I sang" she then says.
"Anytime" Barry tells her as he gets up to leave with Katrina.

"Hey, Barry, Kat, will you two stay with me till I fall asleep?" Caitlin then asks.
"Umm, yeah sure" they both agree as they sit at the end of the bed waiting for Caitlin to fall asleep.

After a few minutes they hear Caitlin starting to snore, and the quietly get up from her bed, using their speed the run out of her apartment. Barry and Katrina get outside and stop, looking at one another, they give a light laugh. "How bad was she?" Katrina asks Barry.

"Oh God, I wish you had come with us, she made me sing" he tells her as they walk down the street.
"I wish I had seen that" she says to him.
"No, you really don't" he smiles at her.
"So about this girl?" Katrina casually asks.

"Yeah, a girl helped me get the bartenders attention, and then might of flirted a little with me and gave me her number" Barry says to her.
"Really, and you didn't feel like telling her you had a girlfriend" she asks him.
"It might have not come up, but I'm obviously not going to call her" he tells her as he reaches out and takes her hand. "How was Gotham?" he asks her.

"Bruce gave me some info that I had been looking for, he's keeping it on his secure files, then I helped Batman with some criminals as you can see" she tells him.

"You cannot tell anyone I let you see me in this" she says to Barry.
"Hopefully Caitlin doesn't remember seeing you in it, but I think you should go back to using that suit" he tells her as he moves closer looking her over in her suit.

"Barthalomew Henry Allen!" she says lightly hitting him.
"I mean, you look..you look wow" he says as he then touches her cape. "Cisco would have a hayday seeing this" Barry then remarks.

"That's why you can't tell him, they know I worked with Batman but that's all he knows" she says as she then races home to change out of the suit. Once she is changed into normal clothes she leaves her room to see that Barry was already in her living room.

"The next time I head to Gotham want to come?"  Katrina asks as she goes to sit down on the couch.
"Seriously?" Barry asks as he joins her.
"Yeah, I mean it, Bruce would love to meet you and I might be able to sweet talk Batman into meeting you too" she says as she moves closer to Barry and he wraps an arm around her.

"I would love to Kat" he says to her.
"I'll make sure the next time I head there I will let you know" she tells him,  "So which movie you want to watch?" she then asks.
"What about Back to the Future?" Barry asks.
"I think we can do that" Katrina says as she speeds over and puts the movie on before rejoining Barry on the couch.

Barry and Katrina decide to head into STAR labs the next day to make sure that Caitlin was okay after last nights fiasco. Katrina made both her and Barry some coffee as they waited for Caitlin to arrive, they were both taking a sip when she shows up looking terrible, with sunglasses on.

"Hey" they both say, startling her.
"So loud" she says to them, "Let's just say I envy your inability to get drunk. I don't remember much of last night" she tells them.
"Yeah, that's probably for the best" Barry tells her, "Summer Lovin" he then sings.

"Oh God that I do remember, and I think I remember you in leather" Caitlin says to Katrina.L
"Umm..nope I wasn't there" she tries to lie to Caitlin.
"Yeah..I swear you showed up in some leather suit" Caitlin says as they enter the cortex to see Dr. Wells giving Cisco a very stern look.

"What's wrong?" Barry asks.
"Cisco has something he needs to tell you" Wells says to them.
"Hartley's gone" Cisco says.
"Did he escape the pipeline?" Katrina asks looking at Wells who shakes his head.
"How is that even possible?" Barry asks.
Cisco looks at the three of them, "I let him out" he confesses. The three of them don't know what to say, "Are you mad? I can't tell with those glasses on" he then says to Caitlin.

"I'd like to yell and wave my arms, but I'm afraid I'd throw up" she says to him.
"Why? What were you thinking? You know how dangerous he is" Barry says anger in his voice.
"Hartley said he know what happened to Ronnie" Cisco tells them.
Caitlin takes her glasses off, "I told you to let it go. I didn't want you looking into that for me" she tells him.

"I wasn't doing it for you, I.." Cisco pauses for a minute, "I sealed Ronnie into the accelerator before it blew. He told me to wait two minutes. And I waited, but he didn't come back. And I can't stop thinking, 10..20 seconds..and Ronnie wouldn't be like he is right now. I've wanted to tell you so many times. I'm so sorry" Cisco says to Caitlin sorrow on his face.

"So you carried that around this whole time?" Caitlin says as she goes around the desk, "Do you know what Ronnie would say if he was here?" she then ask Cisco. "He would say that you did the right thing. It wasn't your fault. What happened that night wasn't anybody's fault" she tells him, "Come on, don't we have a teleporter to catch?" she then smiles at him.

"We do have a teleporter to catch, and fortunately, we do have a promising theory" Wells says to them as he wheels over to the desk. "Take a look at this" he says as he brings up their theory on the computer screen. "Now, this is the normal behavior of the particulate that Shawna left behind.  Watch what happens when we remove light" he says as he types on the computer, and with the light remove the particulates stop moving, "Shawna can only become entangles with something she can see, take away her ablity to do that" Wells says.

"She can't teleport" Cisco says.
"Exactly" Wells says.
"So we just need to get her into a dark space, how do we do that?" Caitlin asks as Barry's phone starts ringing.
"It's a valid question" Wells says as Barry walks away to answer his phone.

"Yeah I'll be right there" they hear Barry say as he hangs up the phone, and looks over at Katrina and the others.
"Barry, what's wrong?" Katrina asks him.
"My dad, he's been stabbed" he tells her.
"Go, we understand"  Wells says to Barry.
"You want me to come along?" Katrina then asks.
"Yeah"  he says and the two of them grab their jackets and leave.

Barry and Katrina meet up with Joe and head into Iron Heights to go check on Henry. The three of them enter the infirmary, to see Henry laying on a bed. Barry pulls a chair over beside his dad, Katrina placing a hand on his shoulder, "Dad, what happened?" he then asks him.

"A rather stern reminder, I'd say, not to poke around Marcus Stockheimer's business" Henry tells him.
"Dad, I told you to stop" Barry says to him.
"Your dad called me with more intel" Joe says to him and Barry looks upset, "It helped us track down Clay and Shawna and arrest Stockheimer" Joe explains.

"I managed to screw up Marcus' big heist too so.." Henry says.
"You two kept working together and didn't tell me?" Barry then asks.
"Well, it isn't his fault, I did it to help you" Henry says looking at Barry.
"You getting stabbed and beaten is not helping me" Barry says to him.
"Look, I don't get to feel useful very much in here" Henry tells him, "So if I can help you for a change, I'm gonna want to be there for you. Just like you've been there for me all these years" he says to Barry.

"Yeah" Barry says reaching out and taking Henry's hand, and Katrina lightly squeezes Barry's shoulder.
"You said Marcus had a big heist coming up?" Joe asks, "Do you know anything else about it?" he asks Henry.
"Dad, tell me who did this to you?" Barry then asks.
"It doesn't matter, slugger" Henry says to him.
"You said you wanted to help me, so help me" Barry asks him.
"One of Marcus' boys, Julius" he tells him.
"Okay" Barry says.
"So did our talk at Christmas help?" Henry then asks Barry.
"Yeah..yeah it did" Barry says looking up at Katrina.

"That's good, you take good care of my slugger" Henry says to her.
"I will, and you stop looking into any more info. Let Joe and us handle this" Katrina says.
"I promise" Henry says and the three of them then leave Iron Heights.

"Don't do it Barry" Katrina says to Barry after Joe heads back to CCPD.
"Don't do what?" he asks her.
"Go after Julius" she says.
"I'm sorry Kat, I have to" he then races off and changes into this Flash suit, Katrina following changing into her Bolt suit as she follows him back to Iron Heights. Katrina waits outside and Barry rushes into Iron Heights and brings Julius outside.

"What the hell?" Julius asks as he looks around confused.
"Evening, Julius" Barry says and he turns around looking at them scared.
"How'd I get out here?" he asks.
"You escaped" Barry tells him.
"When they catch me trying to escape, they're gonna add five years to my sentence" Julius says to them.
"Ten, actually" Barry tells him, "Unless you tell us, where Marcus Stockheimer's next job is gonna be" Barry says and they start to hear the alarms going off at the prison.

"Sounds like the guards are gonna be here soon, I'd start talking" Katrina tells him.
"Okay..okay..it's a TDK money transfer truck coming from the federal reserve bank in St. Louis. Supposed to be millions, deleivery's around 8. That's all I know, I swear" he tells them.

"That's right now" Barry says and the two of them then take off. The catch up to the truck to see a car pulling away, and they know that has to have Clay and Shawna inside it. They race ahead of it, and stop in the tunnel, making the car stop infront of them.

In seconds Shawna appears in front of them, "Why the hell do you two care what we do? Are you two cops or something?" she shouts at them.
"Something" Barry replies, as he goes after her. Each time Barry goes to grab Shawna she disappears, and reappears somewhere else. Katrina tries to help him, but she isn't having any luck. At one point they are both knocked back, as the car Shawna had been in drives at them once Shawna was back inside. Barry and Katrina quickly move out of the way, as they watch the car driving away.

"Barry, Katrina, remember, she cannot teleport if she cannot see. Limit her field of vision" they hear Wells tell them through their comm. Links. 
Katrina looks at Barry, "I might have something that can do just that" she smiles as she races ahead of the car, and tosses one of her very own Red Cardinal symbolized weapon, much like the batarang she had given Barry at Christmas. As she takes care of the lights in the tunnel, Barry goes after the car, smashing the head lights. The two of them finish taking all the lights out, as they run back to the car. Barry opens the passenger door to see Shawna seated there alone, "He left me" she says to the speedsters.

Once back at STAR Labs they place Shawna in the pipeline, as they quickly get changed. They meet back at the pipeline with Cisco and Caitlin to see Shawna trying to teleport, but only being able to move around the room she is locked in.
"Is there a possibility of her being able to teleport out of there?" Katrina asks.
"It's impossible, it's one-way glassed, it's mirrored on the inside" Cisco tells her, "No one dangerous is ever gonna get out of this thing again" he adds looking at Caitlin then at Barry and Katrina.
"Shawna" Barry then says and she looks around, "Clay left you, he's out there, and you're in here" he adds.
"You know what the crazy thing is? I still love him" she tells him.
"Cisco" Barry then says as he walks away, and Cisco presses the button to close the pipeline.

"Crazy is right" Caitlin says as her,  Barry and Katrina walk away.
"Some people are worth being crazy for" Barry says smiling at Katrina.
"I'm sorry if I was a bit of a drunken mess the other night" Caitlin apologizes.

"Actually it was pretty fun" Barry tells her.
"Yeah, it was" Caitlin says.
"I think next time I am going to come with you two..no more letting you get drunk...and no more letting girls give you their numbers" Katrina says nudging Barry in the arm.

"Haha, it was one time" Barry says to her.
"If what Cisco said was true, that Ronnie merged with Martin Stein then he's not alive anymore. Time for me to move on, find someone new to be crazy about, like how you two are crazy about each other" Caitlin smiles at the two of them, and they chuckle.

"All right, well we will see you tomorrow" Barry says to her.
"Yes, sure" she says.
"Bye" the three of them then say as Katrina and Barry leave.

"Hey, you know what I think someone might be able to help us out with Clay" Barry says as they head out of the lab.
"You think Iris can help don't you" she asks him.
"Yeah..might be better to have someone on the outside helping" he says to her.

"Yeah..you want me to help you get her to help out?" she then asks.
"Yeah..better to have both of us there. But we can do that in the morning, we should call it a night for today, I am famished after chasing Shawna around" he says to her.

"Me too, so what should we get tonight, pizza, tacos, Chinese?" Katrina asks him, he smiles at her then takes off. Katrina races after him, but he is still faster than her, and they end up at her place, and he has places bags of food on her kitchen counter.
"All three sounded good" he says as they then gather some food and sit down as she throws on a movie and they start to eat.

The next day Katrina and Barry change into their Flash and Bolt suits and race through Central City looking for Iris, when they find her they rush by getting her attention before heading into the alleyway nearby. Katrina placed their file on Clay Parker and the breakout at Iron Heights on a nearby dumpster, and wait for Iris to come into the alley. It only takes a few moments for her to come into the alley and see the two of them standing there.

"That's for you" Barry says to Iris disguising his voice.
They watch Iris walk over to the file, "We thought you might be able to help us out if you are willing too" Katrina says disguising her voice.

"This is about the breakout at Iron Heights" she says to the speedsters.
"Clay Parker, he's still on the loose, and we need to catch him" Barry tells her.
"Why are you two giving this to me?" she then asks.
"Because you're a good reporter, and the only one we know" Barry says smiling at her as the two heores rush off.

The two of them race off and change back out of their suits, and into their normal clothes, before meeting back at Katrina's. "I think we need to tell Iris, about us" Katrina then says to Barry.
"Uh, yeah I guess" he says to her.
"You guess, you don't think she should know" Katrina asks him.

"No..it's just I don't know how she's gonna take the news" he says to her.
"Barry, Iris has been pushing us to be something for sometime now, I think she will be happy" Katrina says as she grabs her jacket and heads out the door. Barry quickly follows her out, and the two of them head off to see Iris at work. They walk into Central City Picture News, and stay by Iris's desk as she starts to walk over to the two of them.

"Hey, what're you two doing here?" she says as she walks to them.
"Hey" they both say.
"You came to check on me, that is really sweet..but I think everything's gonna be okay" she then says to them.

"I'm glad" Barry says, "but umm..we are here to tell you something before we have lunch" he says to her.
"Okay..." Iris says.
"We wanted to let you know, that Barry and I are a item" Katrina tells her, as Katrina places her hand in Barry's.
"Oh..wow" she says to him.
"You're not too mad that we didn't tell you sooner are you?" Katrina asks.
"No..no..I'm happy for you two" Iris says as she then pulls Katrina in for a hug, and Katrina let's go of Barry's hand.

"Barry" they then hear a woman say, and the girls pull apart to see a dark haired woman coming over to them.
"Hey" Barry smiles at the girl.
"Oh, hey, you're the new stringer, right?" she says to Iris.
"Uh, yeah" Iris says to her.
"Linda Parks, sports" she says shaking her hand with Iris's.

"Iris West" Iris says to her.
"Katrina Ivory" Katrina then says, as she links her arm in Barry's, "I'm guessing you're the girl from the other night at the bar" she then says.
"Yeah...and I'm guessing you are the girlfriend Barry forgot to mention" she then says.
"Yeah..I would be, but don't feel bad, I gave him crap for it when I found out" Katrina then tells her.

"Sorry, if I had

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