30- Beam Me Up

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(Season 1 x 12)

Katrina and Barry where racing around Central City, taking down criminals and helping save those that need to be saved. They come across a car accident, and Barry gets the man out of the car, as Katrina reaches for the woman. "I'm here to help, take my hand" Katrina tells the woman, when they hear shouting, and Katrina looks to see that there is a line of fire coming toward them.  Katrina reaches out and  grabs the woman, getting her out and away  before the car explodes.  The two woman stand there when both Barry and the man see them, and the woman runs up to the man.

"How did..?" the man asks as the couple hug, "I love you" they hear them say to one another, and Barry and Katrina share a smile.
"Thank You, Bolt and Flash" the man says to the two speedsters. They both nod at the couple before taking off heading back to STAR Labs to call it a night.

"Dudes that was insane. I mean, even I'm having a hard time getting mad at the two of you for dirtying up my suits" Cisco says smiling at the two hero's.
"Okay, when are we gonna consider calling the suits mine and Kat's?" Barry says spinning around in the chair and smiling at Cisco.

"I'd be comfortable calling them our suits" Cisco smiles at Barry and Kat.
"Okay, our suit" Barry says.
"Tonight was the fastest you two have ever run" Caitlin comes into the room saying.

"Yes, your training is paying off. That couple is alive because of you two" Wells says to them.
"We can still get faster, we know we can" Barry says to Wells as he stands up from his seat.
"And you two will one day, but for today, I'd say you two fulfilled your saved quota. Proper rest is what you two need, as do we all" Wells says to the two of them.

"Better yet, what we all need is a proper drink, who's up for a round?" Cisco says to them.
"Dude, it's movie night with Joe, I can't, but I'll see you guys tomorrow, all right?" Barry says to him.
"Yeah, I'm going with Barry , rain check Cisco" Katrina says as she grabs her jacket and follows Barry out, calling out night to all of them.

Barry and Kat headed off to the West household, "You know you don't have to come over for movie night" Barry says to her as they walk up the steps.
"Barry I love movie night with you and Joe" she says to him.
"Yeah..but he always picks like action packed movies. I know you don't care for them" he tells her as he unlocks the door, and they step inside.

"So I got Die Hard or The Fugitive" they hear Joe say as they come into the house.
"Joe, how about we let Katrina pick?" Barry says to him.
"Barry, this is you and Joe's thing, so whatever you guys pick I'm good with, I hope you don't mind me being here Joe" Katrina says to him.

"You know I don't mind, I'm glad to see Barry happy for once, and I see you more than I see my own daughter" he smiles at her as they go over and sit down on the couch.

"I will have to talk to Iris then, tell her she needs to come see her dad more" Katrina tells Joe as he puts a movie in.

"She's just busy with Eddie and with her new job" Joe says as he joins the couple.
"I'm sure she will come by and see you Joe" Katrina says, as Barry puts his arm around her.
"Yeah, sure" Joe remarks as he starts the movie, and Katrina prepares to watch another action flick.

The next day Katrina and Barry are called into a crime scene at the prison, a prisoner had escaped the night before and Joe needed them to look over the prisoner's room. At one point Barry discovered something that leads him outside, and Katrina had continued to look around. Barry had just returned when they had heard footsteps and look to see Joe coming in the cell.

"Hey" Barry says to him.
"So the security cameras in half the prison are shut down. Then Clay Parker, according to this data log, who was locked in his cell, somehow vanishes" Joe tells them.
"Not completely" Barry tells him as he shows Joe what he had found.
"What's that?" Joe asks him.
"It's a kind of organic particulate residual. I found it on the floor in here, just outside the cell, out in the hallway. The trail led me all the way outside" Barry tells him, when they see someone being brought in behind Joe.

"Dad" Barry says as they see it is Henry and he goes right up to his Dad, putting his hand in his. The men just smile at one another, before Henry looks over at Joe and nods, and Barry looks over at Katrina who is smiling right back at him.

"So word around here is Parker pulled a Shawshank?" Henry asks Barry.
"Yep, and none of the other prisoners heard or saw anything" Joe tells him.
"Well, they wouldn't talk to you about it" Henry says to Joe.
"Yeah, and it leaves us with not a lot to go on" Katrina tells Henry.
"Well, it there's anyone who could figure out how Parker got out of here, it's you, son, and her" he says smiling at Katrina and at Barry.

"Come on Allen, let's go" a guard says as he reaches out to grab Henry.
"Duty calls" Henry says as he is lead away, and Barry watches him go.

Barry then turns back to look over at Joe, "So my dad just happened to come by?" he asks him.
"The guard owed me a favor" Joe tells him.
"Thank You" Barry says as they then gather the rest of their stuff, and head off the STAR Labs.

Barry hands off what he found to Caitlin who starts to process the residue, "Not even Barry and Kat's cells move this fast. I've never seen anything like it" Caitlin tells them.

"So Clay Parker is a metahuman?" Joe asks her.
"Not so fast" Wells says, "The particulate residue that Barry gathered at Iron Heights does contain Clay Parker's DNA but also DNA of a woman" he adds.

"Cisco, run the woman's DNA against the CCPD criminal database, see if you get a hit" Katrina tells him, and he starts typing right away.

"Yahtzee, her name's Shawna Baez, mostly petty crimes, and this girl likes to party, appatently. A long list of disorderly conducts at local bars" he tells them.
"So, I'm guessing we find her, we find Clay Parker" Joe says, "Barry, Kat" he says to them.

"Yeah" they both say and they start to follow him.
"In the meantime, let's track theses particles and see how they work" they hear Wells say as they leave the cortex.
"I will look into this Shawna girl" Joe tells them as Katrina's phone buzzes.
"Let us know if you find anything, we on the other hand are meeting Iris at Jitters" Katrina says as she sees a text from Iris reminding her to meet up.
"Alright I will call Barry" Joe says and the three of leave STAR Labs, Joe headed back to CCPD and the two speedsters headed off to Jitters.

Barry and Katrina met up with Iris and the three of them order drinks, as they get them Iris can see a big smile on Barry's face.

"What's that smile about?" Iris asks as the three of them take their drinks and go sit down.

"I saw my dad today" Barry tells her, "no glass, no phones, just me and him face-to-face, Joe arranged it" he tells her as they all sit down in their chairs.
"That must have been amazing, Barry" Iris says to him.
"Yeah, I really needed it" Barry tells her as he takes a sip of his drink.
"I'm sure he needed it too" Iris says to him. "Were you two there investigating the breakout?"  she the asks them.
"Yes we were" Katrina says as she takes a sip of her coffee.

"That is a big story which I am not a part of" Iris tells them, "my editor wants me writing about the Flash and Bolt and only the Flash and Bolt" she adds.
"Is that a bad thing?" Barry asks her.
"I don't know, I would like to be thought of as more than the Flash and Bolt PR flack. I mean, if I don't write something soon, I think I might lose my job" she tells them.

"No, you won't, we will help you find a great story to write about, you know we are always here for you" Katrina tells her.
"I know, thanks you guys" Iris says as she takes another sip of her coffee. "Oh..Barry I've been meaning to ask, How is my Dad doing? I've been meaning to stop in and see him, I've just been busy" she asks him.

"Good....things are good living back there again, and Kat stops by some times, so you know she's like a replacement for you" Barry says smiling at the girls.
"Seriously Barry" Iris says laughing as Katrina's phone starts to buzz.
She takes it out and see's that it's Joe and that he needs to see her and Barry down at Iron Heights.

"That would be your dad, he says he needs Barry and I, Henry has some info for us" Katrina tells them.
"Why did he message you?" Barry asks her.
"Probably cause knowing you, you've turned your phone off again" Katrina tells her as she finishes her drink, and Barry takes his phone out and sees that it is turned off.

"See told you so, Iris, good to see you, we'll catch up later" Katrina says as the girls hug bye, and her and Barry leave Jitters.
Barry and Katrina meet up with Joe at Iron Heights and the three of them are in the visiting area, where they see Henry coming in. He sits down and Barry and Henry pick up the phone, "I've been asking around for info" Henry says to Barry.

"What do you mean, you've been asking around?" Barry asks him,.
"Do you know a Marcus Stockheimer?" Henry asks, and Barry and Katrina look at one another before Barry passes the phone to Joe.
"Sure, he's some midlevel gangster, works mainly on the south side" Joe tells them.

"Word is Clay Parker was a runner for Marcus. When Clay got pinched, Marcus lost a lot of money. Apparently Marcus doesn't like losing money" Henry tells them.
"Parker can't leave Central City until his debts paid off then" Katrina says to him.
"From what I'm told, if you're a member of the Stickheimer crew,  and you get out first thing you do is pay them a visit or suffer the consequences" Henry tells them.

Barry then takes the phone back from Joe, "All right, no more playing cop, promise me" Barry says to his dad.
"I hear you" Henry says.
"All right" Barry says and they say their good-byes, as they leave Iron Heights.

"I'll look into Marcus, I find anything I'll call Kat, since someone doesn't like to leave their phone on" Joe remarks to Barry.
"Yeah..I'll turn it back on" Barry smiles as him and Kat part ways with Joe, and head off to STAR Labs to see if Caitlin found anything.

Barry and Katrina walked into the cortex to see Caitlin, who looks over at them, "Mhmm, I was analyzing the particlulates that Clay Parker and Shawna Baez left behind, and I found something very interesting" Caitlin says as she brings up what she found on the computer, "When Clay's cells come into contact with Shawna's, they adopt her properties" she explains and they look at the computer. Katrina and Barry then look at Caitlin who is biting her lip, something clearly on her mind.

"Uhh Caitlin is something bothering you?" Katrina asks.
"Why would you ask that?" Caitlin asks her.
"You're doing that biting-your-lower-lip thing you do when something's bothering you" Barry says to her.

"Ahem, I'm fine" she says as she avoids looking at the two of them.
"Okay, then" Katrina says.
"Cisco, says I don't have a life" she suddenly says to them,.
"You don't, do you?" Barry says to her.
"I do, I cook and I eat, and I read, and I help you two" she says to them.
"What it sounds like to me is you do everything that has nothing to do with having a life" Katrina says to her.
"You don't have to be rude about it" Caitlin smiles at her.

"Hey, we're not doing any better than you, I mean we have our job, and all this, and yeah we have each other but still our social life is running at superhuman speed and Netflix, so yeah" Katrina says to her.
"We are all quite the trio Miss Ivory, Mr Allen" Caitlin says.
"That we are Dr. Snow" Katrina says as the computer then starts beeping.

"There's an armed robbery in progress, two suspects, male and female in their twenties, sounds like our metahuman Bonnie and Clyde are at it again" Caitlin says smiling at the speedsters.
"Time to ruin their social life" Barry smiles at her, and the two speedsters take off changing into their suits before heading to the location.

Barry and Katrina arrive, to see a woman, who they know is Shawna putting bags of money into her car. "Oh, I've read about you two, you're the Flash and Bolt" she syas to them, "I've heard you two are real fast" she then says as she looks away, "Let's see if it's true" she says as she then disappears and reappears behind them.. "Catch me if you can" she says to the two speedsters.
Barry runs at her, easily catching her, "I can" he says as he holds her, when she then steps on his foot, and makes herself disappear and reappear on a set of stairs.

"You've got to be kidding me" Barry says as he then chases after her, and Katrina watches from where she is in case she came back toward her. She sees Barry try and grab her as she pulls a disappearing act again, going up higher. Barry goes after her again, when this time she grabs him as they disappear from where they are and appear again, with Barry holding onto the railing.
"Not too many men can keep up with me" Katrina hears Shawna says to Barry as she then reappears by the car.

Katrina looks up at Barry, then at Shawna, as she goes to stop her, she hears a gunshot, and can sense the bullet coming from behind her. She goes to stop the bullet but it still makes partial contact and knocks Katrina down to the  ground. She lays there as she see's Shawna and Clay disappear. Barry then runs down to her to make sure she's okay, before picking her up and taking her back to STAR Labs.

Katrina changes out of her suit, and has Caitlin check the wound, "This is a bullet wound, you're lucky it just barely broke the skin" Caitlin tells her.
"Guess she's a lot faster than a speeding bullet" Barry says as Caitlin cleans up.
"Shawna Baez, she can teleport" Barry tells Wells who comes into the room.
"As in 'Beam me up , Shawna'?" Caitlin asks.

"Yes, of course, quantum entanglement" Wells says to them, " The ability to manipulate interconnected particles over an infinite distance, or as Einstien put it, 'Spooky action at a distance'" Wells explains.
"Everytime I got close, she'd disappear. It was like we were playing a game of-"

"Peek-A-Boo" Caitlin says inturpting Barry, "Come on, can't I name one?" she says when the others look at her.
"I think you did good" Katrina says to her.
"How are we suppose to catch her, if we don't know where she's gonna be?" Barry then asks Wells.
"Everybody has limits, Mr. Allen. Now that we know Shawna's powers we'll focus on those limits" Wells tells him.
"All right, let us know then, we gotta change, we're suppose to go help Iris" Katrina says as her and Barry walk away,.

Once they are changed, they race off to CCPD, finding Iris and Eddie leaving, "Hey Barry, Katrina" Eddie says seeing them.
"Hey Eddie" Barry says to him.
"Eddie" Katrina also says.
"Hey, what are you two doing here?" Iris then asks them.
"We thought we'd see if you needed help with writing your story for your paper" Katrina tells her.

"That is so sweet, I would love to, but we're going to dinner with Eddie's mom tonight" Iris says to them.
"And we're late" Eddie says.
"Can we do it another time?" Iris asks them.
"Yeah, it's all good, you two have a good night" Katrina says, and they all say bye.
"So what now?" Barry asks her.
"We find our criminals" Katrina says as she takes out her phone and calls Caitlin.

"Hey" she hears Caitlin answer.
"Hey, so what bars did Clay and Shawna hang out at?" Katrina asks.
"Uh, mostly south-side bars, why?" Caitlin asks.
"I was thinking Barry and I could check them out, see if they show up you know go into old habits" Katrina tells her.
"It's a good idea, I'll join you two" Caitlin says as she then hangs up the phone.

"Well looks like we are gonna have company" Katrina tells Barry as they walk down the street. Just then Katrina's phone vibrates and she takes it out to see a text from Bruce wanting to see her right away. "Looks like you and Caitlin are on your own, Bruce wants to see me if that's okay with you" she says to Barry.
"Uh..yeah that's fine..when Bruce Wayne needs to see you, you better go" Barry says to her.
"Okay, Have fun and let me know if you find our bad guys" Katrina says as she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before taking off for Gotham.

Katrina arrives at the Batcave, this time Bruce had his files locked down, so when she arrived they didn't' go flying. "Hey, what's so urgent?" she asks leaning against the desk.
"Your DNA sample you gave me, I might have got something" he tells her.
"I really hope you do Bruce, this man in yellow has been a real hassle especially for Barry" she tells him.

"Well I ran the DNA excessively, and even ran it through all systems to see of any if possible match to any strain of the DNA, and I might have found something" he tells her as he types away on the computer. Katrina watches as he brings up what he found and Katrina is taken aback by the 0.01% match to someone that she never even imagined.

"Are you sure?" Katrina asks Bruce.
"I ran it more than once Katrina, it's who it's coming back as a small percentage match.
"Damn" she says to him.
"What do you want to do with this info?" Bruce than asks her.
"Keep it on your secure database for now, only you and I are going to know about this" she says to him.

"I can do that for you" he says to her. Just then the signal starts to go off for Bruce, "Want to join?" he turns and asks Katrina.
"You sure?" she asks him.
"Yeah, which suit do you want to wear?" he asks her. Katrina disappears and within seconds she comes back in a suit she hasn't worn in years.

"You might have to wait for a few minutes while I get changed, I'm not as fast as you" he says as he then heads over to where Bruce keeps the Batman suits. As Bruce gets changed, Katrina heads to the weapons cabinet, and gets one of her old belts that he still had out. She puts it on, and sees that she has some of her weapons still in the belt.

"Ready, looks like some of Penguin's lackey's are at the docks" he informs her as they head to the Batmobile.
"Normal goons, a nice change for once for me" she says as they get in the vehicle, "Barry's going to be so jealous when I tell him" she says as Bruce takes off for the docks.

Katrina and Bruce arrive within minutes to see Penguin minions, trashing the docks. They both get out of the Batmobile, and Katrina takes off ahead of Bruce, knocking most of the

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