Katrina laid in her bed tossing and turning, a mixture of strange dreams plaguing her, of the man in yellow chasing her. Quickly sitting up in her bed, her body shaking she decides to get up and get herself a drink of water, hoping to clear her head. Grabbing her robe, she gets out of her bed, wraps it around her body and leaves her room heading for the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake Barry. She heads to the kitchen, getting out a glass and filling it with water, she hears the shuffling of feet and sees Barry entering the kitchen, in just his sweatpants and no shirt. Katrina feels her face flush as she quickly looks down, "couldn't sleep" Barry asks her.
"Yeah, thought a glass of water would help" she says.
"Yeah I can't either" he says as he comes closer to her, to get himself a drink as well.
"Want me to put a movie on and just hang out on the couch, maybe it will put us to sleep, it's done it before" she suggests.
"Yeah, umm do you want me to put a shirt on though?" he asks her.
"Uhh, that's up to umm you" she says as she finishes her water and heads to the living room. Katrina goes over to her shelf to find a movie to throw on, and picks one out. Once she puts the movie on, she sits down on the couch and waits for Barry to join her, seeing that he did decide to throw a shirt on.
"The Wizard Of Oz" Barry says to her seeing it start on the tv.
"Yeah, it's a classic" she smiles as he sits down beside her.
"I can agree with that" he says as the two of them move closer to one another, hoping to fall back asleep.
Katrina woke up feeling an arm wrapped around her, and a body laying behind hers. Opening her eyes she sees that she is back in her own bed, rolling over she sees Barry beside her. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles at her, "Morning, you feel asleep right after Dorothy went to Oz, so I brought you here, and I crashed right after, I hope you don't mind" he says to her.
"No, umm, not all" she says her face flushing, "I just hope this doesn't become a habit" she quickly says.
"I don't mind" he smiles back at he, as he then reaches out and brushes a strand of hair on her face.
"Umm Barry, we should probably get ready, talk to Joe and Dr Wells, we can swing by Jitters for breakfast" Katrina says as she moves away.
"Yeah, yeah we should" he says as he then gets up from the bed.
"I'll meet you in a few seconds" she says to him.
"Oh, you think you can change faster" he smiles back .
"Yes I do" she smiles back, and he then takes off. Both speedsters get changed, within seconds, and both appear in Katrina's living room at the same time.
"Damn, it's a tie" Barry says to her.
"Race you to Jitters" she smiles at him, as she grabs her bag and takes off for Jitters.
Katrina gets there first before Barry, and grabs them coffee, when Barry meets with her, smiling as she passes him the drink. "Hey you two" they then hear Iris say and they share a look like they have been caught doing something wrong.
"Iris, uh hey" Katrina says to her.
"Hey, I stopped by last night, and you weren't home Barry?" Iris says to him.
"Umm yeah I was at Kat's last night, and we umm we feel asleep watching movies" Barry tells her.
"Oh really" she says smiling at the two of them.
"Just friends Iris, anyway, we need to go remember Barry there's that thing we need to go do that is very important" Katrina says.
"Yes right that important thing" Barry says to her, "See you later Iris" he says as they then leave Jitters and head for STAR Labs.
Katrina and Barry stood in the cortex looking at Joe and Wells, telling them all about the man in yellow that had come after them the night before, "He acted like he knew us, like we'd done this before" Barry tells them.
"He was antagonizing you Bar" Joe says to him.
"I would get close, and he's pull away. This was just some sick game to him" Barry says frustration in his voice.
"You'll catch him, we'll help" Wells tells Barry.
"No, you don't get it, all right? His speed, it's beyond me, beyond Kat. I'm not the fastest man alive, he is. So how do we catch somebody that even I, I mean we can't keep up with" Barry asks him.
"The beautiful thing about force fields Mr.Allen is they're impervious to speed. Now we're almost finished fabricating the trap, and all that remains is for Detective West to procure the bait" Wells says to Joe.
"I'm on it" Joe says as he starts to walk away and Barry starts to follow.
"Barry, why don't you stay here" Joe tells him.
"No, Joe, today is not the day to tell me to stay behind" Barry says as he leaves the cortex, and Joe and Dr Wells share a look.
"Miss Ivory, I suggest you keep a close eye on Mr Allen, it seems this man in yellow has gotten him riled up" Wells says to her.
"I will Dr Wells" Katrina replies when she hears a beeping in her bag, and opens it up to see the pin that Bruce had given her flashing. "I uhh. I've got to go, but I will be back once they get the device" she says to Wells as she then takes off for Gotham.
Katrina races into the Batcave, causing the papers on Bruce's desk to fly, "Sorry" she apologizes as she gathers the papers and puts them back, "you got a hit on the fabric" she asks Bruce.
"There was traces of DNA, and I ran it through every possible system" he tells her.
"Did you find out who it is?" she then asks him.
"I'm sorry Kat, there was no match" he tells her.
"Really, with all the technology you have access too, there was no match anywhere?" she asks him.
"Not a single one, which I find odd, I'll keep running it and see what I can find" he tells her.
"Thanks Bruce, I really want to find this guy, to help Barry find out who killed his mother" Katrina says to him.
"I will try my best Kat, I can tell Mr Allen means a lot to you" he says to her.
"Yeah he really does Bruce" she smiles at him.
"Just be careful" he tells her.
"I know" she replies, as her phone then vibrates, and she sees it's Barry, letting her know that they are getting the device they need. "I better get back to Central City, I will keep in touch" she says to him.
"If I do get any hits, I will let you know" he tells her.
"Thanks again Bruce" she says as she hugs him bye and takes off back toward Central City.
Katrina arrives just as Cisco tells Barry that the device in place.
"Do you think it will work?" Barry asks Cisco.
"It will work" he answers before walking away.
"So how d we advertise to him that the prototype's here?" Barry asks Wells and Joe.
"We'll take care of that" Wells tells him.
Barry looks at Joe, then at Wells who both have looks of concern on their faces, "What's the problem?" he asks Joe.
"Look, Barry, me and Dr.Wells have spoken, and we think it would be best if you weren't here for this" Joe tells him.
"What are you talking about?" Barry asks.
"You're too close to this" Joe tells him.
"Maybe you're not close enough" Barry says angry, "If you hadn't been too scared and warned me that he was here weeks ago I could have been prepared for this" he adds anger in his voice.
"I think we can all appreciate Joes' concern for Iris, Barry" Wells says to him.
"That's why I have to be here, I'm the best chance at catching this guy" Barry says still angry.
"Not right now, not in this state" Joe says to him.
"This man stabbed my mother through the heart and sent my father to prison for it. This is my fight" Barry protest.
"Not today, son" Joe says.
Barry lets out a sigh, before looking at Kat, "You agree with them, don't you" he says to her.
"Barry your too emotional attached" she tells him.
He then gives her a look of disappointment before grabbing his jacket and taking off.
"You did the right thing Joe" Katrina says to him.
"I know" he says to her.
"Miss Ivory, I believe, you should also go, if this man in yellow, is after Barry he may just be after you as well" Wells says to her.
"I can do that, I will be at the lab if you need me" she says as she takes off leaving the lab.
Katrina sat at her desk in her lab at CCPD, working on some old case files, when she hears footsteps and looks up to see Barry coming in. He looks at her, and she can tell he has something on his mind, "I'm sorry about earlier Barry, if it helps I got benched too" she says as he walks over to her.
"I get it, Joe was right this has been too personal for me, and it's been making me focus more on saving my dad then on other things" he says this to her and he takes her hand in his and pulls her up from her chair.
"Barry what's going on?" she asks him confused, as he then take her other hand in his.
"I always thought it was Iris, the girl I had a crush on since I was kid, but I've been wrong. Katrina, it's you...it's always been you. The day we met in college, part of me felt something, but once again I pushed those feelings aside knowing that whatever could have been might not have been possible back then. But now, Katrina I know that it's you that I am falling for" he says this to her, and she just looks at him in surprise, not knowing what to say next. "I know this is a big thing to just drop on you especially today, and I get it if you don't feel the same way, if you are still in love with your ex. I'm sorry to just..." before Barry can continue to say a word, Katrina pulls him closer and kisses him.
They pull apart from one another, "I'm falling for you too Barry" Katrina says to her.
"That went a lot better then I imagined it would, I mean you were Red Cardinal and dated Robin, and I am no Robin" he says to her.
"Barry, who I dated in the past doesn't matter, you are who I care for now, and I have since I moved here. The only thing is Barry with what is going on I don't know if we should be anything more" Katrina says knowing those words hurt.
"Yeah...yeah I get it, but we can try" he says.
"Yeah I think we could, I don't want to make anything official though with the others, till we are done dealing with the man in yellow" she tells him.
"I can agree with that" he smiles at her.
"So what made you want to suddenly tell me all this?" Katrina asked Barry.
"I went and saw my dad, he could tell when he first met you, and the way I always talked about you. He told me I needed to put this all aside and open up to you" Barry says to her.
"Your father is a very smart man" she says to him.
Just before Barry can say anything more, his phone starts to vibrate, he takes it out and looks at it, "Its Caitlin, S.O.S" he tells her. They both then race off for STAR Labs, changing into their suits, they arrive to see the man in yellow, about to hurt Joe. The two of them rush to him, and take him out of the lab, where he easily over powers the two of them. The man in yellow tosses Katrina into a nearby car, as he tosses Barry in the opposite direction. Katrina slowly gets back up, as she watches the man attack Barry over and over, just like the day before, "Barry!" she shouts, as she gets up to help him, when the man turns his attention to her, he attacks her, knocking her down to the ground as he grabs Barry once more, pulling his mask back to reveal Barry's face, he starts punching him over and over, as he falls down beside her. Just before he can deliver one more blow, fire erupts above them knocking the man in tallow away from the two speedsters. Barry and Katrina look over to see a man on fire, and are surprised, as they then look back at the man in yellow.
"Our race is not yet done, see you soon Flash and Bolt" he says to them, before zooming away. Cisco and Caitlin run over toward them, Cisco going to help Barry and Katrina and Caitlin going to the man that was on fire.
"Don't look for me again" they hear him say as he takes off.
After Barry and Katrina get cleaned up, and changed, they decide to head back to CCPD, get their minds off what happened. They walk by Eddie and Joe, giving Joe a weak smile as they make their way up to their lab. "Hey, we will get another try, I know we will" Katrina says as Barry sits down in his chair, and she leans against the desk beside him.
"I know" he says taking her hand in his, and pulling her onto his lap.
"Barry, I need to tell you something" she says to him.
"Uh..okay?" he says to her.
"When the man came to see me, I managed to get a piece of his suit, I took it to a friend, to analyze" she tells him.
"Did he get any results?" he asks her.
"No, but he is gonna keep trying" she tells him.
"I hope he has better luck then we do" he sighs, as he then picks up the snow globe sitting on his desk.
He smiles at it, as they hear footsteps and see Joe walking in, "Hey Barry, Kat" he says to them,
"You know my mom travelled the world twice. She spent a semester abroad in Spain, she loved it so much that after she graduated she went to Europe. Didn't stop till she'd been to a few dozen other cities" he says as he puts the globe back down, "She always wanted to go back, but she never got a chance" he says and Katrina just hugs him.
Joe grabs a stool, and places it in front of the two of them, "I offered to send you abroad when you were in college" he says to Barry.
"Yeah, I know, but I couldn't take off. I mean the truth is I'm stuck here in Central City. Fear has kept me in that living room for 14 years." He says as he sighs, "Joe, I was mad at you for being scared, but, I mean, the truth is, I was the one that was scared. I've been afraid of the man in yellow for my whole life. That's why I lost" he tells Joe.
"When you first moved in with us, I thought it was gonna be too much. I'm already a single dad, finances were touch, and you were a little boy who just lost his mother" he says, and he then starts to chuckle, "But man, was I wrong. Suddenly the house was filled with this..light..this energy. I mean, you brightened up everything. You'd seen more darkness than any man will in a lifetime and you never let it dim your soul. So there I was thinking that I'm changing your life by taking you in, but the truth is you changed mine" Joe says tears in his eyes, "So don't lose that light now, Bar. The world may need the Flash, but I need my Barry Allen" Joe says, and the three of them are all emotional about Joe's speech.
"Okay, you need to hug now" Katrina says as she gets up from Barry's lap.
The two of them hug, "Let's go home" Joe says to Barry.
"Yeah" Barry then says to him.
"Katrina you can come too" Joe says to her.
"Thanks Joe" she says as they then grab their jackets and leave, taking Barry's hand as they do.
Joe, Barry, and Katrina arrive at the West household, entering to see Caitlin, Cisco, Iris and Eddie in the living room, "Hey" Joe says when they enter.
"Hey!" Cisco says.
"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Barry asks as he takes his jacket off, then helps Katrina with hers.
"I invited them" Joe say, "Where's Dr Wells?" he then asks as they go to join them.
"Uh, he wasn't feeling up to a social gathering but her appreciated the invitation" Caitlin tells them, "Eggnog?" she then asks.
"Yes" Joe answers her as they leave. Barry and Katrina then go over to join the others.
"Merry Christmas, Barry, Kat" Eddie says to them.
"You too, Eddie" Barry says to him.
"Merry Christmas Eddie" Katrina says to him.
"Hey, I..I just wanted to say..I heard you're moving in together...and I'm really happy for you" Barry says as he sits on the edge of the couch infront of Eddie and Iris, Katrina sits down beside him, and gently places a hand on his arm.
"Thanks" Iris says to him.
"Merry Christmas" Barry says to her as he then gets back up and walks away.
Katrina then gets up and follows him, "You know with everything that happened, I still didn't get you anything" Barry says to Katrina.
"Barry, just being here with you after telling each other how we feel is a good enough present for me" Katrina smiles at him.
"I still think I should get you something , wait right here" he smiles at her before zooming away. Within seconds he is back before anyone would even notice, and hands her a small black box, "Go ahead open it" he smiles. Katrina slowly opens the box, to see a necklace, with a cardinal and a lightning bolt on it.
"Barry, this is gorgeous" she says to him.
"I got the cardinal to represent when you were the Red Cardinal and the lightning bolt to represent us" he explains.
"Here help me put it on" she says to him as she takes it out and passes it to him. Barry takes it from her, and she moves her hair out of the way for him to place it around her neck and put it on. She feels the cool chain of the necklace touch her skin as he finishes clipping it together, Katrina lets her hair back down and turns around to look at Barry.
"It's perfect" he smiles at her.
"Thank you Barry" she says giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Dad, it's time" they then hear Iris call out, and they go back over to join the others to watch Joe put the Angel on top of the tree.
"Okay, let's see" Joe says as he takes the Angel, and places it on the top and as it lights up everyone starts to laugh.
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