75 || Massage

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Hawks' P.O.V.

Puppet pulled out of the hug and walked around me and she sat down on her bed. She gestured next to her, "Come sit down."

I accepted her request and walked over, sitting down beside her.

She moved behind me and I felt her hands lightly touch my wings. I stiffened at the touch. She was rather gentle and my wings gradually relaxed, drooping down into the sensation.

"Your feathers are soft." She commented.

I closed my eyes and melted into her touch as she started to preen my feathers, combing through them with her fingers. My wings frilled up, a chill going down my spine.

"I didn't know your wings were so sensitive~" She purred. Her mood had seemed to lighten up a bit.

"I'm just not that used to them being touched." I admitted.

That just seemed to encourage her as she continued to run her fingers through my wings.

"Do your wings just directly fuze into your back?" She asked me.

"Yeah." I answered, "Ya'know what, gimme a sec." She pulled her hands back and I leaned forward, sliding off my coat.

I felt her place her hands at the base of my wings, I tensed at the feeling again. Her hands ran along the edges of my wings, not doing much besides gently smoothing them out. The feeling was still slightly alarming, even though I knew she had no reason or intention to harm me. Still, my heart was beating a bit harder and faster in my chest.

"It cute how sensitive your wings are to touch." She said. Yeah, they were really sensitive on the rare occasion of when other people touched them.

Puppets P.O.V.

"Okay, enough playing with my wings. It's my turn now." Hawks stated. He swiftly reached his hands over his shoulder and grabbed my forearm. He pulled me over his shoulder and I landed in his lap.

He helped me sit up on his lap.

"You're too tense." He stated.

He placed his hands on my shoulders and started to slowly massage them.

I relaxed into his touch and leaned back, letting him take full control.

"I'm gonna take off your necklace." He told me.

"Sure, just put it somewhere safe and where I can find it again."

He unclasped the chain of the necklace and took it off me. He entrusted it to one of his feathers and flew it over to the doorknob, putting it around it. I surely would find it again there.

He placed his hands back on my shoulders, "Tell me if I use too much pressure." He requested.


He hooked his hands around my shoulders and pressed his thumbs into my shoulder blades.

He massaged my shoulders for a minute or so. The air had been silent, there hadn't been any words between us. But Hawks did end up starting a conversation.

"I know I'm gonna regret asking this but uh... why are you so good at giving yourself stitches?" He asked me.

"I learned to sew back in America. I just took what I learned on fabric and transferred it onto my own flesh."

It was true, when I was in the orphanage they had taught me to sew, now using my strings it was basically second nature.

I felt myself starting to get more and more tired, my eyelids becoming heavy. Hawks was succeeding in making me feel extremely comfortable and relaxed.

"That's enough, if you don't stop I'm going to fall asleep." I said attempting to nudge his hands away.

He didn't stop, instead he pulled me a bit closer and started massaging my arms. "Then fall asleep, I've got you."

I yawned, just giving in. I really didn't feel like arguing with him since it actually did feel really good. I leaned back into his chest, getting more comfortable.

"Ya'know, you're cute when you're half asleep like this..." He cooed.

"Mhm.." I hummed groggily.

Hawks' P.O.V.

I felt tension in Puppet melt away after a few more minutes.

"Hey, you still awake?" I asked quietly.

I waited for a few moments, she didn't respond.

'Guess not.'

I slowly moved her position and picked her up with one of my arms behind her back and the other beneath her legs.

I turned around and gently laid her down on her bed, resting her head on the pillow. Before I moved the covers over her, I unzipped her boots and took them off. I was careful as I took off her right boot because I knew that's where she kept her dagger. I placed her boots at the foot of her bed, noticing that there was a white porcelain vase against one of the feet holding the bed up. She had taken off her throwing knife dispensers earlier, so I didn't worry about those. I didn't know if she slept with her mask, but out of respect I left it on.

I moved the covers over her, smoothing them out before taking my hands away.

Some of her hair was in her face so I moved it, tucking it behind her ear. When she wasn't killing people she was actually looked really peaceful and calm. I was lucky enough to be able to see this side of her, when I first met her I didn't think I would ever get to see it.

I picked up my coat and put it back on.

I walked over to the door and quietly opened it, Puppets necklace dangling from the doorknob. I silently slinked out, closing the door behind me with a quiet click.

❗️A/N: The next chapter has a face reveal for a character. If you're not caught up in the manga I suggest you get up to date. But if you don't mind a spoiler then be my guest and advance to the next chapter.

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